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    May 01, 2023 - communication exercise described in the 2-day training section (Slide 3) is a useful, active way to teach
    March 01, 2013 - If no,CALLER: Is there a better time that I can call you back? A. … If yes, confirm the patient's knowledge of the discharge diagnosis using the "teach-back" method. … Then conduct teach-back to confirm the patient understood. … I'll call you back whe I've been able to set up the appointment. … If you have to follow up with patient on anything, remind him or her that you will be calling back.
    March 01, 2013 - If no,CALLER: Is there a better time that I can call you back? A. … If yes, confirm the patient's knowledge of the discharge diagnosis using the "teach-back" method. … Then conduct teach-back to confirm the patient understood. … I'll call you back whe I've been able to set up the appointment. … If you have to follow up with patient on anything, remind him or her that you will be calling back.
    March 01, 2013 - If no,CALLER: Is there a better time that I can call you back? A. … If yes, confirm the patient's knowledge of the discharge diagnosis using the "teach-back" method. … Then conduct teach-back to confirm the patient understood. … I'll call you back whe I've been able to set up the appointment. … If you have to follow up with patient on anything, remind him or her that you will be calling back.
    March 01, 2013 - each component of the RED (except the postdischarge followup phone call), including how to create and teach … Create the AHCP, an easy-to-understand discharge plan, and teach it in a way that enables patients to … Teach a written discharge plan the patient can understand. … Continue instruction until patients correctly teach-back the plan. … There are also examples and tips on how to retrieve, document, and teach the RED components.
    March 01, 2013 - each component of the RED (except the postdischarge followup phone call), including how to create and teach … Create the AHCP, an easy-to-understand discharge plan, and teach it in a way that enables patients to … Teach a written discharge plan the patient can understand. … Continue instruction until patients correctly teach-back the plan. … There are also examples and tips on how to retrieve, document, and teach the RED components.
    September 01, 2020 - Use teach-back to make sure you presented information in a way your patient understands. … Interact frequently with your patient and use teach-back.
    December 01, 2017 - – Using plain language, motivational interviewing, and teach-back to ensure understanding and confidence
    October 01, 2014 - For example, say a physician wants to incorporate the "teach-back method," an evidence-based health literacy
    August 01, 2018 - Interventions included the teach-back method, a method that checks patients’ understanding of the information
    December 01, 2017 - explain the diagnosis, condition, and next steps in the patient’s care to the patient and family and use teachback.
    September 02, 2016 - · Use clinical pharmacists to enhance medication optimization, education, reconciliation · Use “teach-back
    April 01, 2015 - These included planning for discharge from the day of admission, teach-back, making follow-up appointments
    September 01, 2020 - We'll talk more about teach-back later in this course. … We also use teach-back to ensure that patients have understood the information that has been presented … The new forms use simpler language, encourage discussion, and promote teach-back by leaving space for … For example, after a patient has viewed a decision aid, the clinician can use teach-back to make sure … This flows into a teach-back exercise in which the clinician encourages questions.
    August 01, 2015 - At Aurora, this has helped improve safety strategies, communication techniques, and teach-back with patients
    October 01, 2014 - Lessons to Bring Back to Your Hospitals Slide 6. Final Thoughts Slide 7. … Lessons to Bring Back to Your Hospitals Collaborative, multidisciplinary team approach is key … Final Thoughts We teach this process to new graduate nurses during their orientation so they start
    March 01, 2013 - Confirm understanding through teach-back of what medicines are for, why it is important to take them, … Teach a written discharge plan the patient can understand. Obtain interpreter services, if needed. … Use materials and teaching methods (such as the teach-back method) that are appropriate for all levels … When this occurs, try the teach-back method to assess understanding and shared meaning.   … Use the teach-back method to assess comprehension of discharge instructions, as described in Tool 3,
    March 01, 2013 - Confirm understanding through teach-back of what medicines are for, why it is important to take them, … Teach a written discharge plan the patient can understand. Obtain interpreter services, if needed. … Use materials and teaching methods (such as the teach-back method) that are appropriate for all levels … When this occurs, try the teach-back method to assess understanding and shared meaning.   … Use the teach-back method to assess comprehension of discharge instructions, as described in Tool 3,
    April 01, 2014 - the Wong-Baker FACES pain scale rating to help patients communicate their level of pain. › Use the teach-back … Refer to Using the Teach-Back Technique: A Reference Guide for Health Care Providers (Tool 6).
    April 01, 2018 - Family allowed back into PACU? Rare for family to come back to PACU.  … Not let someone go back if visibly sick. … Call family back to PACU and go over discharge. … Teach them how to empty/drain catheters etc. Teach them to give injections. … Patient always calls surgeon back.  Surgeon sees patient a week later.  

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