April 01, 2017 - Mark Chassin: Back when I was on the hospital side struggling with quality and safety problems, it
always … If you go back to the roots of The Joint Commission 100 years
ago, the goal has always been to improve … And it
goes back to the aphorism that I learned a long time ago from a very wise CIO who said, "Computers … instances of providing no-benefit health care services, like antibiotics for cold
or imaging for simple back
April 24, 2024 - discharge, and many of these are
preventable.16 Case 2 is representative of a preventable hospital “bounce-back … inexpensive processes exist that may identify patients who were discharged
prematurely and redirect them back … explain the diagnosis, condition, and next steps in the patient’s
care to the patient and family and use teach … back.
July 10, 2024 - We were trying to change systems back in the 1990s without labeling it as such. … That's where I got my start at CMS, back in the early 2000s. … that the providers that we're working with in quality improvement bring their data to the table and teach … were involved in making this work happen and facilitated it, that it provides an information stream back
February 26, 2025 - If that is not part of this organization, we could put that RCA back on the
shelf and not look at it … Jessica Behrhorst: When we teach RCA 2, we stress that it is a toolkit, not just one tool. … I often think back to my early career. … Several years back, RCA2
got approval from The Joint Commission.
August 01, 2009 - Lumry Family Assistant Professor of Business Administration Harvard Business School
Back … But of course to deliver on the value of all those discoveries, the pieces have to come back together … That comes back to the basic premise of the research I've been doing over many years, which is that some … You can swing it back into the health care setting.
August 01, 2009 - But of course to deliver on the value of all those discoveries, the pieces have to come back together … That comes back to the basic premise of the research I've been doing over many years, which is that some … You can swing it back into the health care setting. … Lumry Family Assistant Professor of Business Administration Harvard Business School
April 27, 2022 - This multi-center study found that a transitional pharmacy care program (including teach-back, pharmacy
September 28, 2022 - As an educator, I've developed a new curriculum, Community-Oriented Quality Improvement, to teach medical … worker was able to go to grandma's house, get the meds, bring them to the patient, and get the patient back … Some states are going back to the requirement that telemedicine is done with video, and this will result … The community health workers can teach them how to do that, collect the information on their vitals if … As far back as the Heckler Report, 30 data has indicated that preventable, manageable health conditions
January 01, 2017 - PO : I have to go back in my career a little bit. … I have a long-standing engagement with health and medical care going back to the 1960s. … PO : When I was at Alcoa, I created the Alcoa University and offered to teach people in the community … So you're no longer taking care of four patients; you're sitting on your butt waiting for your back to … One thing you have to do is beat back the legal staff who don't want you to tell anybody that there was
January 01, 2017 - PO : I have to go back in my career a little bit. … I have a long-standing engagement with health and medical care going back to the 1960s. … PO : When I was at Alcoa, I created the Alcoa University and offered to teach people in the community … So you're no longer taking care of four patients; you're sitting on your butt waiting for your back to … One thing you have to do is beat back the legal staff who don't want you to tell anybody that there was
March 01, 2007 - References
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1. Roberg K. Kelsey's story. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2001;58:985-987. … plight of the individual doctor or nurse who hears you and says, I need to slow down, and then goes back … You know, I can't solve the problem, but it's sad that they have to go back into this environment where
March 01, 2019 - in both directions—from the center to the local hospitals and clinics, and from the local entities back … The doctor came back from the second day on call and said, "I delivered 11 babies in 24 hours by myself … Then your person came back and told you that he or she delivered 11 babies, and you felt it was unsafe … We do that for premature babies, back-transfer them to a lower level nursery. … We should back-transfer people to the appropriate levels of care.
January 01, 2013 - The receiving team reads back key information handed over. … consequences
Consultants maintain overall
picture and awareness by
standing back
December 18, 2024 - trachea; the larynx may then ricochet in the anterior
direction causing the tip of the ETT to flick back
October 18, 2006 - November 30, 2011
Don't come back, hospitals say.
April 26, 2023 - Mark Chassin : Back when I was on the hospital side struggling with quality and safety problems, it always … If you go back to the roots of The Joint Commission 100 years ago, the goal has always been to improve … And it goes back to the aphorism that I learned a long time ago from a very wise CIO who said, "Computers … instances of providing no-benefit health care services, like antibiotics for cold or imaging for simple back
April 28, 2021 - the OR nurse stated that there was packing
in the vagina but did not ask for nor receive any repeat-back … There is active read-back/repeat-back instruction
between the nurse circulator and the receiving nurse … (The primary source providers usually go back to the OR to start the next case and may not be available
April 01, 2003 - He was discharged back to a chronic care facility.
May 22, 2017 - such as abuse-deterrent formulations to improve
safe use, dispensing, and storage of opioids; take-back
August 01, 2018 - in both
directions—from the center to the local hospitals and clinics, and from the local entities back