February 26, 2020 - Timely diagnosis of esophageal perforation
February 26, 2020
Utter GH, Cooke DT. Timely diagnosis of esophageal perforation. PSNet [internet]. 2020.
The Case
A man with mixed connective tissue disease on low-dose prednisone and methotrexate pre…
January 01, 2020 - She was brought back to the emergency department and ultimately admitted to an inpatient psychiatry unit
July 01, 2018 - RW: As you look back, why didn't diagnosis get the attention it deserved for the first 10 years of the … Sometimes I won't hear about a patient that I missed with
back pain that ended up at another hospital … Especially a patient who you
may have misdiagnosed who is angry and upset or didn't come back. … The mammogram then comes back
normal, and the physician tells the patient there is nothing to worry … As she and I looked back over the record, I realized to my horror that I followed up on the abnormal
July 08, 2022 - some that raise awareness and change attitudes (asking, promoting reflection, role modeling), some to teach … [Free full text]
Levy MH, Adolph MD, Back A, et al. Palliative Care.
October 30, 2024 - This individual attended staff meetings to explain the purpose of the program and to teach frontline … new process has become the accepted way of doing business, with few if any staff considering going back
August 01, 2018 - RW : Looking back on when you got interested in it and got involved as a faculty member, how has it played … simulation, but there's a fundamental cultural belief that's still hard to shake—the "see one, do one, teach … RW : Looking back over the last 10 to 20 years of research, how would you summarize what the research … Getting back to your prior question, in terms of other improvements, video graphics have finally started … Many educational and training units use simulation to help teach new skills, refresh old skills, and
April 02, 2008 - July 12, 2006
Discharge missteps can send seniors back to hospital.
December 01, 2017 - The attending back-up schedule should be appropriately staffed and accessible to everyone.
April 01, 2015 - Once his renal function was
assessed and found to be back to baseline, his previously held antihypertensives
January 01, 2018 - Teach Learn Med. 2017;29:420-432. [go to PubMed]
16. Dean SM, Eickhoff JC, Bakel LA. … in the day because there were plenty of ways to cheat and game the system back then. … I don't think we were more ethical or righteous back then. … But I guess that gets back to role modeling. … Let's back off on the diuretics." This is before we've actually seen the patient.
March 01, 2019 - We looked at this and we found so much complexity, variety, and local variation that we decided to back … The doctor came back from the second day on call and said, "I delivered 11 babies in 24 hours by myself … Then your person came back and told you that he or she delivered 11 babies, and you felt it was unsafe … We do that for premature babies, back-transfer them to a lower level nursery. … We should back-transfer people to the appropriate levels of care.
August 01, 2018 - RW: Looking back on when you got interested in it and got involved as a faculty member, how has it played … simulation, but there's a fundamental
cultural belief that's still hard to shake—the "see one, do one, teach … RW: Looking back over the last 10 to 20 years of research, how would you summarize what the research … simulation-based-assessment-management-critical-events-board-certified-anesthesiologists
Getting back
March 01, 2017 - Folks like you have helped teach
us about it. … They may hang out there for a week or more, and they will simply
come back and describe what they've … Then not infrequently, we go feed it back to where
we've done the observations. … It comes back to your point earlier: is there really a distinction between the people
and the systems
April 24, 2024 - discharge, and many of these are
preventable.16 Case 2 is representative of a preventable hospital “bounce-back … inexpensive processes exist that may identify patients who were discharged
prematurely and redirect them back … explain the diagnosis, condition, and next steps in the patient’s
care to the patient and family and use teach … back.
July 10, 2024 - We were trying to change systems back in the 1990s without labeling it as such. … That's where I got my start at CMS, back in the early 2000s. … that the providers that we're working with in quality improvement bring their data to the table and teach … were involved in making this work happen and facilitated it, that it provides an information stream back
February 26, 2025 - If that is not part of this organization, we could put that RCA back on the
shelf and not look at it … Jessica Behrhorst: When we teach RCA 2, we stress that it is a toolkit, not just one tool. … I often think back to my early career. … Several years back, RCA2
got approval from The Joint Commission.
December 01, 2016 - She was brought back to
the … ://psnet.ahrq.gov//#references
trainings, such as Mental Health First Aid, are also available and teach
August 17, 2017 - min for the study and located an appropriate tank (that would allow higher-flow oxygen) for the trip back
November 01, 2006 - You back up and when there's an object behind you, the car beeps. … RW: Our hospital had an error with the use of a defibrillator a while back, and we found there were … Today it's quite common for physicians to turn to a book or a computer and look something up and come back … Human Factors Engineering Can Teach You How to Be Surprised Again
November 1, 2006
Perspective … References
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1. Murff HJ, Gosbee JW, Bates DW.
September 01, 2005 - RW: From where you sit now, thinking back on how you were trained in medical school, what do you think … and Associate Chairman, Department of Medicine University of California, San Francisco
Back … Improving patient safety by repeating (read-back) telephone reports of critical information. … Table
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Table . … radiofrequency identification) may ultimately be required in many identification processes