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  1. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    March 27, 2024 - AI encompasses a lot of different domains, but at the root of each of those domains is trying to teach … Let’s step back briefly and talk about the areas that AI has been used in healthcare historically. … Sarah Mossburg: I’m thinking back to the point you made earlier: that you can predict who’s at risk, … That handoff back to humans is a fundamental concern for a lot of AI systems across industries. … Maybe AI can get us back to doing that and get us energized to do it well for the sicker and sicker
    February 01, 2013 - answer all your questions or for you to share all your observations at that time, someone can come back … RW : As we try to engage patients in new ways and also teach them a new set of skills, is technology … If we can get back to the mindset that we're in a partnership together, we make decisions together, we
  3. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    April 01, 2009 - ProfessorSchool of Public Administration University of Victoria Victoria, BC, Canada References Back … Evidence-based Medicine: How to Practice and Teach EBM. New York, NY: Churchill Livingstone; 1997. … ref16back Figures Back
    July 01, 2012 - Ebola: Are We Ready? Citation Text: Barsuk JH, Barnard C. Ebola: Are We Ready?. PSNet [internet]. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, US Department of Health and Human Services. 2014. Copy Citation Format: Google Scholar BibTeX EndNote X3 XML EndNote 7 XML Endnote tagge…
  5. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    December 01, 2005 - Incidents Act," allows full access to all patient records related to adverse medical events, turning back … Anesthesiology and MedicineAssociate Dean for Patient SafetyUniversity of Miami Medical School References Back
  6. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    August 01, 2006 - None of us wanted to be part of seeing it reset to zero (perhaps some people did come back earlier to … Massachusetts General HospitalDirector, Center for Medical Simulation, Cambridge, MA References Back
  7. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    September 01, 2006 - The data were then fed back to each VISN and facility. … Health PolicyHarvard School of Public HealthStaff Physician, VA Boston Healthcare System References Back
    July 01, 2012 - April 22, 2009 Improving patient safety by repeating (read-back) telephone reports of
    February 01, 2013 - medical staffing requirements, which should include defined and rational protocols for primary and back-up
  10. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    November 01, 2011 - our major concerns was that sites would close the operating room, train the clinicians, and then go back … There must be a proper space for training and the right support so that the trainers can teach and the
  11. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    April 01, 2019 - message, the pager would go off, and the risk manager would listen to it and could call the physician back … Then you throw a mistake on top of that, and it feels like the straw breaking the camel's back. … of approaching the problem when you went to law school, or was it after you finished and you came back … thought were horrible, it would be 3–6 months before the trial date, and defense attorneys would come back
    January 01, 2006 - References Back to Top 1. Air France jet overran runway. CBS News. August 5, 2005. … times that we think that people are accepting it and willing to change their behaviors, and yet they go back … Even with a low-cost simulator, you can create scenarios that will teach people the skill sets they need … JB: Well, we've had a couple of instances where people came back and told us that they probably stopped
    February 03, 2011 - Our first response may be automatic, but with a little reflection, we call back, ask for additional information … Education The Accreditation Council on Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) requires that residency programs teach
  14. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    May 01, 2014 - It would also have the nurse and/or pharmacist conduct patient education, preferably using the "teachback" technique.
    February 26, 2025 - family and staff should look out for and what might happen), and Synthesis by receiver (family reads back
    March 15, 2023 - for medication discrepancies and approaches for safer medication administration, including the use of teach-back
  17. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    November 30, 2023 - Using teach-back methods and written or online resources, ensure that patients understand why specific
  18. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    September 01, 2013 - Case & Commentary—Part 1 A 42-year-old man with a history of asthma and chronic lower back pain was … prescribing high doses of long-acting morphine (MS Contin), oxycodone, and gabapentin for his low back … The patient in this case was prescribed opioids for his low back pain. … Opioids for back pain patients: primary care prescribing patterns and use of services. … Systematic review: opioid treatment for chronic back pain: prevalence, efficacy, and association with
  19. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    October 31, 2023 - Failed double checks have been traced back to trust in colleagues, distractions or interruptions, and
  20. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    July 01, 2006 - min for the study and located an appropriate tank (that would allow higher-flow oxygen) for the trip back

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