July 01, 2006 - for the study, and located an appropriate tank (which would allow higher flow oxygen) for the trip back
March 06, 2005 - April 26, 2017
An organizational framework to reduce professional burnout and bring back
January 01, 2006 - that we think that people are accepting it and willing to change their behaviors,
and yet they go back … Even with a low-cost simulator, you can create
scenarios that will teach people the skill sets they … JB: Well, we've had a couple of instances where people came back and told us that they probably stopped
January 03, 2017 - Case & Commentary: Part 2
Eleven days later, the patient's family brought him back to the ED after … These interventions include:
Improving patient and family education by using the "Teach Back" method
October 30, 2024 - Nurses often improvise to save time and steps by using portable carts instead of making trips back and … Because of this, a recent Institute of Medicine (IOM) report recommended that hospitals should scale back … workload of their staff nurses.( 7 ) In addition, the lack of nursing leaders and managers and the scaling back … Hospitals should scale back the workload of their staff nurses to achieve safe nurse-to-patient ratios … IOM report: Hospitals must cut back workload and hours of nurses to maintain patient safety.
May 26, 2021 - job when we see EMTs [emergency medical technicians] and paramedics in the workforce and we have to teach … How do we teach this younger generation? … KH: I'd like to get back to error reporting because I think that's something that's consistent across … be able to figure out the “why” when you’re looking at errors in clinical care to ensure that we can teach … Are trauma registries or any registries that may interface with EMS used for looking back at care?
April 01, 2003 - Encourage the receiver to write down and read back all orders, spelling the product name. … Warn them about the risk of mix-
ups and teach them to insist that the pharmacist show them the appearance … Pharmacists and nurses should write down and read back drug names.
March 27, 2024 - situation, background, assessment, recommendation, or request), closed-loop communication, call-out,
check-back … , teach back, and structured handoffs, and specifically calls out the application of these
July 10, 2024 - situation, background, assessment, recommendation, or request), closed-loop communication, call-out, check-back … , teach back, and structured handoffs, and specifically calls out the application of these strategies
August 30, 2023 - to engage patients as active partners in their healthcare, (6) Confirming comprehension using the teach-back
February 26, 2025 - professionals (nurses or anybody who's really oriented to frontline work) don't always want to sit back … Back when I was doing lit reviews on a regular basis at the AMA, we counted how many searches we did, … LZ : I've been monitoring the patient safety literature since I started doing it at NPSF back when we
December 21, 2018 - He appeared to be doing well postoperatively and was transferred back to the pediatric acute rehabilitation … After realizing another surgical procedure would be needed, the patient was then transferred back to … After the procedure, the patient was then transferred back again to the rehabilitation facility, despite … Until these models fully evolve, we can expect these complex patients to ping pong back and forth between
February 01, 2014 - You can get back into the task. … They teach us a lot about the sorts of
systems we can eventually put in place to minimize distraction … that the person using your system might be
distracted, turn away to do something else, and then come back … Of course the person answered the
text message and went back and forgot to order the medicine and it … https://blog.hospitalmedicine.org/putting-the-a-back-in-soap-notes-time-to-tackle-an-epic-problem/
March 01, 2011 - overlapping
shifts, standardization of content, minimal interruptions, structured language, and read back—things … Very few people are using read
back even though it's been suggested. … unstable and the handoff is more than just temporary in the sense that
the team may or may not be coming back … sign-out with their cross cover who's going to be covering that patient for 8 to 12 hours
until they come back
September 18, 2024 - This surgeon recommended taking the patient back to the operating room so that her tongue laceration
July 20, 2010 - Once reported, events are analyzed and information is fed back to the reporting provider, as well as … Multicenter development, implementation, and patient safety impacts of a simulation-based module to teach
March 01, 2011 - Before the new bags arrived and the CRRT could be restarted, the patient deteriorated and was taken back
June 14, 2023 - But I want to make sure that people understand it’s that back and forth. … It’s not a good way to teach. … Another partnership opportunity at the organizational level, which was set back by the pandemic, is having … They have wonderful resources available on their website that teach patients and families, and patient … It is essential to teach and share information about medications for the transition of going home.
June 14, 2023 - But I want to make sure that people understand it’s that back and forth. … It’s not a good way to teach. … Another partnership opportunity at the organizational level, which was set back by the pandemic, is having … They have wonderful resources available on their website that teach patients and families, and patient … It is essential to teach and share information about medications for the transition of going home.
June 15, 2022 - Awareness could begin with focused efforts to teach trainees and practicing clinicians about the diagnostic … Teach Learn Med. 1999;11:110-117. [Available at] 16. … Medication Disorder
May 1, 2007
WebM&M Cases