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  1. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    July 01, 2012 - conflicting reports, the ED physician returned to the EMR and noted that this mistaken history of PE dated back … Investigating further back, the ED physician discovered that the letters "PE" were first noted nearly … The Commentary Copying of notes in the medical record is a practice that dates back at least 100 years … Education and mentoring There is a dearth of effective strategies to teach and foster high-quality and … In reflecting back to our case presentation, it does end on an upbeat note with the emergency physician
  2. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    September 01, 2007 - folklore is easily detectable; the moderator needs to be willing and able to steer the conversation back … Reference Back to Top 1. Wachter RM, Shojania KG. … Table Back to Top Table. Example Questions(Go to table citation in perspective) Question #1? … (Matrix Conference of 7/7/05) Slide Presentation Back to Top An Overview of the M+M Matrix Program
    December 21, 2014 - Study Impact of a pharmacist-facilitated hospital discharge program: a quasi-experimental study. Citation Text: Walker PC, Bernstein SJ, Jones JNT, et al. Impact of a pharmacist-facilitated hospital discharge program: a quasi-experimental study. Arch Intern Med. 2009;169(21):2003-10. d…
    February 24, 2011 - Study Responding to clinicians who fail to follow patient safety practices: perceptions of physicians, nurses, trainees, and patients. Citation Text: Driver TH, Katz PP, Trupin L, et al. Responding to clinicians who fail to follow patient safety practices: perceptions of physicians, nu…
  5. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    January 01, 2015 - The surgery was proceeding uneventfully when the surgeon requested that the PA catheter be pulled back … to speed up the transfer process, the attending anesthesiologist refloated the PA catheter himself back … incorporating the following components: identify–situation–observations–background–agreed plan–read back
  6. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    December 01, 2006 - RW: How do you relate this back to a policy level? BS: Keep it evidence based, period.
  7. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    March 01, 2015 - Patient summary, Action list, Situational awareness and contingency planning, and Synthesis or read-back
  8. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    April 24, 2024 - Unintended mechanical overdistension of the atria when blood is re-infused from the bypass machine back … For this reason, the clinicians in this case were trying to rapidly cardiovert the patient back to sinus … As soon as electrocautery is no longer needed, the setting on the pacing box should be changed back … in VF, the team would have had to re-cannulate the right atrium, re-heparinize the patient and go back … Cardiac OR staff should always be prepared to put their patient back on bypass urgently if VF or other
  9. Spotlight (pdf file)
    January 01, 2024 - Unintended mechanical overdistension of the atria when blood is re-infused from the bypass machine back … • For this reason, the clinicians in this case were trying to rapidly cardiovert the patient back … – As soon as electrocautery is no longer needed, the setting on the pacing box should be changed back … restored rapidly, the right atrial appendage should be re-cannulated so the patient can be placed back … in VF, the team would have had to re-cannulate the right atrium, re-heparinize the patient and go back
    March 05, 2014 - January 13, 2016 Why Things Bite Back: Technology and the Revenge of Unintended Consequences … February 10, 2010 Right Kind of Wrong: Why Learning to Fail can Teach us to Thrive. … February 10, 2016 Bring back the autopsy.
    April 01, 2018 - I had noticed, even before I discovered that article, that many patients were coming back to the hospital … If readmissions drop, then savings accrue, and patients—who are generally not eager to come back to the … One time I came back from an overseas trip. … literacy, using language appropriate to patient understanding, utilizing visuals, and practicing the teach-back … Is "teach-back" associated with knowledge retention and hospital readmission in hospitalized heart failure
    April 01, 2018 - literacy, using language appropriate to patient understanding, utilizing visuals, and practicing the teach-back … Is "teach-back" associated with knowledge retention and hospital readmission in hospitalized heart failure … If readmissions drop, then savings accrue, and patients—who are generally not eager to come back to the … One time I came back from an overseas trip. … We now know that people end up back in the hospital quite frequently, and some of the ways the system
  13. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    October 06, 2021 - emergency and what’s normal and who to ask if she's not sure, and that she feels like she’d want to come back … stay, she might go home and have a headache and have high blood pressure and say, “Well I’m not going back … devices], and to be provided instructions for their follow-up care, and then we see that they can't fall back … nursery, but not if you had a C-section [cesarean section] and you're trying to hoist your baby out and back … to do with this hypertension curriculum idea is to build the model for what it looks like to really teach
    June 01, 2016 - As you reflect back over 15 or 20 years of experience, has anything surprised you in terms of content … GM : I often reflect back on the honor and privilege I had to be there at the beginning of the federal … A few years ago for the series, I called him back to do an update on safety culture . … When I think back to my days at AHRQ, we had a fantasy that something like this would begin to happen … If I had to think back on a few major changes that I tried to make in health care organizations that
    April 08, 2018 - treat-and-release diagnoses prior to sepsis hospitalization among adult emergency department patients: a look-back
  16. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    January 01, 2011 - , CRICO/RMF Kathy Dwyer Program Director, Loss Prevention and Patient SafetyCRICO/RMF References Back … [go to PubMed] Table Back to Top Table.
  17. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    December 01, 2005 - responsibility for independent practice, a model sometimes derisively referred to as “see one, do one, teach … away from traditional lecture-based techniques and embrace new modalities in order to effectively teach … language used in the delivery room often is not standardized, important communications are rarely read back
    February 02, 2011 - conflicting reports, the ED physician returned to the EMR and noted that this mistaken history of PE dated back … Investigating further back, the ED physician discovered that the letters "PE" were first noted nearly … The Commentary Copying of notes in the medical record is a practice that dates back at least 100 years … Education and mentoring There is a dearth of effective strategies to teach and foster high-quality … In reflecting back to our case presentation, it does end on an upbeat note with the emergency physician
    October 01, 2009 - But if you try to lie about it, it will come back to you. … So, going back to King/Drew Medical Center, one of the things that we thought was really important was … Tom Garthwaite, who is the former head of the Los Angeles County health system, said was that you can teach … right thing is, you can make sure that they have the skills, but the bottom line is you cannot always teach … Table Back to Top Table.
    October 01, 2009 - Looking back at the big, mediagenic errors over the past 25 years ( Table ), a striking pattern emerges … Table Back to Top Table. … But if you try to lie about it, it will come back to you. … Tom Garthwaite, who is the former head of the Los Angeles County health system, said was that you can teach … right thing is, you can make sure that they have the skills, but the bottom line is you cannot always teach

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