March 01, 2013 - Some people push back and say, "The evidence is not strong enough and doing it is too expensive," despite … would probably be no reason for doing it with relatively experienced people and we'd just let them go back … feedback.( 2 ) While these assertions have prima facie credibility, it seems reasonable to take a step back … Med Teach. 2013;35:e844-e875. [go to PubMed]
6. Cook DA, Hatala R, Brydges R, et al. … If you teach them, they will learn: why medical education needs comparative effectiveness research.
September 07, 2019 - illnesses and medications, using methods that require patients to demonstrate understanding (such as "
July 28, 2021 - KH: Can we go back to the regional and state-level reporting programs you mentioned? … KH: When you are getting these data back and you are seeing trends, how are you using that
information … KH: For the quality assurance aspect of this, would that be you going back through and doing
audits … And
those skilled physicians can teach EMTs to administer and use ultrasound and transmit the images … of the public avoid the bad event (exercise and stop smoking to
reduce the risk of a heart attack); teach
March 01, 2013 - Some people push back and say, "The evidence is not strong enough and doing it is too expensive,"
despite … would probably be no reason for doing it with
relatively experienced people and we'd just let them go back
February 01, 2013 - answer all your
questions or for you to share all your observations at that time, someone can come back … RW: As we try to engage patients in new ways and also teach them a new set of skills, is technology … If we can get back to the mindset that we're in a partnership together, we make decisions
August 04, 2021 - neurologic conditions in emergency department patients discharged with nonspecific diagnoses of headache or back
December 04, 2015 - December 30, 2014
A "back to basics" approach to reduce ED medication errors.
February 03, 2016 - Study
Timing of the diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorder.
Citation Text:
Miodovnik A, Harstad E, Sideridis G, et al. Timing of the Diagnosis of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Pediatrics. 2015;136(4):e83…
March 03, 2011 - Commentary
Instituting a culture of professionalism: the establishment of a Center for Professionalism and Peer Support.
Citation Text:
Shapiro J, Whittemore A, Tsen LC. Instituting a culture of professionalism: the establishment of a center for professionalism and peer support. Jt Comm …
December 01, 2005 - At a minimum, the clinicians should have asked the patient to verbally repeat (“teach back”)
their instructions
December 01, 2006 - Health Policy, Management, and
BehaviorSchool of Public Health, University of Albany, SUNY
Back … Table
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Incremental Change Leading to Permanent Culture Change: An Example Using the Residents
February 01, 2011 - address this need, a few programs have been developed for practicing physicians and other caregivers to teach … Shine, MD Executive Vice Chancellor for Health AffairsThe University of Texas System
Back … Teach health care professionals about QI
4. Research & develop new knowledge for QI
5. … , 2) Institutional and peer recognition, and 3) Financial reward for achieving objectives
December 01, 2006 - RW: How do you relate this back to a policy level?
BS: Keep it evidence based, period. … Policy, Management, and BehaviorSchool of Public Health, University of Albany, SUNY
Back … Table
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Incremental Change Leading to Permanent Culture Change: An Example Using the Residents
February 01, 2012 - RW : In getting that right, is that a matter of training our faculty to pull back and to ask those questions … I find it's the fellows who begin to push back if they don't get given the cases. … We have to take a step back and say, "How do we not thwart all the advances we've made in patient safety … recognized and addressed.( 15 )
Rather than our profession's previous mantra of "see one, do one, teach
January 12, 2011 - use of verbal or telephone orders, but if used, the order should be immediately transcribed and read back … Always request a "read-back" of the transcribed order.
August 28, 2013 - Operating Room
Discontinuities, Gaps, and Hand-Off Problems
Surgical Complications
Read Back
September 26, 2012 - September 26, 2012
Read-back improves information transfer in simulated clinical crises
June 01, 2016 - 2017
Efficacy, tolerability, and dose-dependent effects of opioid analgesics for low back
June 01, 2016 - techniques promoted through the
patient safety program within my organization are clarifying through read-back
September 07, 2019 - illnesses and medications, using methods that require patients to demonstrate understanding (such as " teach-back