October 01, 2003 - The test
result (positive, with a viral load of 32,000 copies/mL) came back more than 1 week after the … For example, workers in commercial aviation and the military read-back key
transmissions and use standard … verbal handoffs more seriously than
hospitals: you are more likely to hear "let me read your order back … Resident satisfaction on an academic
hospitalist service: time to teach.
December 01, 2005 - The test result (positive, with a viral load of 32,000 copies/mL) came back more than 1 week after the … For example, workers in commercial aviation and the military read-back key transmissions and use standard … verbal handoffs more seriously than hospitals: you are more likely to hear "let me read your order back … Resident satisfaction on an academic hospitalist service: time to teach.
March 01, 2008 - , by virtue of doing more of them, you
get better, learn from your experiences, and translate that back … think if you drop down below 50% of your time doing procedures, you're going to have to
ramp yourself back … medical student
or a resident, but philosophically what your service means to the "see one, do one, teach … In terms of what this means philosophically to the "see one, do one, teach one" model and whether we
November 01, 2012 - AV : Even as far back as 1980, I think it was already clear that in the absence of a high-stakes exam … we entered a kind of death spiral phase where nobody knows how to either do a high-quality exam or teach … When we have our training sessions, we call them the "Stanford Medicine 25" sessions, we teach people … I'd never go back. … I think the pendulum is swinging back.
August 04, 2021 - Citation Text:
Anderson JE, Ross AJ, Back J, et al. … Twitter
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April 15, 2020
Anderson JE, Ross AJ, Back … URL
Citation Text:
Anderson JE, Ross AJ, Back
September 01, 2007 - folklore is easily detectable; the moderator needs to be willing and able to steer the conversation back … Reference
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1. Wachter RM, Shojania KG. … Table
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Table. … Now I'm writing from the perspective of a teacher, having to teach on people so that there will be people … If you don't have some way to pull yourself back from the grind, you fail.
April 24, 2018 - attribute of a structured handoff framework is the opportunity for receiver synthesis (sometimes called "teach-back … " or "check-back").
September 01, 2007 - We were all
going off to our morning conferences, and he circled back to see her again, instead of waiting … We are skeptical that the system can ever be made to work well enough that we can sit
back and just … Now I'm writing from the
perspective of a teacher, having to teach on people so that there will be people … I think without the chance to
step back and see things from 30,000 feet in the way my writing lets me … If
you don't have some way to pull yourself back from the grind, you fail.
January 08, 2020 - On postoperative day 15, she called back again with ongoing nausea. … One approach would
have been to ask open-ended questions, utilize the teach-back method or ‘repeat what … consider assessing the
patient’s learning style and incorporating understanding checks through the teach-back … questions, active listening, interpretation of body language, assessment of patient
learning style, and teach-back
September 01, 2007 - We are skeptical that the system can ever be made to work well enough that we can sit back and just let … Now I'm writing from the perspective of a teacher, having to teach on people so that there will be people … If you don't have some way to pull yourself back from the grind, you fail. … Reference
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1. Wachter RM, Shojania KG. … Table
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December 23, 2020 - On postoperative day 15, she called back again with ongoing nausea. … One approach would have been to ask open-ended questions, utilize the teach-back method or ‘repeat what … consider assessing the patient’s learning style and incorporating understanding checks through the teach-back … questions, active listening, interpretation of body language, assessment of patient learning style, and teach-back
December 22, 2018 - teams who were given a checklist were more likely to ask families if they had questions and to read back … This trial provides evidence that performing certain elements of the checklist, such as read back, can
January 01, 2015 - The key is those back-and-forths, where it's both top-down and bottom-up. … It's one thing to teach a technique, it's another to take someone who has
been successful by virtue … MG: If we look back to the work of Dr. … Again, this comes back to Dr. … I always try to teach
them in advance, there are a lot of cool robots in the factory, but Lean is
May 11, 2005 - September 12, 2016
Bring back the autopsy.
April 01, 2016 - program or institutional requirements, we chose to provide six major areas of focus
and then reflect back … Therefore, we chose to provide a peer
review reflection back to the training environment so that they … Our goal is to bring back into the fiber of the
clinical delivery system the graduate medical education … TN: My personal view of this now 30-year-old issue beginning back in the 1980s with the unfortunate
February 22, 2017 - The medical student remained for the 2-hour scan and helped transport the patient back upstairs. … learner anxiety but also speed up learning, as illustrated by a graduating medical student who reflected back … Med Teach. 2007;29:2-19. [go to PubMed]
4. Babbott S. … Med Teach. 2011;33:961-973. [go to PubMed]
December 01, 2013 - There wasn't any looking back after that—I finally got a K23 grant [a larger 5-year faculty development … HS : Absolutely, and that goes back to the time that I was in practice.
May 02, 2018 - considering a second opinion , bringing an up-to-date medication list, and repeating information back
February 01, 2011 - address this need, a few programs have been
developed for practicing physicians and other caregivers to teach … University of Texas System
Back … Teach health care
professionals about QI
4. Research & develop
new knowledge for QI
5. … training, 2)
Institutional and
recognition, and
3) Financial
reward for
March 01, 2013 - feedback.(2) While these assertions have prima facie credibility, it seems
reasonable to take a step back … Med Teach. 2013;35:e844-e875. [go to
6. Cook DA, Hatala R, Brydges R, et al. … If you teach them, they will learn: why medical education needs comparative effectiveness