July 22, 2015 - the Pennsylvania Chronic Care
Commission and efforts to improve diabetes
care in the State dating back
June 01, 2015 - One should take a few minutes to sit back and think about the study: the
interventions, the subjects … For most audiences, data is
better used as a way to back up a claim demonstrated by an anecdote.
March 01, 2016 - of LI
Rule Name Status Description
Appropriate nesting Passed Appropriate nesting
June 01, 2015 - One should take a few minutes to sit back and think about the study: the
interventions, the subjects … For most audiences, data is
better used as a way to back up a claim demonstrated by an anecdote.
June 01, 2015 - One should take a few minutes to sit back and think about the study: the
interventions, the subjects … For most audiences, data is
better used as a way to back up a claim demonstrated by an anecdote.
February 01, 2024 - assess patients’ understanding of their diagnosis at optimal times so their feedback can be relayed back … factors such as religiosity and spirituality; and 2) design and implement educational interventions to teach … https://www.ahrq.gov/patient-safety/resources/learning-lab/index.html
July 13, 2015 - of LI
Rule Name Status Description
Appropriate nesting Skipped Appropriate nesting
September 01, 2015 - infrastructure
developed by the PBRN could be taken by the health care network without benefits flowing back … infrastructure that might be more efficiently maintained in-house, so that infrastructure may be
moved back
January 01, 2010 - Predicting relapse back to smoking:
contrasting affective and physical models of
dependence. … of
medical charges after quitting smoking
among those with and without arthritis,
allergies, or back … ‘I came
back here and started smoking again’:
perceptions and experiences of quitting
among disadvantaged
December 01, 2023 - The look-back period of Medicare patients’ experience was changed from “last 12 months” to
“last 6 months
December 01, 2022 - The look-back period of Medicare patients’ experience was changed from “last 12 months” to
“last 6 months