December 01, 2014 - to include a feedback loop that leads to biopsy if
either the evaluation were positive or referred back … group of dermatologists.26 In another study of 421 school-aged children, photographs of
children’s back … light has two
components—one regular reflectance to reflect the skin surface morphology, the other
January 01, 2014 - Some studies address symptoms related to the
primary condition (e.g., pain in patients with low back … mental health/psychiatric
conditions (e.g., anxiety or stress) and physical conditions
(e.g., low back … A mind-body program
for older adults with chronic low back pain: results of a pilot study.
January 01, 2024 - client or clients or patient or patients or participant*) adj3
(train* or educat* or instruct* or teach … or client or clients or patient or patients or participant*)
W/3 (train* or educat* or instruct* or teach … Improving client-centred care and services:
the role of front/back-office configurations. … approach to provide
adaptive equipment or technology,
modify physical or social
environments, or teach
August 23, 2012 - Reviewer #6 Introduction There is NO evidence that epidurals cause residual back/leg pain. … I refer
the authors to the following book chapter: Chapter 17 Epidural analgesia
and back pain.
September 01, 2014 - using an
arbitrary publication cutoff date would introduce bias, so
our literature searches went back
March 21, 2016 - agree – thank you
Peer Reviewer 4
Introduction Pg 8 line 23 – specify that you have switched back
June 01, 2010 - Source: www.effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov
Published Online June 1, 2010
some efforts to back … An obvious issue is the
need to continually refer back to Fig 5 & 6 p 90 when considering the
results … also extremely difficult to relate the results of the included studies
as summarised in the report back … a prominent difference between the
comparative studies and the Premier data set, and also refers
January 01, 2015 - neurologist)
based on patient needs, included as part of the transition of care
• Referral back
September 01, 2011 - And
anyone may use Medpedia set alerts to follow topics of interest, learn and collect
knowledge, teach … • “Be firm and think long term”—try to keep users from slipping back into old habits (e.g.,
e-mail … TikiWiki by pairing up staff members and having the more
computer-savvy staff (regardless of age) teach
September 13, 2012 - detained in a jail, prison, or forensic hospital or who are transitioning from one of these settings back … The goal of MTC is to teach individuals how to live/function within the greater society and within their
January 12, 2017 - Identifying
patients that don't follow commands (GCS motor 6) is
a comparatively easy concept to teach … We omitted this detail from the ES, but added it
back in: “All citations were independently
June 01, 2015 - DME as swelling or
thickening of the macula, a thin layer of light-sensitive tissue that lines the back … Iluvien® is a tiny tube containing the
steroid fluocinolone acetonide that is injected once into the back … to acceptance might be reluctance from clinicians to learn about a new
insulin delivery system and teach … systems expert expected a larger disruption, stating, “Clinical staff will need to
be trained on how to teach … The insert is delivered by intravitreal injection to the back of the eye with a 25-gauge needle, a
November 01, 2021 - Searches will go
back to 1980, when the diagnosis of ADHD and its diagnostic criteria were first
introduced … Searches will
go back to 1980, when long acting stimulants were introduced, heralding the modern era
September 13, 2012 - detained in a jail, prison, or forensic
hospital or who are transitioning from one of these settings back … The goal of MTC is to teach individuals how to live/function within the greater society and
within their
May 24, 2017 - After 10 to 12 eye movements (back and forth), the clinician asks the patient to rate the strength of
July 01, 2023 - Rapid Response: Efficacy of Dental Services for Reducing Adverse Events in Those Receiving Chemotherapy for Cancer
Rapid Response
July 2023
Efficacy of Dental Services for Reducing
Adverse Events in Those Receiving
Chemotherapy for Cancer
Main Points
Disorders of the teeth, gums, …
April 01, 2013 - Bringing the war
back home: mental health disorders among 103,788 US
veterans returning from Iraq
December 31, 2017 - After 10 to 12
eye movements (back and forth), the clinician asks the patient to rate the strength of
June 06, 2012 - After 10 to 12 eye movements (back and forth), the clinician asks the client to rate the strength of
November 08, 2012 - After 10 to 12 eye
movements (back and forth), the clinician asks the client to rate the strength of