January 22, 2010 - "Using the teach-back and Orem's Self-care Deficit Nursing theory to increase childhood immunization … "Clinical research in low-literacy populations: using teach-back to assess comprehension of informed
January 22, 2010 - Using the teach-back and Orem's Self-care Deficit
Nursing theory to increase childhood immunization … Clinical research in low-literacy populations:
using teach-back to assess comprehension of informed
January 01, 2023 - relevant information and better understanding by all parties
Structured Communication Examples
March 26, 2012 - CBITS program consists of 10 group sessions
designed to provide education about reactions to trauma, teach … relaxation skills, provide
cognitive therapy to challenge upsetting thoughts, teach social problem … memories, present triggers, or anticipated future experiences
while simultaneously moving his or her eyes back
June 01, 2014 - The game is designed to teach and reinforce cCBT techniques for
identifying and addressing negative … Available:
back/2013/09/12/is-ketamine-right-for-you-off … Available:
back/2013/09/11/from-club-to-clinic-physicians … NCT00088699
http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/talking-back … new-claims-and-findings-ketamine-severe-depression/page/0/2
January 01, 2012 - may sound I have thoroughly
enjoyed treating chronic pelvic pain and can usually have these
ladies back … This particular
treatment may be seen in the pelvic portion of the a course I
teach http://www.usafp.org
December 01, 2014 - Available:
back/2013/09/12/is-ketamine-right-for-you-off … Available:
back/2013/09/11/from-club-to-clinic-physicians … NCT00088699
http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/talking-back … new-claims-and-findings-ketamine-severe-depression/page/0/2
http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/talking-back … from-club-to-clinic-physicians-push-off-label-ketamine-as-rapid-depression-treatment-part-1/
June 01, 2011 - University EPC Clinical
Complementary &
alternative care
Complementary and alternative medicine in
back … Complementary and alternative medicine in
back pain utilization report. … outcomes
No No
and alternative
medicine in back … HSAC Yes 2007
scoping protocols are referred back to the
clients (those who requested the specific
February 05, 2024 - Therapy
Present-centered therapy
Prolonged Exposure
Interventions that teach … , 202337 A Doxazosin PTSD+SUD Pharmacotherapy Individual In Person
Back, 202337 B Placebo Inactive … Function
of Life Sleep
Use Suicide
Allen, 202236 PCL Y Y N Y Y N N N N N
Back … A
pilot randomized trial of a dual n-back
emotional working memory training
program for veterans with … Back S, Flanagan J, Mintz J, et al.
July 28, 2009 - of ETL to a common data dictionary versus publication of local data schemas for mapping of queries back … within a central portal for appropriate queries published by a central authority and pull those queries back … some sites would prefer to “look” for queries published by a central authority and pull those queries back … owners to approve queries before being run using their data and approve results before distribution back … Any unauthorized release of protected information would be a serious set-back for a network and could
November 01, 2010 - Our intent with the
following sentence: "The goal of ABA is to teach new skills, promote
generalization … The common come-back to this objection is to use
July 01, 2009 - of ETL to a common data dictionary versus
publication of local data schemas for mapping of queries back … a
central portal for appropriate queries published by a central authority and pull those queries back … some sites would prefer to “look” for
queries published by a central authority and pull those queries back … owners to approve queries before being run using their data and
approve results before distribution back … Any unauthorized release of protected information would be a serious set-back for a
network and could
June 06, 2017 - training (to strengthen the pelvic
musculature), 2) behavioral training (e.g., bladder training, to teach … The results of the contextual question will be fed back into the assessment of studies and
of the evidence
May 27, 2014 - I would prefer to take
a step back and say: what works for patients as they leave the
hospital for … I suspect most studies of MDS-HF do not
enroll patients that can’t make it back to the clinic. … TEP Reviewer 6 Executive
ES-12: line 43 and line 45 seem to have conflicting sentences
back … to back. … about functional status, quality of life, caregiver burden, or self-
care burden (which I will come back
December 20, 2011 - After 10–12 eye movements (back and forth), the clinician asks the client to rate the strength of the … Bringing the war back home: mental health disorders among 103,788 US veterans returning from Iraq and
August 01, 2013 - detained in a jail, prison, or forensic
hospital or who are transitioning from one of these settings
back … are usually initiated within 3 months of an inmate’s release
date and continue once he or she is back
August 10, 2015 - personnel realize
that they are key components of the infection prevention
team including feeding back … KI Reviewer 6 Findings Page 10 Line 55 Recommend a reference to back up the
statement, (unless the end … Additionally, some of the
contractors have scaled back their training programs and
as a general course
October 15, 2012 - Its inclusion is essential and feeds back to one of your
key concepts i.e. management of disability … This leads back to the medical, the biopsychosocial, and the
biopsycho-ecological models, the latter … particularly in transfer of
patients across service lines and from institutions to the community
and back
December 20, 2011 - After 10–12 eye movements (back and forth), the
clinician asks the client to rate the strength of the … Bringing the war back home: mental health
disorders among 103,788 US veterans returning from Iraq and
December 08, 2023 - Currently the paper switches
back and forth. … Comment Response
Reviewer #2
Introduction Good- however, I found myself needing to go back … 12, 2022: The literature in kidney disease
disparities in transplant and nephrology referral dates back