January 01, 2019 - area and nurse stations form a tight coupling, i.e. most likely movement for clinicians
seems to be back
July 25, 2012 - determine a patient’s
competency and understanding of his or her individual discharge plan using the teach-back
January 01, 2017 - The presentation touched on strategies such as teach back and teach-to-goal for improving communication
January 01, 2008 - However,
this initiative is back on track with the implementation of the Quality Management
module … Looking back to
the 2002 and 2003 strategic plans for the hospital’s parent organization, Southwestern … there was
also a recognition that the Voice Care system that had been introduced to record and play back … department has made several modifications to these systems to try to bring the narrative element
back … One of the physicians said that because of so much information is
now digital, he tends to go back to
January 01, 2022 - more education opportunities not only for our clients but also for
our staff because we have to buy back … certain certification or a certain credential, even though it may not
benefit us, if we put money back … And I’m thinking,
“Okay, we can give people the iPads to let them check it out and bring it back.” … was
sitting up here thinking the whole time when the computer question – because I know it’s
coming back … of LI
Rule Name Status Description
Appropriate nesting Passed Appropriate nesting
January 21, 2009 - specifically to clinical decision support from an earlier talk
that I gave using the same metaphor back … The metaphor will
play itself out over time but I am going to argue, relating this back to evaluation … And going back
to the smallball evaluations, answering the question of what exactly are we doing today … And some of the key lessons, again coming back to the issue of where the money is going to
come from … Thank you and I will turn things back to Rebecca Roper for the Q&A.
Thank you very much, Dr.
January 01, 2007 - Output from our
discharge software went to community physicians via facsimile transmission with back-up
January 01, 2023 - perform; 2 = know something about and somewhat able to perform; 3 = able to perform
well; 4=able to teach … of LI
Rule Name Status Description
Appropriate nesting Passed Appropriate nesting
January 01, 2018 - This was scaled back from
our initial plan to complete a randomized trial with a group of hospitalists … Medical records that guide and teach. N Engl J Med. 1968 Mar
20. Weed LL. … Medical records that guide and teach. N Engl J Med. 1968 Mar
21;278(12):652-7 concl.
March 28, 2007 - So let me go back to the (box system) model. … I showed you that some of these consequences can be planned for,
and I will get back to that idea at … So I think that not doing all of that
analysis may come back and bite you later on. … I’m sure we can come back to it if you don’t address it.
Okay, absolutely no problem. … I would simply say that I would go back to Ben-Tzion’s observation.
January 01, 2014 - Back-end XML-based data are processed in real time via a PhP server.
Specific case content (e.g. … measure via
email with instructions to provide a case write-up and answer the survey, sending both back
January 01, 2007 - all disciplines
and demonstrated a hands-on interactive learning approach such as “see one, do one, teach … Needs that spanned multiple hospitals were taken back to Trinity Health and addressed in a
system-wide … initial implementation, seven clinical note templates
(muscular-skeletal upper and lower extremities, back
November 08, 2005 - In addition,
hospitals sometimes have laboratories, and if providers get the data back,
they're going … Brian Let's go back to the phones now, we have a question from Elizabeth. … Let's go back to the phone lines and see if Peter -- Peter are you
there? … My
question is I think this is sort of the 800 pound guerrilla that's sitting in the
back, from the … a lot from that, plans are going to learn a lot from
the consumer experience and they're going to teach
January 01, 2009 - specialty care services, and a fax to PDF capability for specialists to use to send
consultative reports back … similar open source solution, tailored
to safety net clinics and community hospitals to get the project back … them provide better acute care, but improve their safety net
clinic referrals and minimize ED “bounce back … physicians to contact the
patient’s physician if needed, but would minimize the risk of ED “bounce back … Hospitals value the ability to refer a patient back to the
primary provider to ensure effective follow
January 01, 2005 - Any
issues identified by any of the other teams were addressed and brought back to subsequent
meetings … Data Transfer Options (continued)
Reversibility of information back to providers is not considered
January 01, 2012 - Project activities included patient “teach
back” (having patients repeat discharge instructions
January 01, 2018 - reassured patients by providing structure to the clinical conversation with cues (eg,
How soon can I get back … A key finding
was how important it is to teach and emphasize that a concussion is not visible on CT. … Back to the Bedside: Developing a Bedside Aid for
Concussion and Brain Injury Decisions in the Emergency
January 01, 2008 - System Time
Insensitive Predictive Instrument Information System, (EMS TIPI-IS) collected and fed back … Insensitive Predictive Instrument Information System,(EMS TIPI-IS) was created to collect and
feed back … and hospital data and patient outcomes was implemented to compile the measures and to
regularly feed back … an improvement effort, supported by health information
technology, that successfully measured, fed back
January 31, 2007 - Electronic Prescribing Using A Community Utility - The ePrescribing Gateway
FINAL REPORT: January 31, 2007
Electronic Prescribing Using A Community Utility: The ePrescribing Gateway
Principal Investigator: Jeffrey M. Rothschild MD, MPH; jrothschild@partners.org
Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Partners Hea…
January 01, 2019 - This liaison’s role was to act as a go-between
carrying requests and ideas back and forth between the … We actually, back then, set up a special computer
basics course of just how to turn on a computer, utilize … Even if I do it right now, if I changed it back today, after four weeks, I would get
calls saying I … just remembered this new way and now you've changed it back … Just as we’re talking back and forth, and you’re
able to determine what I’ve said or I’ve determined