March 23, 2017 - • AHRQ creates materials to teach and train health
care systems and professionals to catalyze
improvements … Lessons Learned
Acute Care Patient Portal
“I really liked that I had the opportunity to go
back … / If I teach my dad how
to go online and he can look up for
himself, can he click a certain button
January 01, 2017 - communication
Helps improve provider-family communication if families use it
Can be used to educate/teach … for providers such as patients’ name or basic info
Might be a nice teaching tool for providers to teach … nurses in the room
Helpful for providers to teach trainees how to use vital signs to make decisions … screen light on the LCIM is too bright, might disturb family during the night
You need to scroll back
January 01, 2023 - Get too many of those, and physicians will start ignoring the alerts or go back to their old paper-based
October 01, 2009 - We ended up
developing an approach to evaluation methodology around evaluation, how to teach evaluation … with the AHRQ health IT grantees and there’s been a lot of lessons learned on
our side on how best to teach … And frequently you’re stuck with deadlines on the far end and so you need to work back
from that end … Getting
Evaluating Health IT Projects.doc
that data back out can be very difficult. … from a group meeting, back to the others.
October 01, 2009 - We ended up
developing an approach to evaluation methodology around evaluation, how to teach evaluation … with the AHRQ health IT grantees and there’s been a lot of lessons learned on
our side on how best to teach … And frequently you’re stuck with deadlines on the far end and so you need to work back
from that end … Getting
Evaluating Health IT Projects.doc
that data back out can be very difficult. … from a group meeting, back to the others.
January 01, 2011 - the information from the Post-
hospital Louise system flows from the patient to the clinical team and back … Post-hospital Louise asking subjects how they feel since leaving the hospital
Teach Back. … One conversational technique that was incorporated in the system is the teach-
back method for testing … patient understanding.31,32
This method involves having the patient
“teach” providers about their … In order for the system to effectively discuss followup issues with
patients, we designed a back-end
January 01, 2019 - Order read-back, telehealth
Defined roles
Structure for
rounds and shift
Provide structure
January 01, 2023 - away from home for the hope of a successful intervention, and with failure are not able to be
brought back … of LI
Rule Name Status Description
Appropriate nesting Passed Appropriate nesting
January 01, 2010 - I'll turn it back to the moderator.
Thank you, Leslee. … We use these slides to teach our sites. … Then, we feed that data back and we say do you think this is important? … But
of everybody who has suffered through it, nobody would go back.
This is Farzad. … Terry was talking about a concept that we call back to
February 07, 2017 - • AHRQ creates materials to teach and train
health care systems and professionals to
catalyze improvements … • This presentation reports
our errors analysis in
back-end SR generated
documents at different … Methods
• Stratified random sample of 169 dictated notes using transcription
services (back-end … Discussion: Productivity and
• Back-end
July 01, 2010 - A National Web Conference on the Massachusetts eHealth Collaborative Handout
AHRQ-National Resource Center for HIT
Web Conference
The Massachusetts eHealth
Description and Evaluation Plan
April 10, 2007
David W. Bates, MD, MSc
Medical Director of Clinical and Quality Analysis, Partners…
January 01, 2018 - How can the results of our work best be presented back to you? … Still images from the views were exported on
demand and stored back in the EHR where they were annotated … that call if they’re safe when you don’t really
know what their environment is that they’re going back
January 01, 2023 - The group discussed everything from how to store back-up data and where to get free software to how to
January 01, 2011 - Because of their strong relationships with practices, the PERCs are able to
bring information back to … A face-to-face meeting with the sites could help get the recruitment
sites back on-board.
January 01, 2022 - providing additional follow-up after go-live, and additional training
using simulated patients, guides and teach-back … added the time on that I spend going through the exercises 'cause usually, once I print it, I go back … "
• That's made things a lot easier for me, 'cause typically I would go back and Google and find … patients instructions, it'll print out in the record that you've done it if
you want to, and if you go back … of LI
Rule Name Status Description
Appropriate nesting Passed Appropriate nesting
January 01, 2011 - a progress note for otitis media, if the child had any
other medical problems, providers had to go back
January 01, 2023 - We collected quantitative data on usage of the mHealth app,
clinician dashboard, and call-back requests … Also, the PRO data was stored in the app
server and not written back to the EHR database, and thus requires … A total of 29 patients requested a call
back from the nurse in the app after completing their weekly … of LI
Rule Name Status Description
Appropriate nesting Passed Appropriate nesting
January 12, 2007 - What is most
important is it is increasing at the back the 50% rate year on year. … That will only be
given back to the organization which takes the test. … Then after they have entered them in the system they will go back to the
web site and they will be … You report that back and then you get scoring as we all went before. … You come back to the application and
receive the orders. You have to adhere to this time.
June 21, 2011 - Server
Registry to
Back-up … Dental
Text boxes
and Alert
care in
response … is being developed for cancer tracking, weight
management, implanted device tracking, and chronic back
December 01, 2005 - Zafar Okay, so coming back to what is wrong with health care, we have
problems with data storage. … You have 50% of back pain x-rays
that are not necessary. … In a good educational process to teach people
how it will all happen. … There's also the need to develop this trust in the back
end processes. … In
another system, the back agenda processes after your CPOE were not all