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    March 23, 2017 - • AHRQ creates materials to teach and train health care systems and professionals to catalyze improvements … Lessons Learned Acute Care Patient Portal “I really liked that I had the opportunity to go back … / If I teach my dad how to go online and he can look up for himself, can he click a certain button
    January 01, 2017 - communication Helps improve provider-family communication if families use it Can be used to educate/teach … for providers such as patients’ name or basic info Might be a nice teaching tool for providers to teach … nurses in the room Helpful for providers to teach trainees how to use vital signs to make decisions … screen light on the LCIM is too bright, might disturb family during the night You need to scroll back
    January 01, 2023 - Get too many of those, and physicians will start ignoring the alerts or go back to their old paper-based
    October 01, 2009 - We ended up developing an approach to evaluation methodology around evaluation, how to teach evaluation … with the AHRQ health IT grantees and there’s been a lot of lessons learned on our side on how best to teach … And frequently you’re stuck with deadlines on the far end and so you need to work back from that end … Getting 13 Evaluating Health IT Projects.doc that data back out can be very difficult. … from a group meeting, back to the others.
    October 01, 2009 - We ended up developing an approach to evaluation methodology around evaluation, how to teach evaluation … with the AHRQ health IT grantees and there’s been a lot of lessons learned on our side on how best to teach … And frequently you’re stuck with deadlines on the far end and so you need to work back from that end … Getting 13 Evaluating Health IT Projects.doc that data back out can be very difficult. … from a group meeting, back to the others.
    January 01, 2011 - the information from the Post- hospital Louise system flows from the patient to the clinical team and back … Post-hospital Louise asking subjects how they feel since leaving the hospital Teach Back. … One conversational technique that was incorporated in the system is the teach- back method for testing … patient understanding.31,32 This method involves having the patient “teach” providers about their … In order for the system to effectively discuss followup issues with patients, we designed a back-end
    January 01, 2019 - Order read-back, telehealth Defined roles Structure for rounds and shift change Provide structure
    January 01, 2023 - away from home for the hope of a successful intervention, and with failure are not able to be brought back … of LI Headings Rule Name Status Description Appropriate nesting Passed Appropriate nesting Back
    January 01, 2010 - I'll turn it back to the moderator. Thank you, Leslee. … We use these slides to teach our sites. … Then, we feed that data back and we say do you think this is important? … But of everybody who has suffered through it, nobody would go back. This is Farzad. … Terry was talking about a concept that we call back to ordering.
    February 07, 2017 - • AHRQ creates materials to teach and train health care systems and professionals to catalyze improvements … • This presentation reports our errors analysis in back-end SR generated documents at different … Methods • Stratified random sample of 169 dictated notes using transcription services (back-end … Discussion: Productivity and Quality • Back-end
    July 01, 2010 - A National Web Conference on the Massachusetts eHealth Collaborative Handout AHRQ-National Resource Center for HIT Web Conference The Massachusetts eHealth Collaborative: Description and Evaluation Plan April 10, 2007 Presenter: David W. Bates, MD, MSc Medical Director of Clinical and Quality Analysis, Partners…
    January 01, 2018 - How can the results of our work best be presented back to you? … Still images from the views were exported on demand and stored back in the EHR where they were annotated … that call if they’re safe when you don’t really know what their environment is that they’re going back
    January 01, 2023 - The group discussed everything from how to store back-up data and where to get free software to how to
    January 01, 2011 - Because of their strong relationships with practices, the PERCs are able to bring information back to … A face-to-face meeting with the sites could help get the recruitment sites back on-board.
    January 01, 2022 - providing additional follow-up after go-live, and additional training using simulated patients, guides and teach-back … added the time on that I spend going through the exercises 'cause usually, once I print it, I go back … " • That's made things a lot easier for me, 'cause typically I would go back and Google and find … patients instructions, it'll print out in the record that you've done it if you want to, and if you go back … of LI Headings Rule Name Status Description Appropriate nesting Passed Appropriate nesting Back
    January 01, 2011 - a progress note for otitis media, if the child had any other medical problems, providers had to go back
    January 01, 2023 - We collected quantitative data on usage of the mHealth app, clinician dashboard, and call-back requests … Also, the PRO data was stored in the app server and not written back to the EHR database, and thus requires … A total of 29 patients requested a call back from the nurse in the app after completing their weekly … of LI Headings Rule Name Status Description Appropriate nesting Passed Appropriate nesting Back
    January 12, 2007 - What is most important is it is increasing at the back the 50% rate year on year. … That will only be given back to the organization which takes the test. … Then after they have entered them in the system they will go back to the web site and they will be … You report that back and then you get scoring as we all went before. … You come back to the application and receive the orders. You have to adhere to this time.
    June 21, 2011 - Server Disease Registry to Identify patients Appointment Schedules Algorithms Privacy/ Security Back-up … Dental Providers Privacy/ Security Back-up Text boxes and Alert box Change care in response … is being developed for cancer tracking, weight management, implanted device tracking, and chronic back
  20. Event ID: 440314 (pdf file)
    December 01, 2005 - Zafar Okay, so coming back to what is wrong with health care, we have problems with data storage. … You have 50% of back pain x-rays that are not necessary. … In a good educational process to teach people how it will all happen. … There's also the need to develop this trust in the back end processes. … In another system, the back agenda processes after your CPOE were not all electronic.

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