May 09, 2017 - they were selected based on high radiation exposure due to environmental disasters, inherited genetic syndromes … Salivary and lacrimal gland dysfunction (sicca syndrome) after radioiodine therapy.
August 09, 2016 - infectious,
hepatic, inflammatory, and storage disorders, types 1 and 2 diabe-
tes, and several other syndromes … Adolescent
diet and metabolic syndrome in young women:
results of the Dietary Intervention Study in
March 15, 2022 - or binge
eating disorder of low frequency or limited duration; purging dis-
order; and night eating syndrome
February 12, 2019 - Subthreshold conditions as precursors for full syndrome disorders: a 15-year longitudinal study of multiple
January 26, 2016 - Maternal harms included suicidality, serotonin syndrome, car-
diac effects, seizures, bleeding, cardiometabolic … major
malformations, small for gestational age and low birth weight, sei-
zures, serotonin withdrawal syndrome … postneonatal
death, preterm birth, small for gestational age, neonatal seizures,
serotonin withdrawal syndrome
September 28, 2021 - extremely
rare and include eclampsia, HELLP (hemolysis, elevated liver
enzymes, low platelet count) syndrome … renal disease, and autoimmune diseases (eg, systemic
lupus erythematous, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
February 01, 2016 - * Excludes women with preexisting breast cancer; clinically significant BRCA mutations, Li–Fraumeni syndrome … , Cowden syndrome, hereditary
diffuse gastric cancer, or other familial breast cancer syndromes; high-risk
September 22, 2014 - ACOG Committee Opinion No. 536: human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and
August 01, 2013 - deaths in the control group were from
complications of prematurity (n � 3), the sudden infant
death syndrome
March 01, 2014 - plexus injury and
clavicular fracture, hyperbilirubinemia, perinatal death,
and respiratory distress syndrome
July 11, 2017 - factors (family
history of diabetes, personal history of gestational diabetes or polycystic
ovarian syndrome
January 26, 2016 - preeclampsia, postpartum hemorrhage, miscarriage, perinatal death, preterm birth, serotonin withdrawal syndrome
September 19, 2023 - transient ischemic attack; stroke; HELLP [hemolysis, elevated liver enzyme levels, low platelet count] syndrome
May 25, 2021 - were no associations of GWG interventions with the re-
maining infant outcomes (respiratory distress syndrome … There was no association of GWG in-
terventions with preeclampsia, a multisystem syndrome with less
January 01, 2020 - injuries 35.6
iabetes mellitus 25.2
nfluenza and pneumonia 23.7
lzheimer disease 18.0
ephritis, nephrotic syndrome
May 25, 2021 - stillbirth, shoulder dystocia, admission to the neonatal intensive
care unit, or respiratory distress syndrome
January 15, 2013 - chronic pain, neurological disorders (from injuries), gastrointestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome
March 15, 2007 - studies of high-risk patients with familial adenomatous polyposis or hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer syndromes … and risks in high-risk patients, such as those with familial adenomatous polyposis and nonpolyposis syndromes
January 26, 2016 - preeclampsia, postpartum hem-
orrhage, miscarriage, perinatal death, preterm birth, serotonin
withdrawal syndrome
June 20, 2017 - such as asthma, obstructive sleep apnea, orthopedic problems, early maturation, polycystic ovarian syndrome