June 20, 2017 - well as asthma, obstructive sleep apnea, orthopedic difficulties, early maturation, polycystic ovarian syndrome … Alaska Native ethnicity) or with obesity-related medical problems (eg, type 2 diabetes, the metabolic syndrome … Intra-abdominal fat is related to metabolic syndrome and non-alcoholic fat liver disease in obese youth … Lifestyle intervention in obese children is associated with a decrease of the metabolic syndrome prevalence
June 20, 2017 - well as asthma, obstructive sleep apnea, orthopedic difficulties, early maturation, polycystic ovarian syndrome … Alaska Native ethnicity) or with obesity-related medical problems (eg, type 2 diabetes, the metabolic syndrome … Intra-abdominal fat is related to metabolic syndrome and non-alcoholic fat liver disease in obese youth … Lifestyle intervention in obese children is associated with a decrease of the metabolic syndrome prevalence
July 15, 2007 - Secondary causes of dyslipidemia include diabetes, nephrotic syndrome, and hypothyroidism. 2
April 17, 2023 - or diastolic blood
pressure �110 mm Hg) is indicative of preeclampsia with severe fea-
tures; HELLP syndrome … differences across various serious
health outcomes (eg, eclampsia, transient ischemic attack, stroke,
HELLP syndrome
May 01, 2021 - subsequently
found to be limited to study participants with 1 or more diabetes
risk factors (metabolic syndrome … include family his-
tory of early coronary heart disease, presence of chronic kidney dis-
ease, metabolic syndrome
August 24, 2021 - include older age, family history, history of gestational diabetes,
history of polycystic ovarian syndrome … Development and risk factors of type
2 diabetes in a nationwide population of women
with polycystic ovary syndrome
August 24, 2021 - include older age, family history, history of gestational diabetes,
history of polycystic ovarian syndrome … Development and risk factors of type
2 diabetes in a nationwide population of women
with polycystic ovary syndrome
August 09, 2016 - infectious, hepatic, inflammatory, and storage disorders, type 1 and 2 diabetes, and several other syndromes … Adolescent diet and metabolic syndrome in young women: results of the Dietary Intervention Study in Children
August 09, 2016 - infectious, hepatic, inflammatory, and storage disorders, type 1 and 2 diabetes, and several other syndromes … Adolescent diet and metabolic syndrome in young women: results of the Dietary Intervention Study in Children
September 01, 2024 - They do not apply to per-
sons who have a genetic marker or syndrome associated with a
high risk of breast … These recommendations do not apply to persons who have a genetic marker or syndrome associated with a … applies to women with
a family history of breast cancer but not those who have a genetic
marker or syndrome
September 30, 2024 - They do not apply to per-
sons who have a genetic marker or syndrome associated with a
high risk of breast … These recommendations do not apply to persons who have a genetic marker or syndrome associated with a … applies to women with
a family history of breast cancer but not those who have a genetic
marker or syndrome
April 30, 2024 - These recommendations do not apply to persons who have a genetic marker or syndrome associated with a … They do not apply to persons who have a genetic marker or syndrome associated with a high risk of breast … applies to women with a family history of breast cancer but not those who have a genetic marker or syndrome
March 01, 2005 - patients, or to diagnose
infection in a symptomatic patient when culture
is not feasible or the clinical syndrome
October 01, 2015 - miscarriage and still-
birth; and neonatal or pediatric complications, such as
sudden infant death syndrome … during pregnancy is associated with fetal
growth restriction, preterm delivery, and sudden infant
death syndrome … , 13.1% to
19.0% of low-birthweight term deliveries, 23.2% to
33.6% of cases of sudden infant death syndrome
March 24, 2015 - thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) level include female sex, advancing age, white race, type 1 diabetes, Down syndrome … factors for an elevated TSH level include female sex, advancing age, white race, type 1 diabetes, Down syndrome
February 15, 2009 - articles, had no control group, or had a study population that included only persons with rare skin cancer syndromes
June 15, 2016 - genetic disorders that predispose them to a high lifetime risk of colorectal cancer (such as Lynch syndrome … median age at diagnosis is 68 years. 3
A positive family history (excluding known inherited familial syndromes
September 03, 2019 - Anastrozole-induced carpal tunnel syndrome: results from the International Breast Cancer Intervention … Practice Bulletin No. 182: hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome.
September 03, 2019 - Anastrozole-induced carpal tunnel syndrome: results from the International Breast Cancer Intervention … Practice Bulletin No. 182: hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome.
June 01, 2008 - DISCUSSION
Burden of Disease
Bacterial vaginosis is the most common lower genital tract
syndrome among