January 24, 2017 - Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is defined as having an AHI of 5 or greater with evidence of … The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence states that moderate to severe OSA or hypopnea syndrome … Screening for severe obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in hypertensive outpatients. … Guidance 139: Continuous Positive Airway Pressure for the Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea/Hypopnoea Syndrome
March 06, 2025 - predominantly of persons diagnosed with depression or psychosis, alcohol use disorder, HIV/AIDS, Down syndrome
February 13, 2018 - such as women with a BRCA gene mutation that is associated with
hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome
May 27, 2021 - such as cholesterol levels and bone density, and prevention of vasomotor symptoms and genitourinary syndrome
June 01, 2019 - /2012 USPSTF Perspective on Evidence-Based Preventive Recommendations for Children 7/01/2011 Common Syndromes
July 26, 2022 - impaired fasting glucose or glucose tolerance, or mixed or multiple risk factors such as metabolic syndrome … impaired fasting glucose or glucose tolerance, or mixed or multiple risk factors such as metabolic syndrome … , dyslipidemia, impaired fasting glucose or glucose tolerance, or mixed risk factors (eg, metabolic syndrome … a family history of diabetes, a history of gestational diabetes, or a history of polycystic ovarian syndrome
January 01, 1996 - Pregnancy-associated hypertension/preeclampsia/eclampsia syndrome … insufficient power to identify clinically important differences in rates of prematurity, respiratory distress syndrome
October 25, 2022 - are already under surveillance because of a high risk of skin cancer, such as those with a familial syndrome … (e.g., familial atypical mole and melanoma syndrome).
November 02, 2023 - impaired glucose tolerance, and mixed or multiple risk factors such as 10-year CVD risk >7.5% or metabolic syndrome
June 01, 2014 - use, hypercholesterolemia, and hypertension), head
trauma, learning disabilities (such as the Down syndrome … risk factors (such as diabetes, tobacco use,
hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, and the metabolic
syndrome … ), head trauma, learning disabilities (such as the
Down syndrome), depression, alcohol abuse, physical … The major de-
mentia syndromes in older adults include Alzheimer dis-
ease, vascular dementia, frontotemporal
March 16, 2021 - obesity, older age, family history, history of gestational diabetes, history of polycystic ovarian syndrome … a family history of diabetes, a history of gestational diabetes, or a history of polycystic ovarian syndrome … Development and risk factors of type 2 diabetes in a nationwide population of women with polycystic ovary syndrome
March 16, 2021 - obesity, older age, family history, history of gestational diabetes, history of polycystic ovarian syndrome … a family history of diabetes, a history of gestational diabetes, or a history of polycystic ovarian syndrome … Development and risk factors of type 2 diabetes in a nationwide population of women with polycystic ovary syndrome
February 28, 2019 - hypoglycemia, and acute major morbidity (e.g., hyperbilirubinemia, NICU admission, respiratory distress syndrome
February 28, 2019 - hypoglycemia, and acute major morbidity (e.g., hyperbilirubinemia, NICU admission, respiratory distress syndrome
August 26, 2014 - cardiovascular disease (CVD) (such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, impaired fasting glucose, the metabolic syndrome … including hypertension, dyslipidemia, impaired fasting glucose or glucose tolerance, the metabolic syndrome … trials), which commonly included dyslipidemia, hypertension, elevated glucose levels, the metabolic syndrome … Prevalence of metabolic syndrome among adults 20 years of age and over, by sex, age, race and ethnicity … Effectiveness of a lifestyle intervention on metabolic syndrome. A randomized controlled trial.
November 05, 2015 - , hypogonadism, untreated hyperthyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, adrenal insufficiency, or Cushing’s syndrome
March 01, 2022 - impaired fasting glucose or glucose
tolerance, or mixed or multiple risk factors such as metabolic syndrome … dyslipidemia,
impaired fasting glucose or glucose tolerance, or mixed risk factors
(eg, metabolic syndrome … impaired fasting glucose or glucose tolerance, or mixed or multiple risk factors such as
metabolic syndrome … a family history of diabetes, a history of gestational
diabetes, or a history of polycystic ovarian syndrome
September 24, 2020 - of eating disorders (e.g., pica, rumination disorder) or potentially unhealthy eating behaviors or syndromes
June 23, 2016 - phosphorus metabolism disorders, malabsorptive disorders, celiac disease, cystic fibrosis, short gut syndrome
August 12, 2021 - ovarian failure, hypogonadism, untreated hyperthyroidism, acromegaly, adrenal insufficiency, Cushing’s syndrome