December 01, 2022 - Birth
(PDF, 91.5 KB)
More Babies Born Dependent on Opioids
(PDF, 642 KB)
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
July 01, 2018 - and Joint Conditions
Rheumatic or musculoskeletal conditions comprise more than 150 diseases and syndromes … decreased fetal growth, premature births, low birth-weight, placental abruption, and sudden infant death syndrome
training background and stroke location on bedside diagnostic test accuracy in the acute vestibular syndrome
November 01, 2022 - Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome and Maternal Opioid-Related Diagnoses in the U.S., 2010-2017 .
March 11, 2021 - OASH • Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS): This OASH effort focuses
on standardizing clinical criteria
January 01, 2011 - Expert Panel
vascular rupture, or acute ischemic syndrome.
January 01, 2024 - Health
Haimovich AD , Shah MN , Southerland LT Automating risk stratification for geriatric syndromes … This study discussed using automated risk stratification to implement screening programs for geriatric syndromes … Automating risk stratification for geriatric syndromes in the emergency department. … million hospitalizations via emergency department with more than two systemic inflammatory response syndrome … pediatric encounter; and (5) supporting health education and care related to neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome
July 07, 2015 - Ezetimibe Added to Statin Therapy after Acute Coronary Syndromes.
January 01, 2019 - with SCA who have recurrent vaso‐occlusive
events, including frequent pain episodes and acute chest syndrome … is responsible for most complications of SCD, including pain episodes, sepsis,
stroke, acute chest syndrome … anemia and recurrent acute vaso‐occlusive events (pain
crises, splenic sequestration, acute chest syndrome … The trial’s striking findings regarding the reduction of pain
events, acute chest syndrome, hospitalizations … concentration, and improves blood flow — leading to a decrease in pain events, acute
chest syndrome
May 22, 2014 - including a different list of
clinical outcomes and deleting
dementia, depression, diabetes,
metabolic syndrome … including a different list of
clinical outcomes and deleting
dementia, depression, diabetes,
metabolic syndrome … including a different list of clinical outcomes and deleting
dementia, depression, diabetes, metabolic syndrome
March 24, 2018 - Behavioral health, Quality measure
In-Hospital Quality-of-Care Measures for Pediatric Sepsis Syndrome … In-Hospital Quality-of-Care Measures for Pediatric Sepsis Syndrome.
December 01, 2017 - Aspiration pneumonia
Acute coronary syndrome with CHF
Pulmonary embolism
Image: … Aspiration pneumonia
Acute coronary syndrome with CHF
Pulmonary embolism
Image: … tenuous”
“They are at high risk for a sacral decub”
“They are at risk for abdominal compartment syndrome
October 01, 2014 - goals are to fill the major knowledge gaps in the emergency management of patients with acute coronary syndromes
August 01, 2017 - is responsible for most complications of SCD, including pain episodes, sepsis, stroke,
acute chest syndrome … Other serious illnesses in children with SCD, such as
acute chest syndrome, also involve fever and the … Acute chest syndrome is difficult to distinguish from pneumonia because both
illnesses present with … In children with SCD younger than 2 years of age, 97
percent of those with acute chest syndrome are … febrile; 17.4 percent of febrile children with
SCD have acute chest syndrome (Chang et al., 2013).
July 01, 2022 - PSNet Perspective: Patient Safety During Hospital Discharge
AHRQ PSNet Perspective: Post-Hospital Syndrome
February 01, 2017 - risk for a number of complications, including ventilator-associated events, acute respiratory distress syndrome … VAC, typically attributable to pneumonia, pulmonary edema, atelectasis, or acute respiratory distress syndrome
February 01, 2018 - Other
serious illnesses in children with SCD, such as acute chest syndrome, also involve fever and … Fever is associated with other serious SCD complications, such as acute chest syndrome, a
common and … Acute chest syndrome is difficult to distinguish from pneumonia because both
illnesses present with … In children with SCD younger than 2 years of age, 97
percent of those with acute chest syndrome are … febrile; 17.4 percent of febrile children with SCD
have acute chest syndrome (Chang, Kriengsoontorkij
February 01, 2015 - obstetric emergency response drills, pediatric airway
management, rapid response teams, acute coronary syndrome … learned from our response to Ebola aid us in a more
systematic response to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome … , Middle
East Respiratory Syndrome, other virulent influenza forms, and the more
contagious seasonal
April 01, 2014 - status should be monitored; and
patients should be watched for other developments
like acute chest syndrome
February 02, 2018 - cage abnormalities and morbid obesity), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and
hypoventilation syndromes … with • Patients in whom the
o COPD indication for the device was
o Obesity, obesity
syndrome … ,
o Neuromuscular disease
the lone diagnosis of:
o Any sleep apnea