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Showing results for "surgeries".

  1. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    July 28, 2010 - Although wrong-site surgeries … The Joint Commission's Universal Protocol for prevention of wrong-site surgeries requires performing
    August 06, 2008 - This article reports on the incidence of wrong site surgeries in Massachusetts and describes complex … July 6, 2011 Wrong body part, wrong patient surgeries continue despite new procedures
  3. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    June 25, 2018 - The majority of surgeries were overlapping, and rates of morbidity and mortality did not differ between …
    February 01, 2025 - provide healthcare statistics on hospital inpatient stays, emergency department visits, and ambulatory surgeries
    July 22, 2020 - Many non-urgent, non-cancer surgeries were postponed or canceled during COVID-19 surges resulting in … the benefits of, and barriers to, dual surgeon operating as a way to increase currency as elective surgeries
    June 16, 2012 - Name MONAHRQ Display Name NQF Endorsed MONAHRQ Version IQI1 Esophageal resection volume Number of surgeries … to remove part of the esophagus Y 1.0 IQI2 Pancreatic resection volume Number of surgeries to remove … surgical repairs of an aortic aneurysm Y 1.0 IQI5 Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) volume Number of surgeries … Whose Doctors Ordered Treatments to Prevent Blood Clots (Venous Thromboembolism) For Certain Types of Surgeries … Surgery Patients Who Received Treatment to Prevent Blood Clots Within 24 Hours Before or After Selected Surgeries
    December 01, 2022 - quality, and resource use information related to inpatient care management, maternity care, high-risk surgeries … coronary artery bypass surgery outcome data, elective percutaneous coronary intervention, volume of cancer surgeries … quality measures, including patient experience, emergency department timeliness, number of procedures and surgeries
    November 21, 2021 - large population-based retrospective study examined outcomes for nonoverlapping versus overlapping hip surgeries … An accompanying editorial acknowledges the mixed results of safety studies for overlapping surgeries
    January 29, 2014 - Well-conducted randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of cataract surgeries suggested that routine testing … Two RCTs and six nonrandomized comparative studies of general elective surgeries in adults varied greatly … in the surgeries and patients included, along with the routine or per-protocol tests used.
    September 19, 2018 - July 6, 2011 Wrong body part, wrong patient surgeries continue despite new procedures … August 6, 2008 'Wrong site' surgeries on the rise.
    July 18, 2018 - Wrong-site surgeries are considered never events by the National Quality Forum and sentinel events … July 6, 2011 Wrong body part, wrong patient surgeries continue despite new procedures
    May 01, 2020 - provide healthcare statistics on hospital inpatient stays, emergency department visits, and ambulatory surgeries
    July 01, 2016 - The success of uterine-sparing procedures and surgeries—such as uterine balloon tamponade, embolization … and pelvic vessel ligation— in controlling bleeding without the need for additional procedures or surgeries … The strength of evidence for most of these procedures and surgeries was rated insufficient, as the data … permit conclusions about harms associated with other procedures, such as uterine tamponade. ��� Surgeries … Evidence for the success of uterine balloon tamponade in controlling bleeding is insufficient. ��� Surgeries
    July 01, 2016 - The success of uterine-sparing procedures and surgeries—such as uterine balloon tamponade, embolization … and pelvic vessel ligation— in controlling bleeding without the need for additional procedures or surgeries … The strength of evidence for most of these procedures and surgeries was rated insufficient, as the data … permit conclusions about harms associated with other procedures, such as uterine tamponade. ��� Surgeries … Evidence for the success of uterine balloon tamponade in controlling bleeding is insufficient. ��� Surgeries
    October 01, 2022 - Reports look at the performance of cardiologists who performed at least 200 cardiac surgeries during … Cardiologists who performed fewer than 200 cardiac surgeries but at least one per year during the reporting … Care Cost Containment Council (PHC4) publishes a number of reports on the quality and cost of cardiac surgeries … (including pediatric and congenital heart surgery), knee and hip replacements, and orthopedic surgeries
    October 01, 2022 - Reports look at the performance of cardiologists who performed at least 200 cardiac surgeries during … Cardiologists who performed fewer than 200 cardiac surgeries but at least one per year during the reporting … Care Cost Containment Council (PHC4) publishes a number of reports on the quality and cost of cardiac surgeries … (including pediatric and congenital heart surgery), knee and hip replacements, and orthopedic surgeries
    October 01, 2022 - Reports look at the performance of cardiologists who performed at least 200 cardiac surgeries during … Cardiologists who performed fewer than 200 cardiac surgeries but at least one per year during the reporting … Care Cost Containment Council (PHC4) publishes a number of reports on the quality and cost of cardiac surgeries … (including pediatric and congenital heart surgery), knee and hip replacements, and orthopedic surgeries
    October 01, 2022 - Reports look at the performance of cardiologists who performed at least 200 cardiac surgeries during … Cardiologists who performed fewer than 200 cardiac surgeries but at least one per year during the reporting … Care Cost Containment Council (PHC4) publishes a number of reports on the quality and cost of cardiac surgeries … (including pediatric and congenital heart surgery), knee and hip replacements, and orthopedic surgeries
    October 01, 2022 - Reports look at the performance of cardiologists who performed at least 200 cardiac surgeries during … Cardiologists who performed fewer than 200 cardiac surgeries but at least one per year during the reporting … Care Cost Containment Council (PHC4) publishes a number of reports on the quality and cost of cardiac surgeries … (including pediatric and congenital heart surgery), knee and hip replacements, and orthopedic surgeries
    October 01, 2022 - Reports look at the performance of cardiologists who performed at least 200 cardiac surgeries during … Cardiologists who performed fewer than 200 cardiac surgeries but at least one per year during the reporting … Care Cost Containment Council (PHC4) publishes a number of reports on the quality and cost of cardiac surgeries … (including pediatric and congenital heart surgery), knee and hip replacements, and orthopedic surgeries