
Total Results: 484 records

Showing results for "surgeries".

    February 01, 2014 - risk-reducing medications in mutation carriers, although false- positive rates, unneeded imaging, and unneeded surgeries … Women receiving tamoxifen had more cataract surgeries than those receiving placebo in the NSABP (National … Higher rates of false-positive test results, unneeded imaging, and unneeded surgeries with screening … Comparisons of salpingo-oophorectomy versus more limited surgeries, such as salpingectomy alone, would … genetic counselors, genetic testing, and use of intensive screening and risk-reducing medications and surgeries
    April 15, 2012 - Surgeries varied significantly by group, with 0.2 percent of women undergoing surgery in the MMS group … However, the proportion of surgeries conducted after identifying a benign, instead of cancerous, mass … However, an estimated 33 surgeries were required to detect each case of screen-detected cancer.
    December 31, 2014 - Surgeries varied significantly by group, with 0.2 percent of women undergoing surgery in the MMS group … However, the proportion of surgeries conducted after identifying a benign, instead of cancerous, mass … However, an estimated 33 surgeries were required to detect each case of screen-detected cancer.
    September 15, 2012 - One third of women with a false-positive result had an oophorectomy, with an overall ratio of surgeries … serum CA-125 testing (positive threshold of >35 kU/L [>35 U/mL]) and reported that an estimated 33 surgeries
    February 01, 2013 - pro- vide high-level evidence that trabeculectomy decreases IOP more than do so-called nonpenetrating surgeries … 40) concluded that adverse effects were more frequent with trabeculectomy than with nonpenetrating surgeries … review addressed the comparative effectiveness of glaucoma surger- ies versus one another as well as surgeries … and safety of viscocanalostomy Trabeculectomy decreases IOP more effectively than do nonpenetrating surgeries … in participants randomly assigned to trabeculectomy than to those assigned to other nonpenetrating surgeries
    December 15, 2007 - This would lead either to surgeries that are not indicated or to confirmatory angiography. … Therefore, screening could lead to non-indicated surgeries that result in serious harms, including death
    December 01, 2013 - False-positive results cause worry and anxiety and can lead to follow-up tests and surgeries that aren
    December 01, 2012 - One third of women with a false-positive result had an oophorectomy, with an overall ratio of surgeries … se- rum CA-125 testing (positive threshold of �35 kU/L [�35 U/mL]) and reported that an estimated 33 surgeries
    December 15, 2013 - risk-reducing medications in mutation carriers, although false-positive rates, unneeded imaging, and unneeded surgeries … Women receiving tamoxifen had more cataract surgeries than those receiving placebo in the NSABP (National … Higher rates of false-positive test results, unneeded imaging, and unneeded surgeries with screening … Comparisons of salpingo-oophorectomy versus more limited surgeries, such as salpingectomy alone, would … genetic counselors, genetic testing, and use of intensive screening and risk-reducing medications and surgeries
    January 01, 1996 - Share to Facebook Share to X Share to WhatsApp Share to Email Print archived Final Recommendation Statement Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: Screening, 1996 January 01, 1996 Recommendations made by the USPSTF are independent of the U.S. governm…
    August 01, 2019 - In total, 57 surgeries were reported across all studies; of these, 14 resulted in a diagnosis of pancreatic … Of the remaining 43 surgeries, 38 removed precursor lesions with IPMN or PanIN, and 5 contained either
    January 01, 1996 - Share to Facebook Share to X Share to WhatsApp Share to Email Print archived Final Recommendation Statement Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: Screening, 1996 January 01, 1996 Recommendations made by the USPSTF are independent of the U.S. g…
    August 01, 2019 - In total, 57 surgeries were reported across all studies; of these, 14 resulted in a diagnosis of pancreatic … Of the remaining 43 surgeries, 38 removed precursor lesions with IPMN or PanIN, and 5 contained either
    January 01, 1996 - Share to Facebook Share to X Share to WhatsApp Share to Email Print archived Final Recommendation Statement Carotid Artery Stenosis: Screening, 1996 January 01, 1996 Recommendations made by the USPSTF are independent of the U.S. governmen…
    February 13, 2018 - Complications from surgeries prompted by ovarian cancer screening.
    September 01, 2012 - Screening for Ovarian Cancer September 2012 Task Force FINAL Recommendation | 1 Understanding Task Force Recommendations Screening for Ovarian Cancer The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (Task Force) has issued a final recommendation on Screening for Ovarian Cancer. This recommendation is for adult women. …
    July 15, 2009 - endophthalmitis after cataract surgery. 75 Additional analyses found a RR of 2.44 (CI, 2.27 to 2.61) for surgeries … completed since 2000 compared with surgeries in earlier decades.
    July 15, 2009 - endophthalmitis after cataract surgery. 75 Additional analyses found a RR of 2.44 (CI, 2.27 to 2.61) for surgeries … completed since 2000 compared with surgeries in earlier decades.
    August 24, 2017 - Share to Facebook Share to X Share to WhatsApp Share to Email Print Final Research Plan BRCA-Related Cancer: Risk Assessment, Genetic Counseling, and Genetic Testing August 24, 2017 Recommendations made by the USPSTF are independent of the U.S…
    July 15, 2009 - archived Final Recommendation Statement Impaired Visual Acuity in Older Adults: Screening July 15, 2009 Recommendations made by the USPSTF are independent of the U.S. government. They should not be construed as an official position of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality or the U.S. Dep…

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