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Showing results for "surgeries".

    June 08, 2018 - Surgeons and hospitals who do more surgeries may have better results. … If you have surgery in a hospital where more than 40 prostate surgeries are performed each year, or you … have a surgeon who performs more than 10 of these surgeries each year, you may experience fewer side … effects than men treated by surgeons or hospitals who perform fewer surgeries: You are less likely
    January 29, 2014 - Well-conducted randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of cataract surgeries suggested that routine testing … Two RCTs and six nonrandomized comparative studies of general elective surgeries in adults varied greatly … in the surgeries and patients included, along with the routine or per-protocol tests used.
    July 01, 2016 - The success of uterine-sparing procedures and surgeries—such as uterine balloon tamponade, embolization … and pelvic vessel ligation— in controlling bleeding without the need for additional procedures or surgeries … The strength of evidence for most of these procedures and surgeries was rated insufficient, as the data … permit conclusions about harms associated with other procedures, such as uterine tamponade. ��� Surgeries … Evidence for the success of uterine balloon tamponade in controlling bleeding is insufficient. ��� Surgeries
    June 18, 2020 - revision of reconstruction (e.g., for asymmetry)* Unplanned repeat surgeries—for complications (e.g … revision of reconstruction (e.g., for asymmetry)* Unplanned repeat surgeries—for complications (e.g … revision of reconstruction (e.g., for asymmetry)* Unplanned repeat surgeries—for complications (e.g … revision of reconstruction (e.g., for asymmetry)* Unplanned repeat surgeries—for complications (e.g … In addition, we will consider history of abdominal surgeries as a potential confounder for KQ 6.
    April 09, 2020 - – for revision of reconstruction (e.g., for asymmetry)* o Unplanned repeat surgeries – for complications … – for revision of reconstruction (e.g., for asymmetry)* o Unplanned repeat surgeries – for complications … – for revision of reconstruction (e.g., for asymmetry)* o Unplanned repeat surgeries – for complications … – for revision of reconstruction (e.g., for asymmetry)* o Unplanned repeat surgeries – for complications … – for revision of reconstruction (e.g., for asymmetry)* o Unplanned repeat surgeries – for complications
    January 01, 2014 - (e.g., vascular, neurologic, thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic surgeries). … General or Various Surgeries, Children One RCT from 1975 with medium risk of bias reported limited … , cardiac, and vascular surgeries. … In contrast, general elective surgeries in adults encompass a wide range of patients and surgeries, … , cardiac, and vascular surgeries.
    April 01, 2015 - The median success rate (defined as control of bleeding without additional procedures or surgeries) … Strength of evidence is low for ligation controlling bleeding without further procedures or surgeries … Strength of evidence for embolization controlling bleeding without additional procedures or surgeriesSurgeries Uterine compression sutures Preterm birth Low SOE for no effect on subsequent preterm … However, few studies clearly provided data on the success of these procedures and surgeries as the
    April 12, 2012 - With regard to incisional surgeries, trabeculectomy provides more pressure lowering than the class of … As expected, incisional surgeries produce more significant side effects than do medical treatments.
    May 09, 2019 - Nerve Blocks for Postoperative Pain Management Background Approximately 14.6 million elective surgeries … were performed in the United States in 2017.1 Although the COVID-19 pandemic led to a reduction in surgeries … Population(s) • All patients (adults, children, and infants) undergoing the following open, elective surgeries
    January 29, 2014 - This raises a caution against extrapolating the cataract findings to other surgeries and populations … Peer Reviewer #4 Results The characteristics of the various surgeries included are clearly described … Given the heterogeneity of tests and surgeries, almost all our evidence boils down to single studies … There was no effect in cataract surgery, but differences were found for more major surgeries, even … The report was designed to be comprehensive so it includes a wide range of surgeries and tests, regardless
    March 26, 2013 - surgery in the United States. 1 Colorectal surgery is a frequent procedure; in 2009, there were 254,000 surgeries … in case of possible bowel perforation, OMBP is sometimes prescribed for other abdominal and pelvic surgeries … An ostomy, in turn, results in additional surgeries to reverse it and possibly other surgeries for complications … as bowel obstructions, incisional hernia repairs, and readmissions due to complications from these surgeries … Main analyses will include all relevant studies (e.g. studies of colon and rectum surgeries, and those
    May 14, 2013 - healthy patients and for those with comorbidities undergoing a wide variety of high- and low-risk surgeries …  minor  and   minimally  invasive  through  high  risk,  maximally  invasive  surgeries …  (e.g.,  vascular,   neurologic,  thoracic,  abdominal,  and  pelvic  surgeries)   … together and then ranking surgeries by intensity or surgical risk from the most (e.g., cardiothoracic … We will evaluate the age, sex distribution, comorbidities, surgical risk, specific planned surgeries
    July 01, 2021 - reconstructive failure, infections that are not explicitly implant-related, pain, analgesic use, or unplanned surgeries … of seroma (summary adjOR 1.52, 95% CI 0.62 to 3.71; 4 studies) (Moderate SoE) and unplanned repeat surgeries … Planned surgeries for reconstruction N/P N/P nd nd nd nd Duration of initial hospitalization . . . .
    July 01, 2021 - reconstructive failure, infections that are not explicitly implant-related, pain, analgesic use, or unplanned surgeries … of seroma (summary adjOR 1.52, 95% CI 0.62 to 3.71; 4 studies) (Moderate SoE) and unplanned repeat surgeries … Planned surgeries for reconstruction N/P N/P nd nd nd nd Duration of initial hospitalization . . .
    October 01, 2021 - reconstructive failure, infections that are not explicitly implant-related, pain, analgesic use, or unplanned surgeries … of seroma (summary adjOR 1.52, 95% CI 0.62 to 3.71; 4 studies) (Moderate SoE) and unplanned repeat surgeries … Planned surgeries for reconstruction N/P N/P nd nd nd nd Duration of initial hospitalization . . . .
    July 05, 2011 - We agree that the word “surgeries” can be imprecise. … We agree that the word “surgeries” can be imprecise. … We agree that the word “surgeries” can be imprecise. … We agree that the word “surgeries” can be imprecise. … We agree that the word “surgeries” can be imprecise.
    June 11, 2014 - proceed from less to more invasive and include compression techniques, medications, procedures, and surgeries … artery ligation, uterine hemostatic compression suturing, and hysterectomy. 15,20,22,23 Procedures and surgeries … Better understanding of when to proceed to procedures and surgeries as well as appropriate selection … placenta, manual evacuation of clot, uterine tamponade, uterine artery embolization, laceration repair) Surgeries … , the figure illustrates how interventions such as compression techniques, medications, procedures, surgeries
    May 14, 2013 - for healthy patients and for those with comorbidities undergoing a wide variety of high- and low-risk surgeries … in any risk category ranging from minor and minimally invasive through high risk, maximally invasive surgeries … (e.g., vascular, neurologic, thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic surgeries) Exclude patients undergoing … together and then ranking surgeries by intensity or surgical risk from the most (e.g., cardiothoracic … We will evaluate the age, sex distribution, comorbidities, surgical risk, specific planned surgeries,
    June 11, 2014 - proceed from less to more invasive and include compression techniques, medications, procedures, and surgeries … Procedures Source: Published online: June 11, 2014 3 and surgeries … Better understanding of when to proceed to procedures and surgeries as well as appropriate selection … manual evacuation of clot, uterine tamponade, uterine artery embolization, laceration repair) • Surgeries … the figure illustrates how interventions such as compression techniques, medications, procedures, surgeries
    September 01, 2010 - disease who are more likely to have early complications, with the need for multiple hospitalizations and surgeries … maintenance of remission, improving quality of life, and avoiding complications such as hospitalization, surgeries … Achieving disease remission reduces hospitalizations and surgeries, while improving quality of life and … These drugs are associated with reductions in surgeries and hospitalizations and improved mucosal healing … CDEIS], Simple Endoscopic Score for Crohn’s disease [SES-CD], absence of ulcers), hospitalizations, surgeries

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