
Total Results: 1,404 records

Showing results for "surgeries".

    January 12, 2017 - information Date of last physical Dates and results of tests and screenings Major illnesses and surgeries
    January 01, 2021 - classes of VTE prophylaxis modalities, and duration of VTE prophylaxis in patients undergoing these surgeries … ; and the efficacy of VTE prophylaxis in non-major orthopedic surgeries (knee arthroscopy, surgical repair … Finally, all questions related to orthopedic surgeries other than TKR, THR, and hip fracture surgery … Total knee replacement Hip fracture surgery Exclude studies that combine analyses of hip and knee surgeries … For each of three surgeries (THR, TKR, and hip fracture surgery) and for two outcomes (total DVT and
    March 01, 2012 - Data for specific surgeries should be considered separately. … Data for specific surgeries should be considered separately. … Data for specific surgeries should be considered separately. … Data for specific surgeries should be considered separately. … Data for specific surgeries should be considered separately.
    November 18, 2023 - Background and Objectives for the Systematic Review Millions of surgeries are performed in the United … synthesize evidence of PNB effects in intrathoracic surgery, including cardiac, lung, other chest surgeries … Ku2Bie cranial, and other surgeries of the orthopedic or neurosurgical specialties. … following open or minimally invasive (laparoscopic/thoracoscopic), elective, or urgent intrathoracic surgeries … Block and Caudal Block for Relief of Postoperative Pain in Children Who Underwent Lower Abdominal Surgeries
    April 01, 2014 - as a precaution in anticipation of possible iatrogenic bowel injury during abdominal and pelvic surgeries … although that use is not within the scope of this report.2 In 2009, more than 250,000 colorectal surgeries … additional surgery to reverse it, and possibly other surgeries if complications such as bowel obstructions … For example, colon and rectal surgeries often use different operative techniques and have different … Given the very large number of colorectal surgeries performed annually, modest effects can be clinically
    June 01, 2015 - procedure; but, are most commonly used in cardiovascular, orthopedic, maxillofacial, and neuro surgeries … complex surgery case but are most commonly used in cardiovascular, orthopedic, and maxillofacial surgeries … an expert with a research perspective doubted that the lack of 3-D printed biomodels has stopped surgeries … term drug therapy. 2015 Feb 27 [review date]. 28. 3-D printer helps doctors prep for complex surgeries … :// /with-printer-doctors-get-help-prepping-for- complex- surgeries
    May 23, 2013 - information Date of last physical Dates and results of tests and screenings Major illnesses and surgeries
    March 01, 2012 - pulmonary embolism (PE) in major orthopedic surgery, the impact of VTE prophylaxis on orthopedic surgeries … associated with VTE prophylaxis in patients undergoing major orthopedic surgery and other orthopedic surgeries … only major orthopedic surgery or report results of major orthopedic surgery separately from other surgeries … Not all three surgeries had incidence data reported in clinical trials; therefore, the symbol “--” is … When we assessed orthopedic surgeries other than THR, TKR, and HFS, the literature base was inadequate
  9. Untitled (pdf file)
    February 17, 2016 - classes of VTE prophylaxis modalities, and duration of VTE prophylaxis in patients undergoing these surgeries … ; and the efficacy of VTE prophylaxis in non-major orthopedic surgeries (knee arthroscopy, surgical … Finally, all questions related to orthopedic surgeries other than TKR, THR, and hip fracture surgery … knee replacement o   Hip fracture surgery o   Exclude studies that combine analyses of hip and knee surgeries … For each of three surgeries (THR, TKR, and hip fracture surgery) and for two outcomes (total DVT and
    October 23, 2014 - common ambulatory surgical procedure performed on children in the US, with more than 530,000 annual surgeries
    December 01, 2019 - Crohn's Disease Activity Index, mucosal healing, the absence of Crohn's disease hospitalizations or surgeries
    December 01, 2019 - that we are interested in therapy based on contemporary clinical practice and which “other orthopedic surgeries … undergoing major orthopedic surgery (TKR, THR, HFS) or report separate results for these major orthopedic surgeries … undergoing major orthopedic surgery (TKR, THR, HFS) or report separate results for these major orthopedic surgeries … laminectomy, or diskectomy all of the lumbar region) or report separate results for these orthopedic surgeries … KQs 10 and 11 evaluate patients undergoing other orthopedic surgeries; we will evaluate the results separately
    June 01, 2013 - In addition, bariatric surgeries such as LAGB and RYGB in morbidly Effective Health Care Effective … studies, and case series, we sought evidence of the benefits and harms of different types of bariatric surgeries
    November 12, 2015 - Twenty-­‐six surgeries, sixteen   joint replacements later, and  possibly two on  the way. 1 … Joint replac em ent surgeries help.
    November 01, 2012 - comorbidities such as type 2 diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, and hypertension following bariatric surgeries
    December 01, 2015 - an expert with a research perspective doubted that the absence of 3-D printed biomodels prevented surgeries … overall patient health and may be used in conjunction with programs that are tailored for specific surgeries … term drug therapy. 2015 Feb 27 [review date]. 28. 3-D printer helps doctors prep for complex surgeries … :// 8/with-printer-doctors-get-help-prepping-for- complex- surgeries … /
    February 01, 2008 - that we are interested in therapy based on contemporary clinical practice and which “other orthopedic surgeries … undergoing major orthopedic surgery (TKR, THR, HFS) or report separate results for these major orthopedic surgeries … undergoing major orthopedic surgery (TKR, THR, HFS) or report separate results for these major orthopedic surgeries … laminectomy, or diskectomy all of the lumbar region) or report separate results for these orthopedic surgeries … KQs 10 and 11 evaluate patients undergoing other orthopedic surgeries; we will evaluate the results
    February 01, 2008 - that we are interested in therapy based on contemporary clinical practice and which “other orthopedic surgeries … undergoing major orthopedic surgery (TKR, THR, HFS) or report separate results for these major orthopedic surgeries … undergoing major orthopedic surgery (TKR, THR, HFS) or report separate results for these major orthopedic surgeries … laminectomy, or diskectomy all of the lumbar region) or report separate results for these orthopedic surgeries … KQs 10 and 11 evaluate patients undergoing other orthopedic surgeries; we will evaluate the results
    December 01, 2017 - • Using data from 160 studies, risk of unexpected LMS ranged from less than 1 to 13 of 10,000 surgeries … To be included, papers were required to provide data to calculate the proportion of surgeries for fibroids … number of participants and duration of followup for medications (Table A), procedures (Table B), and surgeries … pregnancy outcomes after UAE are presented in the sections that compare UAE to other procedures or surgeries … Laparoscopic myomectomy was associated with faster return to usual activity than comparator surgeries
    December 01, 2019 - comorbidities such as type 2 diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, and hypertension following bariatric surgeries

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