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Surgeon burnout, impact on patient safety and professionalism: a systematic
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January 01, 2024 - The operation was performed by two surgeons; the senior spine surgeon performed the ALIF while the junior … surgeon managed the incision and the bone graft donor site.
Case Details (2)
The circumstances … Each time, the surgeon ordered hetastarch for volume expansion. … Direct pressure is useful because it gives the surgeon time to get assistance, to clear the operative … Knowing the patient’s course in the PACU, the nurse was unlikely to awaken the same surgeon at night
March 09, 2022 - Study
The prevalence of wrong level surgery among spine surgeons.
Citation Text:
Mody MG, Nourbakhsh A, Stahl DL, et al. The prevalence of wrong level surgery among spine surgeons. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2008;33(2):194-198. doi:10.1097/BRS.0b013e31816043d1.
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