August 26, 2011 - The surgeon-reviewers identify several problems in the categories of diagnosis and treatment
that occurred
August 21, 2007 - Gawande, a surgeon and frequent contributor to The New Yorker,
previously wrote the acclaimed book
April 07, 2019 - examined the association between self-rated daytime sleepiness among
trainee surgeons and attending surgeon–rated
September 07, 2019 - Instead, the surgeon performs a completely different procedure—a carpal tunnel release. … Personnel at the sharp end
may literally be holding a scalpel when the error is committed (e.g., the surgeon … In the incorrect surgery case, the active, or sharp end, error was quite literally committed by the surgeon … The surgeon was distracted by competing patient care needs (an inpatient consultation) and
an emotionally … Furthermore, the patient only spoke Spanish and no interpreter was available,
meaning that the surgeon
January 01, 2015 - The surgery was proceeding uneventfully when the surgeon requested that
the PA catheter be pulled back … At that point, the surgeon was informed that another patient in the cardiac intensive care
unit (ICU … The surgeon was the only cardiac surgeon available that
day, and there was also only one cardiac anesthesia … The surgeon and attending anesthesiologist
decided to begin the emergency CABG as soon as possible after … The surgeon was anxious to start the second case as soon as possible, so
in order to speed up the transfer
January 01, 2025 - patient outcomes, had severe consequences for the patient, and when the
complication occurred because of surgeon
April 01, 2008 - Although his DNR form was with him, neither the ED staff nor
the consulting surgeon looked at it. … The internist wrote a DNR order in the chart, but the
surgeon—having just completed major surgery on … Ultimately, the internist consulted with the hospital ethicist, who convinced the surgeon to
honor the … While case reports of physicians unilaterally trumping patient preferences exist, as the surgeon did … This leads to a very important question
regarding the actions of the surgeon.
June 12, 2019 - He is a staff surgeon at the University Health Network and scientist at the Institute for Clinical Evaluative … RW : As a surgeon and a researcher, was your take on the Gawande study that it was not credible or that … A surgeon could believe that it is a good tool; it might improve communication. … The studies focused on clinical outcomes, and a practicing surgeon would probably wonder how exactly … These are the factors that I tell people are important when choosing a surgeon.
October 31, 2023 - The robotic surgery, he explained, would involve a few small incisions, performed by a surgeon seated … In the case of RAS, though, the surgeon, seated at a computer console in the operating room, uses robot … and light source, which is transmitted to monitors in the operating suite and sends the image to the surgeon … The console, at which the surgeon sits to operate; there are two binocular lenses that magnify and create … a three-dimensional image for the surgeon.
August 01, 2017 - Such data will prompt improvement and help patients make more informed choices about which surgeon to … When I read Birkmeyer's study, I thought: if I needed a surgeon for my dad I would want to know his or … Then, we have a more robust comprehensive package by which to evaluate surgeon performance. … If there really is some phenomenal failure of your potential to be a surgeon, it would come out in your … But beyond that, it's also likely that we can train most people to be a competent surgeon.
July 01, 2011 - Another risk arising from shared responsibility is disengagement of the surgeon.( 8 ) The presence of … a hospitalist on the surgical wards frees up the surgeon to spend more time in the operating room or … non-teaching hospitals, where surgical patients are often admitted to the hospitalist rather than the surgeon … What problems and complications will the medicine physician, as opposed to the surgeon, take responsibility … The surgeon and medicine physician should determine whom nurses would call when they have specific questions
January 01, 2015 - Bowel that has been handled by the surgeon
during procedures associated with the lysis of adhesions … However, a surgeon encountering
this complication and lacking in experience in laparoscopic suturing … Although every surgeon wants to prevent surgical complications, the vagaries of individual patients mean … Krishna Moorthy, MD, MS Senior Lecturer, Consultant Surgeon Upper Gastrointestinal and Bariatric
Surgery … Surgeon information transfer and communication: factors
affecting quality and efficiency of inpatient
March 04, 2020 - The eNOTSS platform for surgeons’ nontechnical skills
performance improvement.
March 4, 2020
Pradarelli JC, Yule S, Smink DS. The eNOTSS Platform for Surgeons’ Nontechnical Skills Performance
Improvement. JAMA Surg. 2020;155(5):438-439. doi:10.1001/jamasurg.2019.5880.
June 27, 2018 - examined the association between self-rated daytime sleepiness among trainee surgeons and attending surgeon–rated
January 01, 2023 - • The surgeon placed the PEG tube in the ICU using the “pull technique”
(i.e., via the mouth) because … • Unaware that the PEG tube was malpositioned through the liver, the
surgeon attending clinic that … • The surgeon removed the tube uneventfully via the abdominal wall tract
using the common traction … • A few hours later, the clinic surgeon further reviewed the prior hospital
record and noted the … nor the
clinic surgeon was aware of this plan
February 01, 2016 - The robotic surgery, he explained, would involve a few small incisions, performed by a surgeon
seated … In the
case of RAS, though, the surgeon, seated at a computer console in the operating room, uses robot … and light source, which is
transmitted to monitors in the operating suite and sends the image to the surgeon … The console, at which the surgeon sits to operate; there are two binocular lenses that magnify and
create … a three-dimensional image for the surgeon.
December 04, 2019 - September 18, 2019
Transition planning for the senior surgeon: guidance and recommendations … March 3, 2019
The competent surgeon: individual accountability in the era of "systems
April 06, 2016 - Copy Citation
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