December 31, 2020 - Food items do not
count as diabetic supplies. … reason for
the difference between charges and payments, as those
items … Most SSI (Supplemental
Security Income) recipients are covered by Medicaid, as
January 01, 2011 - one in Spanish to assess how well
respondents are able to understand and answer the questionnaire items … Most respondents seemed to be interpreting these items
as intended. … He answered "yes" at Q50 but "no" to all subsequent
items in the section (including Q63). … Revisions after Round 2 of the English-language
testing to these items were based on the workgroup’ … In addition, all seemed to be willing to answer "no" to some of the
January 01, 2011 - cognitive testing to assess how well respondents are able to
understand and answer the questionnaire items … appropriate use of words and phrases in the
question stems; and ease or difficulty answering some items … Most respondents understood and
interpreted most items as intended. … Generally, respondents with multiple experiences of cancer did not know
whether to answer items based … Consequently, the specific changes described in the subsequent items in
Section 4 did not apply to