March 12, 2014 - 1.2.2 Editing Household Component Data
1.3.1 Data Collection
1.3.2 Supplemental … reported by the pharmacies in the PC to those reported by the household in the HC is accomplished by supplemental … drug roster with the names Insulin or Other Diabetic Supplies and Equipment and (2) treats these items … ^top
Supplemental Data
As mentioned above, matching the pharmacy data to the household data requires … Matched Data
This section describes six sets of edits that apply to the matched HC-PC data, including supplemental
August 01, 2012 - nondurable supplies, medical equipment, eyeglasses, ambulance services, and dental expenses, because these items
April 01, 2014 - nondurable supplies, medical equipment, eyeglasses, ambulance services, and
dental expenses, because these items
December 01, 2011 - nondurable supplies, medical equipment, eyeglasses, ambulance services, and dental expenses, because these items
December 01, 2010 - For more details on YNOUS42, see MEPS documentation and items AC07, AC07OV, and AC08 on the MEPS questionnaire
April 01, 2015 - nondurable supplies, medical equipment,
eyeglasses, ambulance services, and dental expenses, because these items
April 01, 2014 - nondurable supplies, medical equipment, eyeglasses, ambulance services, and dental expenses, because these items
December 01, 2010 - For more details on YNOUS42, see MEPS documentation and items AC07, AC07OV, and AC08 on the MEPS questionnaire
December 01, 2011 - nondurable supplies, medical equipment, eyeglasses, ambulance services, and dental expenses, because these items
August 01, 1999 - SSI stands for Supplemental Security Income.
increases between 1987 and 1996 were among children … Items related to
health status, access to health care, and income were
collected in special supplements … the
1996 data, a small number of cases reporting Aid to
Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) or
December 01, 2016 - database of all MEPS products released to date and a
variable locator indicating the major MEPS data items
December 31, 2020 - Food items do not
count as diabetic supplies. … reason for
the difference between charges and payments, as those
items … Most SSI (Supplemental
Security Income) recipients are covered by Medicaid, as
December 31, 2020 - Food items do not count as
diabetic supplies. … amount and source of payment or the reason for the
difference between charges and payments, as those items … Most SSI (Supplemental
Security Income) recipients are covered by Medicaid, as are most T A N F recipients
October 01, 1997 - report presents detailed descriptions of
the MEPS HC, including data collection methods,
questionnaire items
January 19, 2024 - Component
Data Collection
Editing Household Component Data
Pharmacy Component
Data Collection
Supplemental … PC to those reported by the household in the HC is accomplished through the use of
supplemental … Return to Table of Contents
Supplemental Data
As mentioned above, matching the pharmacy data to … Another important supplemental source of information used for pharmacy data editing is the National Average … Editing Matched Data
This section describes edits that apply to the matched HC-PC data, including supplemental
May 01, 2000 - In addition to the medical and financial items cited above (except procedure codes), this questionnaire … were obtained about medical care provided during the year for any sample patients on most key data items … Key data items are:
Date of visit (month of visit reported).
January 01, 2006 - expressed in constant dollars by inflating them to 2003 U.S. dollars using the Consumer Price Index for all items … retirement account (IRA) withdrawals; Social Security and Department of Veterans Affairs payments; Supplemental … private (including TRICARE): Individuals who at any time during the year, were covered by TRICARE or a supplemental … public coverage if they met both of the following criteria: 1) they were not covered by TRICARE or a supplemental … Medicare HMO/Medicare only: This group includes adults who did not report any private or public supplemental
July 01, 2006 - in constant dollars by inflating them to 2003 U.S. dollars using the
Consumer Price Index for all items … retirement account (IRA) withdrawals; Social Security and Department of
Veterans Affairs payments; Supplemental … private (including TRICARE): Individuals who at any time during the
year, were covered by TRICARE or a supplemental … public coverage if they met both of the following criteria: 1) they were not
covered by TRICARE or a supplemental … Medicare HMO/Medicare only: This group includes adults who did not report any
private or public supplemental
August 01, 2007 - To supplement abstraction, telephone calls are
placed to providers to clarify items, obtain
July 01, 2005 - differences between 1987 and 2002 in the distribution of responses to the attitudes toward health insurance items … Distribution of responses to health insurance attitude items, adults age 18 and over, 1987 and 2002