
Total Results: 448 records

Showing results for "supplemental items".

    December 20, 2011 - Current Page Topic Timeline Feb. 18, 2011 Topic Suggestion Dec. 20, 2011 Research Protocol Nov. 7, 2012 Systematic Review Mar. 4, 2013 Disposition of Comments Report Long-Term Care for Older Adults: A Comparative Effectiveness Review of Institutional versus Home and Community-based Care Research Protocol Archived …
    March 01, 2016 - The following descriptions of items to be extracted are not exhaustive and are subject to revision: … will summarize KI input and use it to inform the design of the evidence map, in terms of the data items
    January 01, 2013 - Prioritization Criteria Methodology for Future Research Needs Proposals Within the Effective Health Care Program Methods Future Research Needs Report Number 10 Prioritization Criteria Methodology for Future Research Needs Proposals Within the Effective Health Care Program PiCMe—Prioritization Crit…
  4. Layout 1 (pdf file)
    December 01, 2011 - showed no statistically significant difference between the groups for depression scores when the sleep items
    July 01, 2012 - Interventions KQs 1–3: A comprehensive PCMH intervention that includes items 1, 3, and 4, below, along
    January 01, 2012 - In December 2011, Gilead Sciences, Inc. submitted a supplemental New Drug Application to the U.S. … entrance door push plate, each containing copper, were compared with equivalent standard, noncopper items … Samples were taken once weekly for 10 weeks; after 5 weeks, the copper-containing and noncopper items … The median microbial burdens of copper-containing items were from 90% to 100% lower than their control … Gilead Sciences submits supplemental New Drug Application to U.S.
    March 01, 2012 - These interventions include pharmacologic agents, a biological agent, dietary and supplemental vitamin … Besides pharmacologic agents, dietary and supplemental calcium and vitamin D, as well as weight bearing … observational studies that measure adherence is a challenge, as no such metric currently exists and the items
    August 01, 2015 - Epidemiology, Behavioral Research Methods) along with key words such as methodology or protocol following items … We also retained supplemental publications that described the development or provided a detailed description … and colleagues published the RoBiNT Scale, another instrument for rating quality.18 It includes 15 items … The first scale includes items on randomization, sampling, and blinding and the second scale focuses
    November 10, 2020 - Supplemental Evidence and Data for Systematic review (SEADS): Manufacturers and other stakeholders of … Timing, Study Design PT Physical Therapy RCT Randomized Control Trial SEADS Supplemental
    May 01, 2012 - We also sent reviewers supplemental materials; these included evidence tables and full-text articles … We instructed participants to use the supplemental materials if they wished; however, we designed the … ; (p=0.34 † ) Kroenke 200114 Open-label RCT 404 Fair Sexual function (based on 4 individual items … that they wanted more information to complete the exercise = we instructed them to then consult the supplemental … The supplemental materials provided far more information than reviewers needed but gave them the option
    March 01, 2012 - should not be viewed purely as an alternative to the other modalities and agents, but rather also in a supplemental … to help reduce fracture risk…controlled clinical trials have demonstrated that the combination of supplemental
    February 09, 2017 - from a framework previously developed to evaluate the quality of community-based data sources. 33 The items … The coding schema (Appendix E) includes a series of coding items to identify how the identified studies … The main categories of 'data linkage' will include the following items (preliminary): Data Linkage
    March 29, 2013 - on general study characteristics, patient characteristics, treatment characteristics, risk-of-bias items … Also, because of the possibility of subjective interpretation, the risk-of-bias items will be judged … Each of these items will be answered “Yes,” “No,” or “Not reported.” Table 11. … be considered as having medium risk of bias, the study must have a “yes” answer for at least three items
    July 10, 2012 - adverse” effects KQs (3,5) be placed together (especially since there were few findings for these items
    November 01, 2013 - The right hand column of Figure A- 1, plus the seven items in the box at the bottom right, provides the … of differences between either of these tables (on the one hand) and the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items
    December 20, 2011 - Source: Published Online: December 20, 2011 1 Evidence-based Practice Center Systematic Review Protocol Long-Term Care for Older Adults: A Comparative Effectiveness Review of Institutional versus Home and Community-based Care I. Background and Objectives for the Systema…
    January 01, 2013 - We generated an initial list of 33 items, which we consolidated according to common themes into a list … of 17 items for the work group to discuss. … In the course of our deliberations, we further consolidated these items and categorized the relevant … We discussed each of the items during eighteen 90-minute teleconference meetings over 12 months.
    January 01, 2018 - There needs to be a sentence for adolescent placed here, that could include a few of the items in the
  19. M (pdf file)
    September 01, 2009 - Several items related to quality of reporting have been incorporated into instruments such as the ones … For example, AMSTAR includes the items “Was the scientific quality of the included studies used appropriately
  20. M (pdf file)
    September 01, 2009 - Several items related to quality of reporting have been incorporated into instruments such as the ones … For example, AMSTAR includes the items “Was the scientific quality of the included studies used appropriately

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