October 24, 2019 - Due to the nature of the project, a
portal for submission of Supplemental Evidence And Data for Systematic
October 24, 2019 - Due to the nature of the project, a
portal for submission of Supplemental Evidence And Data for Systematic
January 01, 2010 - will use the Downs and Black quality assessment tool.
we plan to use selected items
December 16, 2011 - : severe; 31-40: very
Assessed together by patient
and investigator
Intensity (5 items … ), daily
function (6 items), sleep quality
Source: www.effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov
Published … ), and emotional well-
being (3 items)
Hopkins RLS
Quality of Life
(RLSQoL) … 10 of the 18 items are used to
derive RLS related “overall
life impact score”
Completed by … We will use the RTI-item bank for items specific to these
quality elements.
October 25, 2011 - Data abstraction: Eligible articles will be sent to data abstraction with a focus on items related to
March 22, 2016 - We will develop instruments based upon AHRQ guidance.15 Relevant items will
include participant selection
January 30, 2014 - will include detailed instructions and labels to reinforce
coding reliability and will consist of items … The tool includes six items from five domains of
potential sources of bias (i.e., selection, reporting … Additional items may be necessary to evaluate potential risk of bias
associated with fidelity for psychosocial
May 31, 2022 - The full report and supplemental
implementation resources can be found at:
www.mchevidence.org/documents … used
google, I was wondering specifically about Med
Ed Portal since that might have some relevant
items … I wonder about items
that would be useful in this section there. … I do think this report did a
nice job at that listing the items to improve
studies is valuable. … Affiliation
Section Comment Response
Peer Reviewer
I think a few items
April 01, 2021 - Wrong-site surgery,
retained surgical items,
and surgical fires: a
systematic review of
surgical … individually identified
interventions for the
prevention of wrong site
surgery, retained surgical
items … recommendation to VA
facilities in the effort to eliminate
wrong site surgery, retained
surgical items … Wrong-site surgery, retained surgical
items, and surgical fires: a systematic review
of surgical never
February 16, 2016 - Preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis protocols (PRISMA-P) 2015: elaboration
February 16, 2016 - Preferred reporting items for systematic
review and meta-analysis protocols (PRISMA-P) 2015: elaboration
July 01, 2012 - The majority
of these 91 tools did not explicitly state a rationale for inclusion or exclusion of items … In
addition to disregarding irrelevant items, systematic reviewers may also need to add additional … guidance and other published recommendations,2 we suggest
summarizing study limitations across multiple items … The reviewers provided
a rationale for their selection of items from within this tool; they excluded … 4 of 14 items, and
gave their justifications for doing so in an appendix.
March 01, 2021 - I retested
the strategy, and the new version still found all of my known items. … I retested the
strategy, and the new version still found all of my known items.
January 01, 2011 - total Medicare reimbursement for each biologic
by summing the revenue payment variable across all line items … total Medicare reim-
bursement for each biologic by summing the line payment variable
across all line items
April 01, 2010 - information
about the outcomes, clinical effectiveness, safety, and appropriateness of health care items … JHH/SKCCC also had supplemental data sources,
including a cancer registry, a cancer center information
November 01, 2011 - items germane to the topics at hand. … considered as items with potentially subjective
interpretation; alternatively, items with … items, providing explicit definitions for each (Table 3). … However, certain items were specific to the study-design or the research topic reviewed, that is,
items … but without specific decision rules about the
synthesis of items.
January 01, 2011 - Thus,
most patients who receive ESA
treatment will require supplemental
(oral or intravenous) iron … concerns regarding the adverse effects
associated with elevated doses of ESAs2
and supplemental iron
July 12, 2011 - We will use the RTI Observational Studies Risk of Bias and Precision Item Bank to select items most relevant … in assessing risk of bias for included observational studies. 23 This item bank includes items on participant … individual study level by using the RTI Observational Studies Risk of Bias and Precision Item Bank precision items
December 01, 2015 - Measurement: Questionnaires that include
items related to sleep problems and daytime
functioning or … Quality assessment of systematic
reviews included items such as a priori design, dual
review, and individual … Anchor-based MIDs are considered superior
to distribution-based methods, but distribution-based
MIDs can be supplemental … Properties
MIDs Reported in Literature and
Method of Derivation
Insomnia Severity Index 7 Likert items … clinical insomnia (severe)
MID = 6: anchor based29
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index 7 components; 19 items
July 01, 2016 - -
Future Research Needs Paper
Number 26
Management of Crohn’s
Disease: Future Research
Future Research Needs Paper
Number 26
Pharmacological Management of Crohn’s Disease:
Future Research Needs
Identification of Future Research Needs From Comparative Effectiveness Review
No. 131