April 01, 2008 - Items were drawn or
adapted from previously fielded instruments or were written by the research team … relatively high scores on a computer attitudes scale that we adapted
from an existing instrument2 (6 items … “Because of the potential differences in NDC number,
items provided in the formulary & alternatives
January 01, 2020 - Results:
• 75% of information items needed by nurses mapped to the standard. … No observation included all the
standard data items in information available at admission. … nurses at the start of the admission, were compared to a data standard to iden-
tify relevant data items … .(53) We reviewed the HL7 Implementa-
tion Guide for the CCD document to identify relevant CCD data items … To assess the interoperability effect on the occurrence of data items in the available information, each
January 01, 2010 - This survey also included items from the CAHPs instrument.
January 01, 2009 - Creating Online NICU Networks to Educate, Consult, and Team (Project CONNECT)
Grant Final Report
Grant ID: 1UC1HS016147
Creating Online NICU Networks to Educate, Consult,
and Team (Project CONNECT)
Inclusive Dates: 10/01/05 - 09/30/09
Principal Investigator:
Valerie Rachal, RN, PhD
January 01, 2008 - All rounds of the survey included
eight individual items exploring the perceived impact of the EHR on
January 01, 2012 - considered as missed or wrong doses following the Patient Medication
Adherence Questionnaire (PMAQ) items … Additional
items were asked about whether the doctor reviewed medicines, mentioned how to take the medicine … After consent to the study, a brief battery of demographic, socioeconomic, and
baseline health status items
January 01, 2008 - Patient surveys included 69 items on the 5 dimensions.
January 01, 2014 - All items were classified under the broad
headings of technology, policy, and evaluation. … The positive evaluations, with a few neutral
ratings on some items, coupled with the qualitative comments
January 26, 2006 - The SUS items were
based on three usability criteria: effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction. … The items measure ease of task completion, time required to complete the tasks, and
satisfaction with … The items show adequate
reliability and validity.
Goud R, Jaspers MW, Hasman A, et al. … They showed that the
scale has two factors; usability (eight items) and
learnability ( … two items).
October 01, 2011 - participants grows as new institutions are added.
The INPC stores over 900 million discrete data items
January 01, 2018 - concerns/recommendations needed to be addressed through further analysis of
the ACS NSQIP database (Items … #1, 2, 3, 4); some could be addressed by adding features to the
SURPAS tool (Items #5, 6, 7); and another
January 01, 2019 - The MHLC contains 18-items with 6-items for
each of its three subscales: Internal, Chance and Powerful … of a supportive family member, having easy access to
internet and technology in the home, specific items
October 01, 2010 - Summary information on each SRD
Project name Supplemental funding
AHRQ SRD project
principal … What are additional items for
January 01, 2023 - each column
Summary Skipped Tables must have a summary
Rule Name Status Description
List items
May 01, 2010 - step toward a
successful implementation and try to assist users to
an extent in developing these items … design and development phase is more effective and less expensive than
responding to and correcting items
January 01, 2012 - of Health IT developed by AHRQ. (29) Reviewers,
who were senior team members, answered yes or no to items
February 15, 2024 - each column
Summary Skipped Tables must have a summary
Rule Name Status Description
List items
January 01, 2016 - site for any patient;
• Medical Summary use: the proportion of encounters in which Medical Summary items … Utilization of eDental guides medical history items and personalized guidelines
for targeted patients … health care professionals often suffer "alert fatigue"
caused by excessive numbers of warnings about items … Utilization of eDental guides medical history items and personalized guidelines for targeted patients
January 01, 2013 - addition of the literature review-based
statements should not have influenced the results of other items … Overall ED and PCC personnel agreed on the items of high importance. … While there were a few
items in each of the categories where one group rated the median importance slightly
January 01, 2005 - Because the system will only have formulary items available potential
problems arising due to brand … Each label is created singly or in batch but there may be differences between batches or items may be … It can measure a number of items
such as administration times allowing for measures of medication omissions