October 01, 2016 - For all other items, 12 hospitals indicated that the data
were not difficult to collect, and none said
April 01, 2018 - These items include strategy-specific implementation and evaluation guidance,
training materials and … each column
Summary Passed Tables must have a summary
Rule Name Status Description
List items
April 01, 2024 - hypoxemia alarms and improving clinicians’ access to usable longitudinal pulse oximetry data to inform supplemental … models to drive improved understanding of factors that influence successful and unsuccessful counting of items … opportunities to enhance the counting process before the surgery starts and to improve the discovery of lost items
January 10, 2005 - patient rooms
should factor ergonomic principles into the need for nurses to twist, bend, and lift
March 01, 2016 - for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC), has developed the Comprehensive Surgical
Checklist that combines items
July 01, 2018 - These items include:
Dietary advice: Dietary advice can play an important role in preventing readmission
November 30, 2010 - through Section 1013 of the MMA and authorized AHRQ to conduct research on the outcomes
of health care items
January 01, 2015 - Try to avoid discussions about how your
practice is performing on these items. … may think they
know which areas are relevant to their improvement work and want to skip sections or items … It may be best to start with items that are
widely used or those that often prompt patient questions
June 01, 2014 - scores for basic and advanced EHR functionality use) include most of the coordination-related survey items … Although these composite measures mask some of the specificity of the coordination items included within
March 01, 2016 - corresponding look-back period
• What was found on the assessment
• What was done to follow up on the items … each column
Summary Skipped Tables must have a summary
Rule Name Status Description
List items
February 06, 2008 - • Keep the agenda to limited items. … These items were also used as incentives for participating in education events and to reward
July 01, 2023 - A few items you might discuss include:
Roles and responsibilities – Does everyone know who is on the … A few items you might discuss include:
Roles and responsibilities – Did everyone know who was on the
March 01, 2024 - improving future iterations of peer
assessment tools, including appropriate numbers of raters and rating items
November 01, 2019 - The items were revised and
modified in accordance with the findings from that interview and provided … healthcare facilities with obstetrical services and confirmed the availability and
accessibility of supplemental
May 01, 2018 - The items
were revised and modified in accordance with the findings from that interview and provided … health care facilities with obstetrical services and confirmed the availability and
accessibility of supplemental
October 01, 2019 - The items were revised and
modified in accordance with the findings from that interview and provided … healthcare facilities with obstetrical services and confirmed the availability and
accessibility of supplemental
September 01, 2019 - The items were revised and
modified in accordance with the findings from that interview and provided … healthcare facilities with obstetrical services and confirmed the availability and
accessibility of supplemental
January 01, 2024 - Keep the agenda to limited items
Initial pilot testing of huddles occurred within two departments: Radiology … These items were also used as
incentives for participation in education events or to reward observed
July 01, 2023 - A few items you might discuss include:
• Roles and responsibilities – Does everyone know who is on … A few
items you might discuss include:
• Roles and responsibilities – Did everyone know who was on
September 17, 2020 - Guide for Comparative Effectiveness
Reviews.8 The reporting complies with the Preferred Reporting Items … Preferred
reporting items for systematic reviews and
meta-analyses: the PRISMA statement. … Guide for Comparative Effectiveness
Reviews.15 The reporting complies with the Preferred Reporting Items … For observational
studies, we selected appropriate items from the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale.18 The overall … Preferred
reporting items for systematic reviews and
meta-analyses: the PRISMA statement.