January 01, 2025 - The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's (AHRQ) Effective Health Care (EHC) Program accepts suggestions … Representatives of major hospitals, clinicians, researchers, payers, and patients have all offered suggestions … Submit a suggestion for a new evidence review . Read topics nominated for a new evidence review . … How AHRQ Chooses Research Topics All suggestions for evidence reports are carefully considered using
December 01, 2019 - Topics Are Nominated and Selected
Individuals and organizations submit suggestions for evidence reports … All suggestions for research are carefully considered based on a set of criteria, including importance … Research Begins
Suggestions that are selected are then developed into a topic for evidence synthesis
January 01, 2011 - for disseminating results
• Establishing trust is essential to
effective dissemination
Suggestions … Be as direct as possible in the message
– (e.g., “this does not work,” “this can hurt you”)
January 01, 2011 - for
disseminating results
§ Establishing trust is essential to effective dissemination
Slide 3
Suggestions … as direct as possible in the message
§ (e.g., “this does not work,” “this can hurt you”)
Slide 4
November 12, 2020 - Commentators are not required to provide their names or affiliations in order to submit
suggestions … ”
• Specific suggestions requested clarification, for example prevalence of migraine and
June 28, 2022 - Commentators are not required to provide their names or affiliations in order to submit
suggestions … • Reviewer made suggestions about issues to add related to future research
(e.g., qualitative questions … We implemented their suggestions. … In addition, suggestions were made about text that needed better
clarification or definitions, along … • We followed the suggestion of one reviewer to condense the results sections
that address nonprioritized
October 12, 2020 - Commentators are not required to provide their names or affiliations in order to submit
suggestions … o Made various suggestions to clarify some language or to avoid
misinterpretation. … • Peer reviewer 2 was highly complimentary and made no specific suggestions. … No
suggestions. … SUGGESTION:
clinical outcomes of treatment failure,
length of hospital stay, diverticulitis-
December 16, 2014 - appears in the report with the citation and now
included a followup sentence based on the present
suggestion … also provided the SOE
grading for each subgroup in Table 24 of the report.
6) We have deleted this suggestion … Pg. 78 and 82
We have added a suggestion to the Research
Gaps section in the report about the need … An additional suggestion would be to detail some of the
systematic methodologic errors in trial design … Based on the suggestion by the reviewer, for
Key Question 3, we have added a statement about
the Government
March 27, 2020 - Thank you for your suggestion. … Thank you for this suggestion for further
work. … Thank you for these suggestions for
additional interviews. … Thank you for your suggestion. … Thanks for your suggestions.
August 26, 2020 - (See pdf)
Thank you for your suggestions. … Thank you very much for these
suggestions. … See suggestions on
Methodology below.
Title. … We have decided not to change the title
for the review, but will consider this
suggestion for the other … Thank you for your careful review and
October 29, 2021 - Commentators are not required to provide their names or affiliations in order to submit
suggestions … Reviewers offered suggestions that resulted in clarifications, additions, deletions, and
corrections … so I have not had a chance to review further than page 50 but wanted to contribute
few comments and suggestions
September 13, 2006 - Suggestions: Choose whole fruits and vegetables over
juice, since these contain more fiber and offer … Suggestions: Give your children water bottles and keep them
filled. … Suggestions: Blend low-fat or skim milk or yogurt with fruit
and ice to make a tasty treat. … Suggestions: Work with your children to select age
appropriate shows and turn the television on only … Suggestions: Scatter activities throughout the day.
August 29, 2023 - Thank you for your suggestions.
We agree that costs matter. … Thank you for your suggestions. … Thank you for your suggestions.
We agree that costs matter. … Thank you for your suggestion. … Thank you for your suggestion.
September 01, 2011 - Each of the work groups reviewed
processes and products of the EHC Program and offered suggestions for … The work group used these examples to generate discussion and specific suggestions
for report enhancements … While Stakeholders sometimes made suggestions that AHRQ could not implement due to
program limitations … In addition, EPC
directors and their staff valued hearing suggestions from high-level decisionmakers … The work of the Product Development Work Group and its suggestions for improving and
enhancing CERs
May 01, 2023 - Before You Get Started
When you submit a suggestion, you are nominating a topic for a potential evidence … nominated for a New Evidence Review
Search for and read topics suggested by others before you submit your suggestion … If you have any questions about the topic suggestions process, please contact epc@ahrq.hhs.gov .
October 01, 2021 - effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/products/cer-methods-guide/overview
Limitations and Suggestions … sort_by=field_product_pub_date
Main Points
Background and Purpose
Limitations and Suggestions
October 31, 2011 - facilitation
List at least three strategies for mitigating bias and conflict of interest
Provide at least two suggestions … List at least three strategies for mitigating bias and conflict of interest
Provide at least two suggestions … participants before group discussions to ensure they are prepared, and after to note any additional input and suggestions …
Challenge: Continuous Improvement
Review processes
Encourage feedback
Incorporate suggestions
December 01, 2019 - criteria to determine which study design may be most appropriate for each research question and provide suggestions
September 01, 2019 - Comments and suggestions on the Future Research Needs methods papers and the Effective Health Care Program
January 05, 2017 - List at least three strategies for mitigating bias and conflict of interest
§ Provide at least two suggestions … List at least three strategies for mitigating bias and conflict of interest
§ Provide at least two suggestions … participants before group discussions to ensure they are
prepared, and after to note any additional input and suggestions … Slide 22
Challenge: Continuous Improvement
§ Review processes
§ Encourage feedback
§ Incorporate suggestions