January 01, 2003 - OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of computer-based cardiac care suggestions. … INTERVENTIONS: Evidence-based cardiac care suggestions, approved by a panel of local cardiologists and … The intervention had no effect on physicians' adherence to the care suggestions (23% for intervention … The pharmacist had 3 options: fill the prescription(s) as usual, discuss the suggestion(s) with the patient … "[T]here was no note in any chart that the physician disagreed with a suggestion [for patient cardiac
January 01, 2005 - Tierney WM et al. 2005 "Can computer-generated evidence-based care suggestions enhance evidence-based … Can computer-generated evidence-based care suggestions enhance evidence-based management of asthma and … We performed a randomized, controlled trial of guideline-based care suggestions delivered to physicians … Objective
To evaluate the impact of guideline-based care suggestion alerts on physicians and pharmacists … intervention group, for which 37 percent of the suggestions were adhered to.
March 01, 2004 - Failure of computerized treatment suggestions to improve health outcomes of outpatients with uncomplicated … Purpose of Study: assess the effects of evidence-based treatment suggestions aimed at physicians and … half from the physician control sessions were randomized so that pharmacists also received treatment suggestions … each intervention pharmacist and physician regarding the intervention Barriers: ease of bypassing suggestions … by using the ÒescapeÓ key Quality of Care and Patient Safety Outcome: Compliance with treatment suggestions
January 01, 2023 - Older adults' use of patient portals: experiences, challenges, and suggestions shared through discussion … Older adults' use of patient portals: experiences, challenges, and suggestions shared through discussion
April 01, 2005 - Can computer-generated evidence-based care suggestions enhance evidence-based management of asthma and … Purpose of Study: To determine whether guideline-based suggestions presented to physicians and pharmacists … intervention who were seeing intervention patients were presented with computerized and paper care suggestions … Evaluation Method: Surveys, chart abstraction, electronic medication data Description: care suggestion … into physicians' computer workstations Strategy: Intervention physicians required to view all care suggestions
December 09, 1976 - Purpose of Study: Determine whether clinical errors can be reduced by prospective computer suggestions … Intervention: The use of a protocol of computer suggestions about the management of simple clinical … Description: The protocols of computer suggestions were part of ÒThe Regenstrief Medical RecordÓ system … responded to 51 per cent of 327 events when given, and 22 per cent of 385 events when not given computer suggestions
January 01, 1990 - advising about the control tests to follow-up the prescribed therapy, and indicating hygienic-dietetic suggestions … Evaluation Method: Measures of systems suggestions administered and prescribed medications. … there major discrepancies (i.e. potentially deleterious for the patient) between the expert system's suggestions
July 01, 2021 - QUESTION: Any suggestions to improve digital and internet literacy among patients? … QUESTION: Any suggestions to improve digital and internet literacy among patients? … QUESTION: Any suggestions to improve digital and internet literacy among patients? … QUESTION: Any suggestions to improve digital and internet literacy among patients? … QUESTION: Any suggestions to improve digital and internet literacy among patients?
January 01, 1997 - support (list of preferred drugs), and full support (the same list with explanations available for suggestions … bottom half of the screen contained either an alphabetical drug list or the computer support system's suggestions … practice computer."
40 percent of physicians did not examine the provided explanation for the drug suggestions
January 01, 2023 - Feedback/Suggestions
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January 01, 2023 - Illnesses
Older adults' use of patient portals: experiences, challenges, and suggestions … Older adults' use of patient portals: experiences, challenges, and suggestions shared through discussion
January 01, 2010 - For additional suggestions, two Webinars about adding clinical data were conducted in early 2010. … Suggestions for lab data included information on establishing a business case for collection, identifying … incorporate the toolkit, and in turn populating the toolkit with specific items from that Web page, and suggestions
January 01, 1999 - "Physicians can utilize helpful DDSS suggestions even when other irrelevant suggestions are also provided
January 01, 2010 - For additional suggestions, two Webinars about adding clinical data were conducted
in early 2010. … Suggestions for lab data included information
on establishing a business case for collection, identifying … incorporate the toolkit,
and in turn populating the toolkit with specific items from that Web page, and suggestions
January 01, 2023 - status, the patient's self-reported ''chief complaint,'' and problem-specific resource and management suggestions … Computer-generated feedback of functional status screening results accompanied by resource and management suggestions
January 01, 2006 - workstation (e.g., enhanced flow sheet displays, health maintenance reminders, alternative medication suggestions … Conclusion: Even though a majority of our clinical decision support suggestions are not explicitly followed … enhanced information displays such as flow sheets, health maintenance reminders, alternative medication suggestions
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July 05, 2021 - Based on the legal overview, the unresolved challenges are identified and suggestions for future research
August 29, 2010 - Ca
d s
Lessons 2
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Lessons 3
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Survey Creation
January 01, 2010 - numeric calculation of adherence for each medication and class over one year, and EB pharmacotherapeutic suggestions … Additional feedback on provider utilization of the report and the EB suggestions is obtained when providers … feedback from providers on the usefulness of the medication management report has been favorable and suggestions