January 01, 2012 - disease related interests Pregnancy and childbirth including preterm birth Pulmonary disease/asthma Substance … abuse (alcohol and drug abuse) Women's health issues Current or Past Research Interests Comments: Women's
January 01, 2012 - Immunizations
Population health
Prescription drug usage
Pulmonary disease/asthma*
Substance … abuse (alcohol and drug abuse)*
Tobacco use and smoking cessation
Approximate Number of PBRN
January 01, 2012 - nutrition Population health Pregnancy and childbirth including preterm birth Pulmonary disease/asthma Substance … abuse (alcohol and drug abuse) Tobacco use and smoking cessation Women's health issues Approximate Number
January 01, 2011 - management Obesity, physical activity and / or diet and nutrition Population health Pulmonary disease/asthma Substance … abuse (alcohol and drug abuse) Tobacco use and smoking cessation Approximate Number of PBRN Member Licensed
September 26, 2007 - disabilities Medication management Obesity, physical activity and / or diet and nutrition Population health Substance … abuse (alcohol and drug abuse) Tobacco use and smoking cessation Women's health issues Approximate Number
June 25, 2013 - interests Population health Pregnancy and childbirth including preterm birth Pulmonary disease/asthma Substance … abuse (alcohol and drug abuse) Tobacco use and smoking cessation Women's health issues Current or Past
January 01, 2012 - literacy Immunizations Obesity, physical activity and / or diet and nutrition Pulmonary disease/asthma Substance … abuse (alcohol and drug abuse) Current or Past Research Interests Comments: Cancer: end of life care
November 22, 2013 - nutrition Population health Pregnancy and childbirth including preterm birth Pulmonary disease/asthma Substance … abuse (alcohol and drug abuse) Women's health issues Approximate Number of PBRN Member Licensed Clinicians
March 25, 2014 - Immunizations Obesity, physical activity and / or diet and nutrition Other health or disease related interests Substance … abuse (alcohol and drug abuse) Tobacco use and smoking cessation Current or Past Research Interests
June 07, 2013 - management Obesity, physical activity and / or diet and nutrition Population health Pulmonary disease/asthma Substance … abuse (alcohol and drug abuse) Tobacco use and smoking cessation Approximate Number of PBRN Member Licensed
January 01, 2012 - nutrition Population health Pregnancy and childbirth including preterm birth Pulmonary disease/asthma Substance … abuse (alcohol and drug abuse) Tobacco use and smoking cessation Women's health issues Current or Past
January 12, 2012 - conditions)*
Diabetes (Type 1 or 2)*
Health literacy
Infectious diseases including HIV/AIDS, STDs*
Substance … abuse (alcohol and drug abuse)*
Approximate Number of PBRN Member Licensed Clinicians:
January 01, 2012 - Immunizations
Population health
Prescription drug usage
Pulmonary disease/asthma*
Substance … abuse (alcohol and drug abuse)*
Tobacco use and smoking cessation
Approximate Number of PBRN
June 25, 2013 - Pregnancy and childbirth including preterm birth*
Prescription drug usage
Pulmonary disease/asthma*
Substance … abuse (alcohol and drug abuse)*
Tobacco use and smoking cessation
Women's health issues
January 01, 2012 - and / or diet and nutrition Pregnancy and childbirth including preterm birth Pulmonary disease/asthma Substance … abuse (alcohol and drug abuse) Tobacco use and smoking cessation Women's health issues Current or Past
May 06, 2013 - Immunizations Other health or disease related interests Population health Pulmonary disease/asthma Substance … abuse (alcohol and drug abuse) Tobacco use and smoking cessation Current or Past Research Interests
January 01, 2012 - Diabetes (Type 1 or 2)*
Health literacy
Pulmonary disease/asthma*
Substance … abuse (alcohol and drug abuse)*
Current or Past Research Interests Comments :
Cancer: end
April 29, 2024 - Disease Simulation Sleep Problems Social Determinants of Health Spanish-Language Resources Substance … Abuse Surgery Surveys on Patient Safety Culture System Design
Back to
May 01, 2022 - interested in assessing and improving patient experience with behavioral health, mental health, and/or substance … abuse services. … The ECHO Survey can be used for multiple purposes:
To improve the quality of mental health and substance … abuse services. … abuse services in the previous 12 months through a managed care organization or managed behavioral healthcare
January 01, 2012 - nutrition Population health Pregnancy and childbirth including preterm birth Pulmonary disease/asthma Substance … abuse (alcohol and drug abuse) Tobacco use and smoking cessation Women's health issues Approximate Number