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    October 31, 2017 - DRG_NoPOA Frequency Percent of Total 887: OTHER MENTAL DISORDER DIAGNOSES 1,013 0.01% 894: ALCOHOL/DRUGABUSE OR DEPENDENCE, LEFT AMA 21,342 0.17% 895: ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE W REHABILITATION THERAPY … 13,089 0.10% 896: ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE W/O REHABILITATION THERAPY W MCC 17,506 0.14% … 897: ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE W/O REHABILITATION THERAPY W/O MCC 127,044 0.98% 901: WOUND … Suicide and intentional self-inflicted injury 985 0.01% 663: Screening and history of mental health and substance
    January 01, 2014 - DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS 19,672 0.06% 887: OTHER MENTAL DISORDER DIAGNOSES 2,549 0.01% 894: ALCOHOL/DRUGABUSE OR DEPENDENCE, LEFT AMA 54,326 0.15% 895: ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE W REHABILITATION THERAPY … 37,284 0.11% 896: ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE W/O REHABILITATION THERAPY W MCC 39,780 0.11% 897 … : ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE W/O REHABILITATION THERAPY W/O MCC 335,254 0.95% 901: WOUND DEBRIDEMENTS … and intentional self-inflicted injury 2,430 0.01% 663: Screening and history of mental health and substance
    November 08, 2017 - & DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS 2,620 0.05% 887: OTHER MENTAL DISORDER DIAGNOSES 457 0.01% 894: ALCOHOL/DRUGABUSE OR DEPENDENCE, LEFT AMA 7,006 0.13% 895: ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE W REHABILITATION THERAPY … , 2017 35 Frequency Distribution for DRG_NOPOA DRG_NoPOA Frequency Percent of Total 896: ALCOHOL/DRUGABUSE OR DEPENDENCE W/O REHABILITATION THERAPY W MCC 7,072 0.13% 897: ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE … Suicide and intentional self-inflicted injury 483 0.01% 663: Screening and history of mental health and substance
    April 08, 2010 - Suicide and intentional self-inflicted injury 9604 0.04 663: Screening and history of mental health and substanceabuse codes 8554 0.03 670: Miscellaneous disorders 26733 0.10 please refer to the section on Description
    January 01, 2006 - Suicide and intentional self-inflicted injury 9273 0.04 663: Screening and history of mental health and substanceabuse codes 7945 0.03 670: Miscellaneous disorders 27639 0.11 please refer to the section on Description
    January 01, 2008 - and intentional self-inflicted injury 10,485 0.04 663: Screening and history of mental health and substanceabuse codes 36,695 0.13 670: Miscellaneous disorders 33,065 0.12 please refer to the section on
    April 09, 2010 - Suicide and intentional self-inflicted injury 8,561 0.03 663: Screening and history of mental health and substanceabuse codes 25,932 0.10 670: Miscellaneous disorders 32,565 0.12 please refer to the section on
    January 01, 2007 - Suicide and intentional self-inflicted injury 9,128 0.03 663: Screening and history of mental health and substanceabuse codes 24,761 0.09 670: Miscellaneous disorders 33,251 0.12 please refer to the section on
    January 01, 2007 - CHILDHOOD MENTAL DISORDERS 30177 0.08 432: OTHER MENTAL DISORDER DIAGNOSES 4903 0.01 433: ALCOHOL/DRUG … June 12, 2009 34 Frequency Distribution for DRG24 DRG24 Frequency Percent of Total 521: ALCOHOL/DRUGABUSE OR DEPENDENCE W CC 158852 0.40 522: ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE W REHABILITATION THERAPY … W/O CC 40448 0.10 523: ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE W/O REHABILITATION THERAPY W/O CC 197205 0.50 … Suicide and intentional self-inflicted injury 396 0.00 663: Screening and history of mental health and substance
    January 01, 2013 - Administration, Indian Health Services, and Department of Justice [prison] hospitals) as well as psychiatric, substanceabuse, and long- term care hospitals.
    September 01, 2016 - Administration, Indian Health Services, and Department of Justice [prison] hospitals) as well as psychiatric, substanceabuse, and long-term care hospitals.
    February 11, 2011 - G:CIRD565TQMothers able1.PDF 6 Source: AHCPR, Center for Organization and Delivery Studies, Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP). Table 1 Statistics for 1996 HCUP Nationwide Inpatient Sample, by multi-level CCS diagnosis (principal diagnosis only) Multi-level Clinical Classifications Software (CCS) cate…
    September 05, 2020 - Tables HCUP Findings-At-A-Glance Topical Reports & Resources Race/Ethnicity Mental and SubstanceUse Disorders Enhancing Administrative Data Present on Admission (POA) Indicator Toolkit … OBESE: Obesity VALVE: Valvular disease CANCER_METS: Metastatic cancer DRUG_ABUSE: Drugabuse PARALYSIS: Paralysis WGHTLOSS: Weight loss CANCER_SOLID: Solid tumor without metastasis
    January 01, 2011 - 2486 0.988 0.8136 1.21435 OTHER MENTAL DISORDER DIAGNOSES 894 33964 0.2772 0.2741 1.01123 ALCOHOL/DRUGABUSE OR DEPENDENCE, LEFT AMA 895 29629 0.8992 0.7252 1.23984 ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE W … REHABILITATION THERAPY 896 21629 1.0661 1.0485 1.0168 ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE W/O REHABILITATION … THERAPY W MCC 897 229884 0.4486 0.4003 1.12047 ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE W/O REHABILITATION … self-inflicted injury 663 46131 1.22048 1.29491 0.94252 Screening and history of mental health and substance
    January 01, 2016 - Administration, Indian Health Services, and Department of Justice [prison] hospitals) as well as psychiatric, substanceabuse, and long- term care hospitals.
    January 01, 2012 - CHILDHOOD MENTAL DISORDERS 19,085 0.05% 432: OTHER MENTAL DISORDER DIAGNOSES 3,590 0.01% 433: ALCOHOL/DRUG … DRG24 DRG24 Frequency Percent of Total 520: CERVICAL SPINAL FUSION W/O CC 108,255 0.30% 521: ALCOHOL/DRUGABUSE OR DEPENDENCE W CC 180,075 0.49% 522: ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE W REHABILITATION THERAPY … W/O CC 21,365 0.06% 523: ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE W/O REHABILITATION THERAPY W/O CC 166,990 … and intentional self-inflicted injury 2,285 0.01% 663: Screening and history of mental health and substance
    January 01, 2008 - 2010 31 Weighted Frequency Distribution for DRG24 DRG24 Frequency Percent of Total 433: ALCOHOL/DRUG … CERVICAL SPINAL FUSION W CC 42,670 0.11% 520: CERVICAL SPINAL FUSION W/O CC 112,295 0.28% 521: ALCOHOL/DRUGABUSE OR DEPENDENCE W CC 163,991 0.41% 522: ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE W REHABILITATION THERAPY … W/O CC 29,539 0.07% 523: ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE W/O REHABILITATION THERAPY W/O CC 192,188 … Suicide and intentional self-inflicted injury 521 0.00% 663: Screening and history of mental health and substance
    January 01, 2012 - CHILDHOOD MENTAL DISORDERS 16,392 0.25% 432: OTHER MENTAL DISORDER DIAGNOSES 1,790 0.03% 433: ALCOHOL/DRUG … : CERVICAL SPINAL FUSION W CC 327 0.00% 520: CERVICAL SPINAL FUSION W/O CC 518 0.01% 521: ALCOHOL/DRUGABUSE OR DEPENDENCE W CC 2,482 0.04% 522: ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE W REHABILITATION THERAPY … W/O CC 1,882 0.03% 523: ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE W/O REHABILITATION THERAPY W/O CC 8,804 … Suicide and intentional self-inflicted injury 363 0.01% 663: Screening and history of mental health and substance
    January 01, 2012 - CHILDHOOD MENTAL DISORDERS 11,653 0.36% 432: OTHER MENTAL DISORDER DIAGNOSES 1,265 0.04% 433: ALCOHOL/DRUG … : CERVICAL SPINAL FUSION W CC 233 0.01% 520: CERVICAL SPINAL FUSION W/O CC 367 0.01% 521: ALCOHOL/DRUGABUSE OR DEPENDENCE W CC 1,796 0.06% 522: ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE W REHABILITATION THERAPY … W/O CC 1,393 0.04% 523: ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE OR DEPENDENCE W/O REHABILITATION THERAPY W/O CC 6,390 … Suicide and intentional self-inflicted injury 260 0.01% 663: Screening and history of mental health and substance
    October 01, 2011 - 168.0 Bacterial infection; unspecified site 137,200 164.2 Screening and history of mental health and substanceabuse codes 133,900 160.2 Chronic ulcer of skin 132,800 158.9 Source: AHRQ, Center for Delivery

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