
Total Results: 595 records

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    January 01, 2017 - 0.03% 770: Drug & alcohol abuse or dependence, left against medical advice 9,626 0.13% 772: Alcohol & drugdependence w rehab or rehab/detox therapy 7,567 0.11% 773: Opioid abuse & dependence 17,691 0.25% … 774: Cocaine abuse & dependence 5,090 0.07% 775: Alcohol abuse & dependence 45,755 0.64% 776: Other drugabuse & dependence 6,791 0.09% 792: Extensive OR procedures for other complications of treatment 3,990
    December 01, 2020 - Systemic Assistance and Performance (G) Mental Health (6) Extracorporeal or Systemic Therapies (H) SubstanceAbuse Treatment (7) Osteopathic (X) New Technology (8) Other Procedures Second Character – Body … Substance Use Disorder Treatment SUD SUD contains 4 categories that include procedures related to … Obstetrics Radiation Therapy Radiation Therapy Rehabilitation, Evaluation, and Treatment Rehabilitation SubstanceUse Disorder Treatment Substance Abuse Treatment Distributed to the appropriate Medical and Surgical
    September 01, 2008 - care facility 6 Transfer from another health care facility 0 Transfer from psychiatric, substanceabuse, or rehabilitation hospital (Beginning in 2000) 8 Court/Law enforcement 4 Court/Law … error in HCUP data processing, 133 discharges in 2002 with a disposition of "Transfer from psychiatric, substanceabuse, or rehabilitation hospital" had ASOURCEUB92 set to invalid (.A). … abuse, rehabilitation hospital 8 Court/Law enforcement 4 Court/Law enforcement 1
    October 31, 2016 - unspecified; continuous; episodic) • 304.70–304.72: Combinations of opioid type drug with any other drugdependence (unspecified; continuous; episodic) • 305.50–305.52: Opioid abuse (unspecified; continuous … For More Information For other information on mental health and substance abuse, including opioids
    January 01, 2013 - Administration, Indian Health Services, and Department of Justice [prison] hospitals) as well as psychiatric, substanceabuse, and long- term care hospitals.
    December 01, 2016 - Administration, Indian Health Services, and Department of Justice [prison] hospitals) as well as psychiatric, substanceabuse, and long-term care hospitals.
    March 01, 2007 - dependency or psychiatric care units of the hospital: EAPG Grouping: 16 = Mental illness and substanceabuse therapies 71 = Mental diseases and disorders 72 = Alcohol/drug use and alcohol/drug induced
    September 01, 2008 - care facility 6 Transfer from another health care facility 0 Transfer from psychiatric, substanceabuse, or rehabilitation hospital (Beginning in 2000) 8 Court/Law enforcement 4 Court/Law … error in HCUP data processing, 133 discharges in 2002 with a disposition of "Transfer from psychiatric, substanceabuse, or rehabilitation hospital" had ASOURCEUB92 set to invalid (.A). … abuse, rehabilitation hospital 8 Court/Law enforcement 4 Court/Law enforcement 1
    April 01, 2021 - HCUP Clinical Classifications Software (CCS) for Mental Health and Substance Abuse.
    January 01, 2010 - Abuse, Dependence, Intoxication: Alcohol 80,188 1.03% PSY06: Drug Abuse, Dependence, Overdose: Amphetamine … 2,477 0.03% PSY07: Drug Abuse, Dependence, Overdose: Barbiturate 3,847 0.05% PSY08: Drug Abuse, Dependence … , Overdose: Cannabis 2,536 0.03% PSY09: Drug Abuse, Dependence, Overdose: Cocaine 5,387 0.07% please … Abuse, Dependence, Overdose: Hallucinogen 82 0.00% PSY11: Drug Abuse, Dependence, Overdose: Opioid … 11,647 0.15% PSY12: Drug Abuse, Dependence, Overdose: Other 23,870 0.31% PSY13: Eating disorders:
  11. 2016-07 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2016 - abuse codes 2,070 38.8 140 40.7 182: Hemorrhage during pregnancy; abruptio placenta; placenta previa … abuse codes; dementia; Substance-related disorders; Mood disorders; Anxiety disorders; Alcohol-related … abuse codes 861 61.6 670: Miscellaneous disorders 294 62.6 Notes: Transfer out records are identified … abuse codes 2,070 38.8 670: Miscellaneous disorders 362 55.2 Notes: Transfer out records are identified … abuse codes 161 35.4 670: Miscellaneous disorders 42 -- Notes: Transfer out records are identified
    September 01, 2008 - 9459 E95.0-E95.90 E98.0-E98.99 V11.0-V11.99 (A) V790, V798, V799 (A) SubstanceAbuse 433-437, 521-523 303-305.93 944.5-944.6, 945.3-945.4, 946.1-946.9 980.0 (A)
    January 01, 2005 - disorders 40.2 3.805 3.4 0.116428 6,200 439 67 Substance-related mental disorders (drugabuse) 0.2 0.039 3.4 0.616839 12,100 1,556 128 Asthma 443.5 16.976
    October 01, 2021 - Systemic Assistance and Performance (G) Mental Health (6) Extracorporeal or Systemic Therapies (H) SubstanceAbuse Treatment (7) Osteopathic (X) New Technology (8) Other Procedures Second Character – Body … Substance Use Disorder Treatment SUD SUD contains 4 categories that include procedures related to … Radiation Therapy Radiation Therapy Rehabilitation, Evaluation, and Treatment Rehabilitation SubstanceUse Disorder Treatment Substance Abuse Treatment Distributed to the appropriate Medical and Surgical
    January 01, 2006 - Data System Home Page: NIMH page Substance … National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) (formerly called the National Household Survey on DrugAbuse (NHSDA)) Sponsor: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Office … but are not insurance (e.g., maternal and child health programs, state-county run mental health and substance … health insurance programs, maternal and child health programs, state-county run mental health and substance
    November 01, 2022 - Systemic Assistance and Performance (G) Mental Health (6) Extracorporeal or Systemic Therapies (H) SubstanceAbuse Treatment (7) Osteopathic (X) New Technology (8) Other Procedures Second Character – Body … Substance use disorder treatment SUD SUD contains 4 categories that include procedures related … Radiation therapy Radiation Therapy Rehabilitation, evaluation, and treatment Rehabilitation Substanceuse disorder treatment Substance Abuse Treatment Distributed to the appropriate Medical and Surgical
    March 01, 2021 - Poisoning by drugs or adverse effects of medical drugs is prioritized over the substance use disorder … other consequences of external causes body system (INJ022, INJ028, INJ059, or INJ065) as well as a substanceuse disorder category in the Mental, behavioral, and neurodevelopmental disorder body system (MBD018 … Substance use disorders default to the substance use category representing the underlying cause of the … condition (N=117 codes): Codes mapped to both a substance use disorder category (MBD018-MBD025) and
    October 01, 2020 - Poisoning by drugs or adverse effects of medical drugs is prioritized over the substance use disorder … other consequences of external causes body system (INJ022, INJ028, INJ059, or INJ065) as well as a substanceuse disorder category in the Mental, behavioral, and neurodevelopmental disorder body system (MBD018 … Substance use disorders default to the substance use category representing the underlying cause of the … condition (N=117 codes): Codes mapped to both a substance use disorder category (MBD018-MBD025) and
    April 01, 2013 - 8 HIV infection 34,958 9,230 26.4 9 Screening and history of mental health and substanceabuse 60,417 15,695 26.0 10 Peritonitis and intestinal abscess 25,219 6,315 25.0 … Substance-related disorders 212,612 32,050 15.1 663 Screening and history of mental health and substanceabuse 60,417 15,695 26.0 670 Miscellaneous mental disorders 43,193 4,189 9.7
    March 01, 2013 - 23,026 6,222 27.0 8 HIV infection 34,958 9,230 26.4 9 Screening and history of mental health and substanceabuse 60,417 15,695 26.0 10 Peritonitis and intestinal abscess 25,219 6,315 25.0 11 Congestive heart … 661 Substance-related disorders 212,612 32,050 15.1 663 Screening and history of mental health and substanceabuse 60,417 15,695 26.0 670 Miscellaneous mental disorders 43,193 4,189 9.7 Diseases of Nervous

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