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    May 14, 2013 - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes AWEEKEND CCSMGN1-CCSMGN15 Dx_Pr_Grps CCS Mental Health and SubstanceAbuse - General category for all diagnoses for NIS beginning in 2005 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - … -- -- Yes Yes -- -- -- -- -- -- CCSMGN1-CCSMGN15 CCSMSP1-CCSMSP15 Dx_Pr_Grps CCS Mental Health and SubstanceAbuse - Detail category for all diagnoses for NIS beginning in 2005 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- … -- Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes CM_DMCX CM_DRUG Severity AHRQ comorbidity measure: Drug
    January 01, 2018 - for trauma- and stressor-related disorders in the lowest two quintiles. 10 References 1 SubstanceAbuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality … definitions provided by the HCUP Partner, if available, or by a regionalization scheme developed by the SubstanceAbuse and Mental Health Services Administration.b Delaware and Hawaii do not release region-level … Census Bureau.c b Substance Abuse and
    December 01, 2014 - 195 Simple pneumonia and pleurisy without CC/MCC 105,814 16.5 16,700 29.2 897 Alcohol/drugabuse or dependence without rehabilitation therapy without MCC 192,061 14.6 12,900 34.9 … Two mental health and substance abuse conditions appeared on the list of stays with low ICU use. … Nearly 15 percent of hospital stays for alcohol and substance abuse without complication or comorbidity … For discharges with ICU for alcohol/drug abuse or dependence (MS-DRG 896, 897), 47.3% involved major
    October 01, 2018 - For More Information For other information on mental and substance abuse disorders, refer to the HCUP
    September 01, 2008 - 9459 E95.0-E95.90 E98.0-E98.99 V11.0-V11.99 (A) V790, V798, V799 (A) SubstanceAbuse 433-437, 521-523 303-305.93 944.5-944.6, 945.3-945.4, 946.1-946.9 980.0 (A) … the HCUP data element AGE is set to missing (.) in the Central Distributor SID for records involving substanceabuse or HIV infection.
    September 10, 2008 - Iowa Beginning July 1, 2016, previous restrictions on Substance Abuse records changed allowing
    September 10, 2008 - Iowa Beginning July 1, 2016, previous restrictions on Substance Abuse records changed allowing
    January 01, 2019 - 770: Drug & alcohol abuse or dependence, left against medical advice 10,231 0.14% 772: Alcohol & drugdependence w rehab or rehab/detox therapy 7,122 0.10% 773: Opioid abuse & dependence 14,139 0.20% … 774: Cocaine abuse & dependence 5,346 0.08% 775: Alcohol abuse & dependence 49,312 0.70% 776: Other drugabuse & dependence 7,356 0.10% please refer to the section on Description of Data Elements.
    January 01, 2019 - 0.08% 770: Drug & alcohol abuse or dependence, left against medical advice 378 0.01% 772: Alcohol & drugdependence w rehab or rehab/detox therapy 349 0.01% 773: Opioid abuse & dependence 828 0.03% 774: … Cocaine abuse & dependence 390 0.01% 775: Alcohol abuse & dependence 1,643 0.05% 776: Other drug abuse
    January 01, 2019 - 770: Drug & alcohol abuse or dependence, left against medical advice 10,231 0.14% 772: Alcohol & drugdependence w rehab or rehab/detox therapy 7,122 0.10% 773: Opioid abuse & dependence 14,139 0.20% … 774: Cocaine abuse & dependence 5,346 0.08% 775: Alcohol abuse & dependence 49,312 0.70% 776: Other drugabuse & dependence 7,356 0.10% please refer to the section on Description of Data Elements.
    January 01, 2019 - 0.08% 770: Drug & alcohol abuse or dependence, left against medical advice 378 0.01% 772: Alcohol & drugdependence w rehab or rehab/detox therapy 349 0.01% 773: Opioid abuse & dependence 828 0.03% 774: … Cocaine abuse & dependence 390 0.01% 775: Alcohol abuse & dependence 1,643 0.05% 776: Other drug abuse
    January 01, 2022 - 770: Drug and alcohol abuse or dependence, left against medical advice 10,175 0.15% 772: Alcohol and drugdependence with rehabilitation and/or detoxification therapy 6,154 0.09% 773: Opioid abuse and dependence … Cocaine abuse and dependence 4,600 0.07% 775: Alcohol abuse and dependence 48,923 0.74% 776: Other drugabuse and dependence 6,339 0.10% 792: Extensive O.R. procedures for other complications of treatment
    January 01, 2020 - 1, 2022 12 Frequency Distribution for APRDRG APRDRG Frequency Percent of Total 772: Alcohol and drugdependence with rehabilitation and/or detoxification therapy 6,323 0.10% 773: Opioid abuse and dependence … Cocaine abuse and dependence 4,687 0.07% 775: Alcohol abuse and dependence 48,709 0.75% 776: Other drugabuse and dependence 7,263 0.11% 792: Extensive O.R. procedures for other complications of treatment
    January 01, 2021 - 28, 2023 12 Frequency Distribution for APRDRG APRDRG Frequency Percent of Total 772: Alcohol and drugdependence with rehabilitation and/or detoxification therapy 5,971 0.09% 773: Opioid abuse and dependence … Cocaine abuse and dependence 4,718 0.07% 775: Alcohol abuse and dependence 50,908 0.76% 776: Other drugabuse and dependence 7,179 0.11% 792: Extensive O.R. procedures for other complications of treatment
    January 18, 2017 - self-inflicted injury 663 Screening and history of mental health and substanceabuse codes 670 Miscellaneous mental health disorders … self-inflicted injury [662] 5.14 Screening and history of mental health and substanceabuse codes [663] 5.15 Miscellaneous mental health disorders [670]
  16. (pdf file)
    January 01, 2003 - intervals for records in the NIS with the following sensitive conditions: abortion, AIDS, mental illness, substanceabuse and venereal disease. … E9590 E980-E9899 V110-V119 V790 V798 V799 9421-9429 9431-9439 9441-9444 9451-9452 9459 SubstanceAbuse 433-437 521-523 303-30593 9800 V6542 V791 9445-9446 9453-9454 9461-9469 Venereal Disease
    January 01, 2003 - intervals for records in the NIS with the following sensitive conditions: abortion, AIDS, mental illness, substanceabuse and venereal disease. … 9421-9429 9431-9439 9441-9444 9451-9452 9459 SubstanceAbuse 433-437 521-523 303-30593 9800 V6542 V791 9445-9446
    January 01, 2018 - 770: Drug & alcohol abuse or dependence, left against medical advice 29,984 0.17% 772: Alcohol & drugdependence w rehab or rehab/detox therapy 25,641 0.14% 773: Opioid abuse & dependence 37,908 0.21% … Cocaine abuse & dependence 15,156 0.09% 775: Alcohol abuse & dependence 126,269 0.71% 776: Other drugabuse & dependence 19,928 0.11% 792: Extensive OR procedures for other complications of treatment 11,979
    January 01, 2016 - 0.03% 770: Drug & alcohol abuse or dependence, left against medical advice 9,520 0.13% 772: Alcohol & drugdependence w rehab or rehab/detox therapy 6,879 0.10% 773: Opioid abuse & dependence 19,419 0.27% … 774: Cocaine abuse & dependence 4,587 0.06% 775: Alcohol abuse & dependence 44,836 0.63% 776: Other drugabuse & dependence 6,061 0.08% 791: O.R. procedure for other complications of treatment 10,504 0.15%
    January 01, 2018 - 770: Drug & alcohol abuse or dependence, left against medical advice 10,036 0.14% 772: Alcohol & drugdependence w rehab or rehab/detox therapy 7,205 0.10% 773: Opioid abuse & dependence 15,983 0.22% … 774: Cocaine abuse & dependence 5,458 0.08% 775: Alcohol abuse & dependence 47,519 0.67% 776: Other drugabuse & dependence 7,062 0.10% 792: Extensive OR procedures for other complications of treatment 4,505

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