
Total Results: 403 records

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    June 10, 2018 - populations (such as older adults, individuals with comorbidities and/or polypharmacy or a history of substanceabuse, pregnant and breastfeeding women, and children and adolescents).
    August 01, 2020 - Medically complex patients: comorbid psychiatric or behavioral health conditions comorbid substanceuse disorder frailty multimorbidity (≥2 chronic health conditions) high volume chronic disease … disability'/exp OR 'developmental disorder'/exp OR 'mental disease'/exp OR 'communication barrier'/exp OR 'drugdependence'/exp OR 'multiple chronic conditions'/exp OR 'rare disease'/exp OR 'chronic disease'/exp
    November 08, 2012 - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Resilience. 2010. … questionnaire used to assess DSM-III combat-related PTSD and related features (depression, suicidality, and substanceabuse)
    July 08, 2014 - Added a notation that alcohol and substance abuse are associated with depression.” … Added a notation that alcohol and substance abuse are associated with depression.”
    August 30, 2014 - quality of life • Patient satisfaction • Comorbidity: endpoints of victimization, homelessness, and substanceabuse • Patient-reported outcomes • Ability to obtain and retain employment and succeed in job duties … quality of life; patient satisfaction; comorbidity: endpoints of victimization, homelessness, and substanceabuse; patient reported outcomes; ability to obtain and retain employment and succeed in job duties; … abuse; patient reported outcomes; ability to obtain and retain employment and succeed in job duties
    January 01, 2017 - abuse. … use disorders, and including those experiencing a first episode of schizophrenia (including those with … use disorder Adults with schizophrenia* Pharmacologial and psychosocial andother nonpharmacological … In patients with co-occurring substance use disorder, core illness symptoms were improved more with … In patients with co-occurring substance use disorder, there was low-strength evidence that assertive
    October 04, 2016 - follows “The six states were selected based on the following criteria: (1) the state has an active SubstanceAbuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Garrett Lee Smith state youth suicide prevention … a study demonstrating proximal crossover effects unanticipated beneficial effects of a selective drugabuse prevention intervention on suicidal ideation.
    December 09, 2009 - the prevalence of concomitant psychiatric/behavioral conditions, including anxiety disorders, PTSD, substanceabuse and major psychiatric disorders?
    May 01, 2020 - Behavioral health factors include persistent and serious mental illness, substance abuse, cognitive decline … attends to the nonmedical and social determinants that affect health, including housing, mental health, substanceabuse, and emotional support. … development of Medicaid demonstrations and other alternative payment models; the National Institute on DrugAbuse; the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; the National Institute on Aging; the Human Resources
    November 07, 2019 - Behavioral health factors include persistent and serious mental illness, substance abuse, cognitive … attends to the nonmedical and social determinants that affect health, including housing, mental health, substanceabuse, and emotional support. … development of Medicaid demonstrations and other alternative payment models; the National Institute on DrugAbuse; the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; the National Institute on Aging; the Human Resources
    December 01, 2020 - infection, bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, others) Immunocompromised patients Patients with a history of substanceabuse Interventions KQ 1: Qualitative and quantitative instruments used to assess chronic … infection, bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, others) Immunocompromised patients Patients with a history of substanceabuse KQ 2: Patients with chronic cough of known etiology undergoing specific therapy
    February 25, 2021 - Community Healthcare Outcomes *Include only studies which examine outcomes for the following conditions: substanceabuse/alcohol, HIV/HPV/other infectious diseases, suicide, heart disease, cancer, unintentional injury
    January 01, 2023 - Community Healthcare Outcomes *Include only studies which examine outcomes for the following conditions: substanceabuse/alcohol, HIV/HPV/other infectious diseases, suicide, heart disease, cancer, unintentional injury
    January 01, 2017 - Using pay for performance to improve treatment implementation for adolescent substance use disorders
    December 01, 2019 - the prevalence of concomitant psychiatric/behavioral conditions, including anxiety disorders, PTSD, substanceabuse and major psychiatric disorders?
    February 01, 2013 - childhood PTSD increases the risk for developing comorbid mental disorders, such as depression, substanceabuse, and conduct disorder.4 Suicidality is a particular concern for children with PTSD.4,5 Decreased
    June 16, 2022 - many of the studies cited on IPV services were specifically studying women receiving treatment for substanceuse disorder. … IPV studies were conducted in specific study populations such as women receiving treatment for substanceabuse, or women attending an academic health center.” …”Results from these select study samples cannot
    January 01, 2012 - home” to community-based primary care; (2) to enhance linkages to community dental, mental health, substanceabuse, and other social services; and (3) to strengthen and improve the program through continued … abuse status; and (4) current living situation. … resources to patients in the ED: (1) a brief motivational interview addressing psychosocial needs, substanceabuse counseling, and family support networks; (2) outpatient home-health care; and (3) direct nursing
    January 01, 2012 - home” to community-based primary care; (2) to enhance linkages to community dental, mental health, substanceabuse, and other social services; and (3) to strengthen and improve the program through continued … abuse status; and (4) current living situation. 26 If the patient’s presenting symptoms and acuity … resources to patients in the ED: (1) a brief motivational interview addressing psychosocial needs, substanceabuse counseling, and family support networks; (2) outpatient home health care; and (3) direct nursing
    July 21, 2014 - weight concerns, restraint, hunger, disinhibition - Depressive disorders and symptoms - Anxiety - Substanceabuse o Physical health and functioning - BMI, weight status or stabilization - Hypertension … weight concerns, restraint, hunger, disinhibition · Depressive disorder and symptoms · Anxiety ·∙ Substanceabuse Physical health and functioning · Obesity · Hypertension · Type 2 diabetes · Dyslipidemia … Linkage scan for quantitative traits identifies new regions of interest for substance dependence in

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