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    September 01, 2010 - abuse. … abuse common among patients infected with HCV. … NA=4 12% 32% 44% 12% Screening patients with HCV for behavioral health/substance abuse issues. … NA=1 3% 16% 32% 49% Treatment of behavioral health/substance abuse issues in patients with HCV. … use disorders, mental health disorders, cardiac risk reduction (including diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia
    September 01, 2010 - abuse. … abuse common among patients infected with HCV. … NA=4 12% 32% 44% 12% Screening patients with HCV for behavioral health/substance abuse issues. … NA=1 3% 16% 32% 49% Treatment of behavioral health/substance abuse issues in patients with HCV. … use disorders, mental health disorders, cardiac risk reduction (including diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia
    April 13, 2012 - abuse facility, releasing information to specialist) Scenario: An inpatient specialty substance … The primary care provider has requested that the substance abuse information be sent by the treatment … abuse information that was received from the substance abuse treatment facility, to the specialist. … What is the process for handling substance abuse medical record data? 3. … abuse information that was received from the substance abuse treatment facility, to the specialist
    April 26, 2013 - Stakeholder organizations and exchanges:  Specialty substance abuse treatment facility (releasing … abuse facility, releasing information to specialist) Scenario: An inpatient specialty substanceabuse information that was received from the substance abuse treatment facility, to the specialist. … What is the process for handling substance abuse medical record data? 3. … abuse information that was received from the substance abuse treatment facility, to the specialist
    March 01, 2014 - Forging a Pathway for Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances Forging a Pathway for Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances 1 AHRQ Health Information Technology Ambulatory Safety and Quality | IQHIT Electronic prescribing (e-prescribing) helps clini- cal providers and pharmacies prescribe and di…
    January 01, 2011 - Enabling Electronic Prescribing and Enhanced Management of Controlled Medications - 2011 Project Name Enabling Electronic Prescribing and Enhanced Management of Controlled Medications Principal Investigator Carrow, Grant Organization Massachusetts Department of Public Health …
  7. Health-It-Acronyms (pdf file)
    April 30, 2013 - Information Network RPMS Resource and Patient Management System RTF Review Task Force SAMHSA SubstanceAbuse and Mental Health Services Administration SNOMED Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine VHA
    December 29, 2006 - In the early 1970s, Congress recognized that the stigma associated with substance abuse and fear of … abuse treatment programs across the country. … information about any person who has applied for or been given diagnosis or treatment for alcohol or drugabuse at a federally assisted program. … abuse.
    December 29, 2006 - In the early 1970s, Congress recognized that the stigma associated with substance abuse and fear of … abuse treatment programs across the country. … information about any person who has applied for or been given diagnosis or treatment for alcohol or drugabuse at a federally assisted program. … abuse.
    January 01, 2011 - Enabling Electronic Prescribing and Enhanced Management of Controlled Medications 1 | Enabling ElEctronic PrEscribing and EnhancEd ManagEMEnt of controllEd MEdications AmbulAtory SAfety And QuAlity ProgrAm: imProving QuAlity through CliniCiAn uSe of heAlth it (r18) Enabling Electronic Prescribing and Enhanced Ma…
    June 03, 2010 - AHRQ Presentation Template Massachusetts Department of Public Health Enabling e-Prescribing and Enhanced Management of Controlled Medications (Grant #: RH18 HS 17157) Michael Blackman, MD, MBA Thomas Sullivan, MD June 3, 2010 Washington, DC Value to Practitioners 1) Advance e-Prescribing - Demonstrate that c…
    January 01, 2012 - at several meetings, including “Changing the Way Consumers Manage Their Physical, Mental Health, and SubstanceAbuse Treatment Information” at the Leadership and Technology Symposium at the Morehouse School of Medicine
    September 01, 2010 - Pt. 2 (federally funded substance abuse treatment programs); Veterans Administration (which require … identified one area of the form that will need to be updated to reflect new guidance issued by the SubstanceAbuse and Mental Health Services Agency (SAMHSA), which requires an end date for any authorization
    June 27, 2008 - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2006
    August 01, 2024 - Academic Medical Center Hospital Outpatient Medical Condition Chronic Pain SubstanceUse Disorder Population Adults Caregiver Clinical Staff/Clinician Elderly Individuals
    January 01, 2010 - Enabling Electronic Prescribing and Enhanced Management of Controlled Medications - 2010 Project Name Enabling Electronic Prescribing and Enhanced Management of Controlled Medications Principal Investigator Carrow, Grant Organization Massachusetts Department of Public Health …
    September 29, 2011 - Enabling Electronic Prescribing and Enhanced Management of Controlled Medications 1 | Enabling ElEctronic PrEscribing and EnhancEd ManagEMEnt of controllEd MEdications 2010 Grant Summary Enabling Electronic Prescribing and Enhanced Management of Controlled Medications Principal Investigator: Carrow, Grant, P…
    January 01, 2012 - associated with negative health behaviors, such as poor diet, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, and alcohol and substanceabuse.
    January 01, 2023 - associated with negative health behaviors, such as poor diet, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, and alcohol and substanceabuse, and are also associated with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression.
    January 01, 2011 - The research team found that, among patients attending a safety-net HIV/AIDS clinic, mental health/substanceabuse conditions were not barriers to engagement with Web-based health information.

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