April 30, 2024 - For each strategy, benefits were larger for Black women than for all women. … Because a strategy providing outcomes that was very similar to an efficient strategy may be still be … Specifically, if Black women were screened with the same strategy as for women overall, breast cancer … Our models estimated that for any given mammography screening strategy, women with dense breasts had … Ratios of Breast Cancer Deaths and Life-Years for Black Women vs Women Overall by Screening Strategy
July 01, 2017 - Intervention/Comparison/Strategy: Consider the base case and how well it represents current U.S. practice … addressed, critical service components (including services that might precede or follow the intervention or strategy
July 01, 2017 - Intervention/Comparison/Strategy: Consider the base case and how well it represents current U.S. practice … addressed, critical service components (including services that might precede or follow the intervention or strategy
March 09, 2021 - false-positive test results (1.9-2.5 per person screened vs 1.9 per person screened with the USPSTF strategy … The 2013 USPSTF–recommended strategy was on or among the closest to the efficient frontier for 3 of the … In this case, the 2013 USPSTF–recommended strategy was only on (or among the closest to) the efficient … In comparison, the 2013 USPSTF–recommended strategy was estimated to result in 381 per 100,000 deaths … Although the analysis cannot identify a single optimal strategy, it identified a set of screening programs
May 18, 2021 - A strategy
is efficient if no other strategy, or combination of strategies, within
the class is estimated … Because an ineffi-
cient strategy providing outcomes similar to an efficient strategy
may be a reasonable … For these
strategies, the efficiency ratio column indicates whether the 2016 highlighted
strategy was … b Compared with other options for stool-based screening, this strategy was not
estimated to provide an … b Compared with other options for stool-based screening, this strategy was not
estimated to provide an
March 09, 2021 - false-positive test results (1.9-2.5 per person screened vs 1.9
per person screened with the USPSTF strategy … The 2013
USPSTF–recommended strategy was on or among the closest to
the efficient frontier for 3 of the … In this case, the 2013 USPSTF–recommended strategy
was only on (or among the closest to) the efficient … In comparison, the 2013
USPSTF–recommended strategy was estimated to result in 381 per
100 000 deaths … Although the
analysis cannot identify a single optimal strategy, it identified a set
of screening programs
May 01, 2018 - For the reference
strategy (Table 3, strategy 8), annual screening for men 50 to 74 years with a PSA … For strategy 22, the estimated lifetime probability
Prostate Cancer Screening Decision Models 9 … The corresponding probability of prostate cancer
morality for this strategy was 2.53%. … 1),
the American Cancer Society (strategy 9), and Vickers and Lilja (strategy 22). … preferred strategy if survival is the
highest priority.
April 01, 2016 - Use and Harms
Use of services focused on the number of mammo-
grams required for the screening strategy … Ranking of Benefits per 1000 Women Screened, by Model and Screening Strategy
Strategy* Screens, n† Model … .
§ Strategies that are inferior or inefficient ("dominated") within a specific model; a strategy is … classified as such if another strategy results in an equal
or higher benefit (percentage of decline in … De-
pending on screening strategy, the models estimated
that 2% to 12% of invasive disease cases and
July 17, 2014 - breast cancer screening in reducing breast cancer–specific and all-cause mortality differ by screening strategy … reducing the incidence of advanced breast cancer and treatment-related morbidity c differ by screening strategy … How do the harms e of routine breast cancer screening differ by screening strategy d ? … One clinical situation in which a combined screening strategy may be employed is when a screening mammogram … modalities, either in a primary screening capacity (such as breast tomosynthesis) or as a screening strategy
May 01, 2018 - For the reference
strategy (Table 3, strategy 8), annual screening for men 50 to 74 years with a PSA … For strategy 22, the estimated lifetime probability
Prostate Cancer Screening Decision Models 9 … The corresponding probability of prostate cancer
morality for this strategy was 2.53%. … 1),
the American Cancer Society (strategy 9), and Vickers and Lilja (strategy 22). … preferred strategy if survival is the
highest priority.
March 12, 2021 - Integrating Evidence-Based Clinical and Community Strategies to Improve Health
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Table of Contents
Evidence-Based Recommendations for Pr…
January 01, 2020 - Clinical and community guides review of
omplementary interventions
revention strategy Task Force
February 15, 2004 - Evidence Review (PDF)
Table of Contents
Search Strategy … literature published on this topic between 1994 and 2001
Return to Table of Contents
Search Strategy
February 07, 2019 - intervention; no screening
KQs 1, 2: Screening vs. no screening or alternate screening strategy
June 06, 2019 - between GDM diagnosed before 24 weeks of gestation and outcomes, and does it differ based on screening strategy … HAPO 1.75 criteria, new World Health Organization GDM criteria, or the Diabetes Canada alternative strategy … authors measure outcomes before and after screening in each participant
KQ 3: Another screening strategy
December 10, 2024 - draft includes a recommendation that HPV primary screening every 5 years is the preferred screening strategy … The preferred strategy of cytology every 3 years from ages 21 to 29 years followed by HPV primary screening … The alternative strategy of cytology-based screening every 3 years from ages 21 to 29 years followed … The second alternative strategy of cytology every 3 years from ages 21 to 65 years resulted in 140 to … to 65 years optimized the balance of benefits and harms and is, therefore, the preferred recommended strategy
January 11, 2016 - different starting ages (40, 45, or 50 years) and screening intervals (annual, biennial, or a hybrid strategy … , or 50 to 74 years; biennial screening from age 40 to 74, 45 to 74, or 50 to 74 years; or a hybrid strategy … For each screening strategy, we simulated events after a positive screening result that did not lead … Starting screening at age 50 years and following a
biennial strategy (13 screening examinations) greatly … University of California, Davis, Medical Center, for helpful input and suggestions on our modeling strategy
June 15, 2016 - sensitivity and specificity). 1 Multitargeted stool DNA testing (FIT-DNA) is an emerging screening strategy … Screening for colorectal cancer is a substantially underused preventive health strategy in the United … were within 90% of those gained with the colonoscopy strategy) and an efficient balance of benefits … were within 90% of those gained with the colonoscopy strategy) and an efficient balance of benefits … ) and an efficient balance of benefits and harms (ie, no other strategy or combination of strategies
February 28, 2019 - Comparators
KQs 1, 2: No screening
KQ 3: Another screening strategy (i.e., one- vs. two-step
February 28, 2019 - Comparators
KQs 1, 2: No screening
KQ 3: Another screening strategy (i.e., one- vs. two-step