January 01, 1996 - impact of routine screening in men has not been examined prospectively, or compared to the current strategy … effective treatments all suggest that screening for asymptomatic chlamydial infection may be a useful strategy … asymptomatic men, but screening young men using urine-based tests (LE, EIA, or PCR) may be a useful strategy … The choice of optimal testing strategy will depend on available resources, the prevalence of chlamydia … cost-saving, primarily by reducing infections in female partners, but has not been compared to the current strategy
January 01, 1996 - impact of routine screening in men has not been examined prospectively, or compared to the current strategy … effective treatments all suggest that screening for asymptomatic chlamydial infection may be a useful strategy … asymptomatic men, but screening young men using urine-based tests (LE, EIA, or PCR) may be a useful strategy … The choice of optimal testing strategy will depend on available resources, the prevalence of chlamydia … cost-saving, primarily by reducing infections in female partners, but has not been compared to the current strategy
April 30, 2024 - Collaborative modeling data estimated that a strategy of screening biennially from ages 40 to 74 years … the trial range from approximately 11% to 19%. 4 , 50 Collaborative modeling data estimate that a strategy … Fewer cancers were diagnosed under the stop screening strategy (ages 70-84 years), resulting in a lower … For example, a strategy of screening annually from ages 40 to 74 years would result in about 50% more … Research is needed to help clinicians and patients understand the best strategy for breast cancer screening
July 01, 2016 - interval
2016 A
(C for ages
76–85 y)
1 Modeling identified
sigmoidoscopy alone
as the strategy … As shown in Figure 3, the
strategy that used the NLST entry criteria was slightly
off the solid line, … 55 to 80 years with 30 pack-
years of smoking who had quit less than 15 years be-
fore, which is a strategy … For example, A-55-80-30-15 indicates an annual screening strategy that begins at age
55 y and continues
August 21, 2018 - Results were synthesized by KQ and screening strategy, either primary hrHPV screening or cotesting. … What is the effectiveness of hrHPV testing, with or without cytology, as a primary screening strategy … Does the appropriate rescreening interval for each primary screening strategy vary by subpopulation ( … The HPV FOCAL trial used a liquid-based cytology triage strategy for hrHPV-positive results. 13 , 19 … Do adverse effects vary by screening strategy, including by rescreening interval?
March 15, 2013 - archived
Final Research Plan
Hepatitis B Virus Infection: Screening, 2014
March 15, 2013
Recommendations made by the USPSTF are independent of the U.S. government. They should not be construed as an official position of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality or the U.S. Department of Health an…
July 01, 2017 - Systematic Reviews
Comprehensiveness of sources considered/search strategy used
June 18, 2018 - appropriate evaluation of abnormal results, and indicated treatment, regardless of which screening strategy … Implementation should therefore focus on ensuring that women
receive adequate screening, regardless of which strategy … collected by the patient and mailed to health programs for
analysis, meaning self-collection may be one strategy … Cotesting as an alternative strategy
has demonstrated similar effectiveness, although it may result in
May 02, 2014 - Screening comparator
No screening or usual care delivered in a universal or selective screening strategy
May 02, 2014 - Screening comparator
No screening or usual care delivered in a universal or selective screening strategy
May 16, 2019 - enema; magnetic resonance colonography
KQ 1: No screening or alternate screening strategy
March 15, 2012 - difficult to estimate the precise magnitude of overdiagnosis associated with any screening or treatment strategy … There is limited evidence on the benefits and harms of HPV testing alone as a screening strategy. … testing followed by cytology in women with positive HPV test results may also be a reasonable screening strategy … Although cervical cancer screening with cytology alone every 3 years is an effective strategy, HPV testing … Published data from the 4 trials show a similar number of detected cancer cases with either strategy,
March 15, 2013 - Share to Facebook
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Final Research Plan
Hepatitis B Virus Infection: Screening, 2014
March 15, 2013
Recommendations made by the USPSTF are independent of the U.S. government. They sho…
March 15, 2007 - method continues to be low in the United States. 4-7
An alternative and possibly complementary strategy … Return to Table of Contents
Data Sources
The search strategy was developed … terms, and previous reviews. 10-12
A search strategy to find recent systematic reviews of aspirin … Chemoprevention with aspirin is one possible "simple" strategy to reduce the burden associated with this … Our results suggest that such a strategy may be effective, but careful consideration of some remaining
March 15, 2007 - method continues to be low in the United States. 4-7
An alternative and possibly complementary strategy … but the benefits would have to balance increased risks; in addition, the cost-effectiveness of this strategy … terms, and previous reviews. 10-12
A search strategy to find recent systematic reviews of aspirin … Chemoprevention with aspirin is one possible "simple" strategy to reduce the burden associated with this … Our results suggest that such a strategy may be effective, but careful consideration of some remaining
September 01, 2024 - also reviewed the harms of
screening for breast cancer and whether the harms varied by screen-
ing strategy … Collaborative modeling data
estimated that a strategy of screening biennially from ages 40 to 74
Table … Fewer cancers were diagnosed under the stop screen-
ing strategy (ages 70-84 years), resulting in a lower … For example, a strategy of screening annually from
ages 40 to 74 years would result in about 50% more … Research is needed to help clinicians and patients understand the best strategy for breast cancer screening
September 30, 2024 - also reviewed the harms of
screening for breast cancer and whether the harms varied by screen-
ing strategy … Collaborative modeling data
estimated that a strategy of screening biennially from ages 40 to 74
Table … Fewer cancers were diagnosed under the
stop screening strategy (ages 70-84 years), resulting in a lower … For example, a strategy of screening annually from
ages 40 to 74 years would result in about 50% more … Research is needed to help clinicians and patients understand the best strategy for breast cancer screening
April 30, 2024 - Collaborative modeling data estimated that a strategy of screening biennially from ages 40 to 74 years … the trial range from approximately 11% to 19%. 4 , 50 Collaborative modeling data estimate that a strategy … Fewer cancers were diagnosed under the stop screening strategy (ages 70-84 years), resulting in a lower … For example, a strategy of screening annually from ages 40 to 74 years would result in about 50% more … Research is needed to help clinicians and patients understand the best strategy for breast cancer screening
November 15, 2012 - public to address the following key question: “What is the effect of mode of delivery, labor management strategy … However, the primary finding of this review as summarized in the Table is that no perinatal management strategy
September 18, 2014 - reverse sequence)
KQ 1, 4: No screening or alternate screening strategy