July 15, 2004 - should consider the characteristics of the communities they serve in determining appropriate screening strategies
July 01, 2004 - should consider the
characteristics of the communities they serve in
determining appropriate screening strategies
August 22, 2017 - effectiveness of newer technologies
capable of assessing pulse and heart rhythm as potential screening
strategies … Screening strategies for atrial fibrillation:
a systematic review and cost-effectiveness analysis.
January 01, 1996 - Epidemiologic-based screening strategies for malignant melanoma of the skin. … Compensation strategies in sun protection behaviors by a population with nonmelanoma skin cancer.
March 01, 2004 - risk factors for the presence
of HCV infection could aid in the development of
selective screening strategies … Reasonable screening strategies might be to
screen adults with established risk factors, adults in
settings … Studies that adequately
assess the usefulness of risk factor assessment to
guide selective screening strategies … There are no data
to estimate risks and benefits of 1-time screening
versus other screening strategies … Comparison of multiple
screening strategies based on the National Hepatitis
Surveillance Program.
March 08, 2004 - risk factors for the presence of HCV infection could aid in the development of selective screening strategies … Reasonable screening strategies might be to screen adults with established risk factors, adults in settings … Studies that adequately assess the usefulness of risk factor assessment to guide selective screening strategies … There are no data to estimate risks and benefits of 1-time screening versus other screening strategies … Comparison of multiple screening strategies based on the National Hepatitis Surveillance Program.
December 01, 2010 - Inclusion and
exclusion criteria and search strategies are available in the
full report (14). … of
evidence that multifactorial assessment interventions that
incorporate comprehensive management strategies … included
some type of gait, balance, or functional training, and all
but 6 trials (50–52, 58–60) used strategies … Multifactorial fall-prevention strategies: time to retreat or ad-
vance [Editorial].
January 11, 2016 - A technical report further describes the methods and includes search strategies and additional information … reduced discomfort in 2 studies 84 , 85 but not in a third. 86 Studies of different breast compression strategies … Estimating breast cancer mortality reduction and overdiagnosis due to screening for different strategies … 16.5 vs. 24.5; P < 0.05), but no differences were found in another trial
Breast compression strategies