AHRQ's Mission

The purpose of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is to enhance the quality, appropriateness, and effectiveness of health services, and access to such services through the establishment of a broad base of scientific research and through the promotion of improvements in clinical and health system practices, including the prevention of diseases and other health conditions.


Total Results: 3,005 records

Showing results for "strategies".

  1. www.monahrq.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/cahps/quality-improvement/reports-and-case-studies/cgcahps-webcast-brief-2014.pdf
    January 01, 2014 - can use the results from this survey to identify their strengths and weaknesses and help develop strategies … • What do strategies for meeting these expectations really look like in the exam room? … • How do I integrate those strategies into my practice if I am not already practicing them?
  2. www.monahrq.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/professionals/quality-patient-safety/hais/tools/perinatal-care/modules/teamwork/engage/pf-engagement-facilitator-guide.pdf
    May 01, 2017 - Program for Perinatal Care Engagement 3 SAY: A team should consider using these three engagement strategies … • Organizations need to engage in strategies to address adverse events. … clarify the roles and responsibilities of advisors as part of the CUSP team and present communication strategies
  3. www.monahrq.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/cahps/surveys-guidance/cg/guidance-cg-cahps.pdf
    April 01, 2021 - Preparing a Questionnaire Using the CAHPS Clinician & Group Survey Updated April 2021 Guidelines for Using the CAHPS® Clinician & Group Survey Introduction ............................................................................................ 1 Section 1: Preparing a Questionnaire Using the CAHPS C…
  4. 0129Table8 (pdf file)

    January 01, 2013 - home visits or telephone support for patients with heart failure were the only single-component strategies … study using a Web-based survey of hospitals to examine their reported use of specific hospital strategies … Hospital strategies associated with 30-day readmission rates for patients with heart failure. … status, geographic location, and number of staffed beds, the investigators found that the following strategies … Hospitals that implemented more strategies had significantly lower 30-day readmission rates than
  5. www.monahrq.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/professionals/clinicians-providers/guidelines-recommendations/tobacco/clinicians/references/meta/meta-analyses-refs.pdf
    January 01, 2007 - Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence, 2008 Update: References for Studies in Meta-analyses 1 References for Studies Included in Meta-analyses Table 6.4. Meta-analysis (1996): Impact of having a tobacco use status identification system in place on rates of clinician intervention with their patients who smoke (n…

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