May 20, 2016 - Manage Prevention Strategies
for Postoperative Patients
Avoid risk factors for acute renal failure … Recommended Practice: Manage Prevention Strategies for Postoperative Patients
• Implement the following … strategies to prevent acute renal failure into the care of
postoperative patients7-10:
o Identify … Practice: Implement Blood Glucose Monitoring Requirements
Recommended Practice: Manage Prevention Strategies
July 01, 2023 - Toolkit consists of three pillars— Teamwork and Communication for Perinatal Safety , Perinatal Safety Strategies … The Perinatal Safety Strategies pillar presents four perinatal safety concepts.
May 18, 2021 - Like a roadmap, it lays out a practice's theory of
change - depicting the strategies and activities … These are the strategies that contribute to the primary
February 01, 2018 - culture of patient safety; improve the safety of care transitions; and identify techniques, tools, and strategies … It offers techniques, tools and strategies to assist health care professionals develop and optimize team … A Toolkit to Engage High-Risk Patients in Safe Transitions Across Ambulatory Settings provides strategies
March 01, 2010 - TeamSTEPPS®
Collaboration of:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
Department of Defense
Team Strategies … The acronym stands for Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety. … As a methodology, TeamSTEPPS conveys to participants the knowledge, skills, tools, and strategies found … TeamSTEPPS provides specific tools and strategies for improving communication in teamwork, reducing chance … I
t is vital, therefore, that healthcare professionals utilize proper teamwork strategies and skills.
September 30, 2015 - of
2009 (CHIPRA), the Quality Demonstration
Grant Program aims to identify effective,
replicable strategies … Strategies range from producing
practice-level reports from claims data
to helping practices calculate … Their experiences
may be instructive for other States
interested in pursuing similar strategies. … Each State is developing strategies from
scratch to some extent. … Although they are
pursuing unique or customized strategies,
inefficiencies also are created.
September 08, 2015 - of
2009 (CHIPRA), the Quality Demonstration
Grant Program aims to identify effective,
replicable strategies … Findings
State and practice staff reported that
a combination of strategies described
below helped … The hiring of in-house facilitators
was one of several strategies used by
the State to help practices … For example, in
Massachusetts, some learning
collaborative sessions focused
on strategies for engaging … States faced
a learning curve implementing the
collaboratives and often refined the
strategies they
August 01, 2021 - There are two important strategies to make meaningful changes. … To achieve this goal, we must seize the opportunity to integrate our public health strategies with our … healthcare delivery strategies.
April 01, 2024 - drivers of healthcare disparities and successful and unsuccessful interventions, and it and proposed strategies … AHRQ-funded projects have resulted in nearly 230 publications in areas such as the use of team strategies … Opportunity Announcement for Implementing and Evaluating Patient-Centered Clinical Decision Support Strategies
September 01, 2015 - Determine which TeamSTEPPS tools or strategies will work best to eliminate the risk points. … State what tools and strategies will be implemented; who will use them, when and where. … List the TeamSTEPPS tools and strategies that will be implemented:
3. … List the order in which the tools and strategies will be implemented:
March 01, 2019 - Act of 2009 (CHIPRA), the Quality Demonstration Grant Program aimed to identify effective, replicable strategies … specific projects that were implemented under each of the five categories (select one of the five specific strategies
May 01, 2022 - Guidelines and Strategies
Survey users can consult guidelines for reporting CAHPS survey results … comparative reports can use these examples to better understand the variety of content and data presentation strategies
January 01, 2021 - The Division of Media Relations develops strategies and tactics for traditional and social media relations … collects and analyzes a wide range of metrics on outreach efforts to evaluate the effectiveness of strategies
May 01, 2022 - help residents and their families balance the need for social involvement with infection prevention strategies … It also discusses safe visitation strategies as a component of resident emotional well-being.
January 01, 2023 - For each key driver there are several change strategies—specific actions that support the achievement … Here you can access over 100 EvidenceNOW Tools for Change to help practices implement these change strategies
August 27, 2018 - clinicians to be successful
Provides additional information for clinicians
Implementation Guide
Identifies strategies … Tobacco-Cessation-Action-Guide.pdf
Implementation Guidance
Insights from key medical/clinical stakeholders on successful strategies
September 01, 2020 - Strategies when presenting decision aids
Slide 39. … Strategies to maximize understanding of health numbers
Slide 50. … Describe effective universal health literacy strategies to use when presenting decision aids to your … Some additional strategies listed on page 3 of Tool 5 include:
Limiting the use of numbers . … Strategies to help patients understand risks. BMJ 2003 Sept. 27; 316: 745-8.
January 20, 2006 - A name, a concept and a methodology, TeamSTEPPS the acronym stands for Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance … and outcomes
As a methodology, TeamSTEPPS conveys to participants the knowledge, skills, tools and strategies … TeamSTEPPS provides specific tools and strategies for improving communication and teamwork, reducing … It is important, therefore, that teams engage in teamwork, using proper teamwork strategies and skills
January 01, 2018 - National Evaluation of the CHIPRA Quality Demonstration Grant Program
This brief highlights the major strategies … demonstration, CMS awarded 10 grants that supported
efforts in 18 States to identify effective, replicable strategies … Wyoming implemented similar
projects and met quarterly with Georgia and the Center for Health
Care Strategies … improvement staff at a local
university and State agencies to discuss the CMEs’
performance and to identify strategies
January 01, 2018 - Evaluation of the CHIPRA Quality Demonstration Grant Program
January 2018
This brief highlights the major strategies … demonstration, CMS awarded 10 grants that supported
efforts in 18 States to identify effective, replicable strategies … Wyoming implemented similar
projects and met quarterly with Maryland and the Center for
Health Care Strategies … improve services provided to youth with
complex behavioral health needs, Maryland developed
various strategies