AHRQ's Mission

The purpose of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is to enhance the quality, appropriateness, and effectiveness of health services, and access to such services through the establishment of a broad base of scientific research and through the promotion of improvements in clinical and health system practices, including the prevention of diseases and other health conditions.


Total Results: over 10,000 records

Showing results for "strategies".

  1. psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/zero-suicide-initiative
    July 03, 2013 - Grant Announcement Zero Suicide Initiative. Citation Text: Zero Suicide Initiative. Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration. Fed Register. November 3, 2021;(86):60883-60893. Copy Citation Save Save to your library Print…
  2. psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/creating-fair-and-just-culture-one-institutions-path-toward-organizational-change
    July 23, 2014 - Commentary Creating a fair and just culture: one institution's path toward organizational change. Citation Text: Connor M, Duncombe D, Barclay E, et al. Creating a fair and just culture: one institution's pat toward organizational change. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2007;33(10):617-24. …
  3. psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/patients-and-health-care-professionals-attitudes-towards-pink-patient-safety-video
    December 16, 2013 - Study Patients' and health care professionals' attitudes towards the PINK patient safety video. Citation Text: Davis R, Pinto A, Sevdalis N, et al. Patients' and health care professionals' attitudes towards the PINK patient safety video. J Eval Clin Pract. 2012;18(4):848-53. doi:10.111…
  4. psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/err-human-use-simulation-enhance-training-and-patient-safety-anaesthesia
    January 18, 2023 - Review To err is human: use of simulation to enhance training and patient safety in anaesthesia. Citation Text: Higham H, Baxendale B. To err is human: use of simulation to enhance training and patient safety in anaesthesia. Br J Anaesth. 2017;119(suppl_1):i106-i114. doi:10.1093/bja/aex3…
  5. psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/beyond-our-walls-impact-patient-and-provider-coordination-across-continuum-outcomes-surgical
    March 24, 2021 - Study Beyond our walls: impact of patient and provider coordination across the continuum on outcomes for surgical patients. Citation Text: Weinberg DB, Gittell JH, Lusenhop W, et al. Beyond our walls: impact of patient and provider coordination across the continuum on outcomes for surg…
  6. psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/patient-safety-latex-allergy
    October 07, 2013 - Commentary Patient safety: latex allergy. Citation Text: Reines D, Seifert PC. Patient safety: latex allergy. Surg Clin North Am. 2005;85(6):1329-40, xiv. Copy Citation Format: Google Scholar PubMed BibTeX EndNote X3 XML EndNote 7 XML Endnote tagged PubMedId RIS …
  7. psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/bipartisan-consensus-public-wants-well-rested-medical-residents-help-ensure-safe-patient-care
    July 06, 2011 - Book/Report Bipartisan Consensus: The Public Wants Well-Rested Medical Residents to Help Ensure Safe Patient Care. Citation Text: Bipartisan Consensus: The Public Wants Well-Rested Medical Residents to Help Ensure Safe Patient Care. Almashat S, Carome M, Wolfe S, Landrigan CP, Czeisler C…
  8. psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/clinical-faculty-taking-lead-teaching-quality-improvement-and-patient-safety
    July 01, 2017 - Commentary Clinical faculty: taking the lead in teaching quality improvement and patient safety. Citation Text: Davis NL, Davis DA, Rayburn WF. Clinical faculty: taking the lead in teaching quality improvement and patient safety. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2014;211(3):215-215.e1. doi:10.1016/j…
  9. psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/effect-hospital-command-centre-patient-safety-interrupted-time-series-study
    July 20, 2022 - Study Effect of a hospital command centre on patient safety: an interrupted time series study. Citation Text: Effect of a hospital command centre on patient safety: an interrupted time series study. Mebrahtu TF, McInerney CD, Benn J, et al. BMJ Health Care Inform. 2023;30(1):e100653…
  10. psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/building-capacity-and-capability-patient-safety-education-train-trainers-programme-senior
    January 15, 2014 - Study Building capacity and capability for patient safety education: a train-the-trainers programme for senior doctors. Citation Text: Ahmed M, Arora S, Baker P, et al. Building capacity and capability for patient safety education: a train-the-trainers programme for senior doctors. BMJ…
  11. psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/safety-attitudes-questionnaire-tool-benchmarking-safety-culture-nicu
    March 02, 2012 - Study The Safety Attitudes Questionnaire as a tool for benchmarking safety culture in the NICU. Citation Text: Profit J, Etchegaray J, Petersen L, et al. The Safety Attitudes Questionnaire as a tool for benchmarking safety culture in the NICU. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2012;97(…
  12. psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/innovative-approach-surgical-time-out-patient-focused-model
    July 10, 2008 - Commentary An innovative approach to the surgical time out: a patient-focused model. Citation Text: Kozusko SD, Elkwood L, Gaynor D, et al. An Innovative Approach to the Surgical Time Out: A Patient-Focused Model. AORN J. 2016;103(6):617-22. doi:10.1016/j.aorn.2016.04.001. Copy Citatio…
  13. psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/debrief-imperative-building-teaming-competencies-and-team-effectiveness
    December 16, 2020 - Commentary The debrief imperative: building teaming competencies and team effectiveness. Citation Text: Tannenbaum SI, Greilich PE. The debrief imperative: building teaming competencies and team effectiveness. BMJ Qual Saf. 2023;32(3):125-128. doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2022-015259. Copy Citati…
  14. psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/reporting-trends-regional-medication-error-data-sharing-system
    September 29, 2010 - Study Reporting trends in a regional medication error data-sharing system. Citation Text: Anderson J, Ramanujam R, Hensel DJ, et al. Reporting trends in a regional medication error data-sharing system. Health Care Manag Sci. 2010;13(1):74-83. Copy Citation Format: Google S…
  15. psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/independent-double-checks-high-alert-medications-essential-practice
    February 01, 2023 - Commentary Independent double-checks for high-alert medications: essential practice. Citation Text: Baldwin K, Walsh V. Independent double-checks for high-alert medications: essential practice. Nursing (Brux). 2014;44(4):65-7. doi:10.1097/01.NURSE.0000444547.64972.dc. Copy Citation …
  16. psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/reliability-evaluation-adapted-national-coordinating-council-medication-error-reporting-and
    July 14, 2010 - Study Reliability evaluation of the adapted National Coordinating Council Medication Error Reporting and Prevention (NCC MERP) index. Citation Text: Snyder RA, Abarca J, Meza JL, et al. Reliability evaluation of the adapted National Coordinating Council Medication Error Reporting and P…
  17. psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/integrating-knowledge-based-resources-electronic-health-record-history-current-status-and
    July 19, 2023 - Commentary Integrating knowledge-based resources into the electronic health record: history, current status, and role of librarians. Citation Text: Albert KM. Integrating knowledge-based resources into the electronic health record: history, current status, and role of librarians. Med R…
  18. psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/second-victim-contested-term
    December 08, 2021 - Study The second victim: a contested term? Citation Text: Tumelty M-E. The second victim: a contested term? J Patient Saf. 2021;17(8):e1488-e1493. doi:10.1097/pts.0000000000000558. Copy Citation Format: DOI Google Scholar BibTeX EndNote X3 XML EndNote 7 XML Endnote tagged P…
  19. psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/evaluation-collaborative-safety-focused-nurse-pharmacist-intervention-improving-accuracy
    April 28, 2010 - Study An evaluation of a collaborative, safety focused, nurse–pharmacist intervention for improving the accuracy of the medication history. Citation Text: Henneman EA, Tessier EG, Nathanson BH, et al. An evaluation of a collaborative, safety focused, nurse-pharmacist intervention for imp…
  20. psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/drive-deprescribe
    August 19, 2020 - Multi-use Website Drive to Deprescribe. Citation Text: Drive to Deprescribe. The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine. Copy Citation Save Save to your library Print Download PDF Share Facebook Twitter Linkedin …

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