November 01, 2007 - Publication Date: October 2007
Publication Number: 07-0051
Strategies To
December 01, 2017 - Information to Help Hospitals Get Started addresses:
How to select, implement, and evaluate the Guide’s strategies
January 01, 2020 - vein antrum isolation (PVAI).21 The Heart Rhythm Society Task
Force has recommended that ablation strategies … recurrent AF was monitored and measured, and periprocedural care (including use of
anticoagulation strategies … The review will not include
evaluation of hybrid strategies. … Functional status in rate- versus rhythm-
control strategies for atrial fibrillation: results of the
May 22, 2014 - Society for Nutrition and the North American Association for the
Study of Obesity specifically targets strategies … obesity in the elderly are alleviated by modest weight loss (5-
10 kg) through evidence-based management strategies … A recent systematic review reported that behavioral strategies are effective in producing
September 05, 2012 - The Effectiveness of QI Strategies: Findings from a Recent Review of Diabetes Care
The Shojania article … , also included in the earlier summary slide, illustrates the variety of QI strategies attempted and … To clarify the organizational facilitators and barriers to the effective integration of the strategies
January 01, 2011 - of the IMPaCT grantees is expected to develop a statewide PCEP and to disseminate PCEP concepts and strategies … Specialist, NMSU Cooperative Extension Service
New York
Gregory Burke
Director, Innovation Strategies … on affinity groups (supper)
Options: Multi-payer initiatives, federal funding options, HIT/HIE, strategies
May 01, 2016 - Menu of Implementation Strategies .
Implementation Steps and Timeline .
October 01, 2017 - Strategies for building prevention into ongoing processes include:
Instituting universal fall precautions … accept the new set of practices fully, ensure they understand that those practices offer promising strategies … Prevention Plan, so it is a good idea to have ongoing training to help remind staff of fall prevention strategies
March 01, 2021 - Strategies Mike shares with practices through EvidenceNOW help primary care staff rediscover what they
May 01, 2016 - causes of and contributors to medical errors, and there appear to be some
promising interventions and strategies … The findings from these planning grants represent promising strategies and
models for reducing liability … (TeamSTEPPS—Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance
Performance and Patient Safety—is an evidence-based … associated with obstetric care, their positive feedback demonstrated that these TeamSTEPPS
tools and strategies … barriers to implementation of disclosure, apology & offer (DA&O)
programs in Massachusetts; develop strategies
April 13, 2018 - implement teach-back, the practice champion needs to
understand teach-back, its intended use, and strategies
January 01, 2015 - help patients
who are still smoking during monotherapy.7,8
Make counseling part of smoking cessation strategies
January 01, 2012 - Developing teams and team leaders: strategies and principles.
March 01, 2017 - session, long-term care (LTC) staff will be able to—
Describe the chain of infection and identify key strategies … Explain catheter care and maintenance strategies that facility staff can use to prevent residents from