AHRQ's Mission

The purpose of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is to enhance the quality, appropriateness, and effectiveness of health services, and access to such services through the establishment of a broad base of scientific research and through the promotion of improvements in clinical and health system practices, including the prevention of diseases and other health conditions.


Total Results: 1,726 records

Showing results for "strategies".

  1. digital.ahrq.gov/organization/professional-and-scientific-associates
    January 01, 2023 - Focused on Improving Care in Under-resourced Settings Using Health IT and Other Quality Improvement Strategies … Focused on Improving Care in Under-resourced Settings Using Health IT and Other Quality Improvement Strategies
  2. digital.ahrq.gov/ahrq-funded-projects/cognitive-engineering-complex-decisionmaking-problem-solving-acute-care
    January 01, 2023 - of the cognitive and workflow processes of frontline emergency medicine providers by affording new strategies … These strategies not only strive to improve the effectiveness of clinical work in high-intensity medical … information at the right time, visualized in a format that facilitates insight into patterns and management strategies … The research team not only identified gaps and challenges related to existing health IT but also strategies … The research also produced strategies and prototypes that advanced the understanding of the time-sensitive
  3. digital.ahrq.gov/ahrq-funded-projects/detecting-med-medication-errors-rural-hospitals-using-technology
    January 01, 2023 - ADEs in small, rural hospitals; (4) formulate educational and continuous quality improvement (CQI) strategies … rural hospitals in partnership with the participating hospitals; (5) develop, demonstrate, and evaluate strategies … rural areas, based on the data we gathered; and (6) disseminate the results of our research and the Ql strategies
  4. digital.ahrq.gov/ahrq-funded-projects/can-risk-score-alerts-improve-office-care-chest-pain/annual-summary/2010
    January 01, 2010 - were analyzed and presented in a manuscript that described clinician risk thresholds and treatment strategies … Treatment strategies were somewhat more aggressive for high-risk patients than for low-risk patients, … Findings included identification of substantial variability between clinicians in evaluation strategies … Variability in current evaluation patterns suggest that better strategies are needed.
  5. digital.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/docs/publication/r36hs023719-cohen-final-report-2017.pdf
    January 01, 2017 - variation in electronic health record (EHR) documentation in physician practice, its causes, effects, and strategies … (3) What strategies could be implemented in primary care practices to prevent or mitigate the negative … Strategies to Manage Variation Frequent opportunities to discuss EHR documentation was the most commonly … Other strategies identified by a smaller number of respondents included the use of scribes to complete … Strategies for interpreting qualitative data. : Sage; 1995. (6) Muhr T, Friese S.
  6. digital.ahrq.gov/ahrq-funded-projects/visualdecisionlinc-real-time-decision-support-behavioral-health/annual-summary/2011
    January 01, 2011 - Quality, recommended that studies build the evidence-base on the most appropriate initial treatment strategies … clinical decision-making hold enormous potential to improve psychiatric care, including initial treatment strategies
  7. digital.ahrq.gov/2019-year-review/research-dissemination
    January 01, 2019 - transfer of knowledge and the dissemination of successful digital healthcare knowledge, tools, and strategies
  8. digital.ahrq.gov/principal-investigator/peikes-deborah
    January 01, 2023 - Support Patient-Centered Medical Home Concept The Patient-centered medical home: strategies … The Patient-centered medical home: strategies to put patients at the center of primary care.
  9. digital.ahrq.gov/health-it-tools-and-resources/health-it-bibliography/adoption-strategies/disseminating-innovations
    Issue:  15 Page Number:  1969-1975 Link:  Disseminating Innovations in Healthcare Category:  Adoption Strategies
  10. digital.ahrq.gov/health-it-tools-and-resources/health-it-bibliography/adoption-strategies/overcoming-barriers
    Hospitals Keyword:  Computerized Provider Order Entry Category:  Adoption Strategies
  11. digital.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/docs/citation/r21hs023980-connelly-final-report-2018.pdf
    January 01, 2018 - To develop a feasible method for supporting broad dissemination of effective pain self- management strategies … Scope: Gaps remain in the integration into clinical practice of pain management strategies shown to … Methods to better enable large-scale dissemination of effective nonpharmacological pain management strategies … The unique advantages of smartphone apps for distributing disease self-management strategies include … Psychological and behavioral/physical strategies known to be effective for managing pain and its impact
  12. digital.ahrq.gov/health-it-tools-and-resources/health-it-bibliography/adoption-strategies/managing-change-overview
    June 14, 2021 - Volume:  7 Issue:  2 Page Number:  116-124 Link:  Managing Change: An Overview Category:  Adoption Strategies
  13. digital.ahrq.gov/health-it-tools-and-resources/health-it-bibliography/adoption-strategies/medical-groups-adoption
    May 03, 2021 - Electronic Health Records and Information Systems Keyword:  Electronic Health Records Category:  Adoption Strategies
  14. digital.ahrq.gov/health-it-tools-and-resources/health-it-bibliography/adoption-strategies/overcoming-barriers-0
    June 28, 2021 - Publication Year:  2006 Keyword:  Barriers to Adoption, Electronic Health Records Category:  Adoption Strategies
  15. digital.ahrq.gov/health-it-tools-and-resources/health-it-bibliography/adoption-strategies/physicians-use-electronic
    June 07, 2021 - Medical Records: Barriers and Solutions Keyword:  Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Category:  Adoption Strategies
  16. digital.ahrq.gov/2018-year-review/research-dissemination
    January 01, 2018 - the Health IT-funded work is critical to knowledge transfer and replication of successful health IT strategies
  17. digital.ahrq.gov/health-it-tools-and-resources/health-it-costs-and-benefits-database/measuring-benefit-performance
    January 01, 1999 - Five prevention strategies were simulated based on information obtained from the literature. … The five prevention strategies can reduce the medication errors by 5.2%, 12.7%, 7.5%, 5.6%, and 26.3%
  18. digital.ahrq.gov/health-it-tools-and-resources/workflow-assessment-health-it-toolkit/research/jarvis-selinger-s-et-al
    January 01, 2023 - The available literature also elucidates key strategies for organizational readiness and technology adoption … understanding program cost and remuneration issues, development of organizational protocols for system use, and strategies
  19. digital.ahrq.gov/events/national-web-conference-using-health-it-chronic-disease-management
    January 01, 2023 - 7,500 patients to demonstrate the efficacy of implementing two different clinical decision support strategies … Physicians will be able to identify health information technology strategies to implement in their practice
  20. digital.ahrq.gov/program-overview/research-stories/digital-tools-support-care-coordination-people-depression
    January 01, 2023 - include the IntelliCare platform, which includes a patient-facing app targeting specific psychological strategies … The adaptation of the IntelliCare technology, service protocols, and development of implementation strategies

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