AHRQ's Mission

The purpose of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is to enhance the quality, appropriateness, and effectiveness of health services, and access to such services through the establishment of a broad base of scientific research and through the promotion of improvements in clinical and health system practices, including the prevention of diseases and other health conditions.


Total Results: 7,829 records

Showing results for "strategic".

  1. ce.effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/professionals/systems/system/systemredesignsafetynet/systemredesign.pdf
    June 01, 2015 - Strategic system redesign involves systemwide efforts to change an organization in ways that align … with its strategic and business priorities to pursue its mission while aiming to enhance (or at least … Hospital A’s quality officer helped the leadership team reestablish its strategic planning process, … strategic imperatives, goals, and priorities. … initiate redesign efforts aligned with their strategic goals and priorities.
  2. effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/ebc-challenge-case-130621.pdf
    June 01, 2013 - Assemble strategic advisors. … (4) Assemble strategic advisors. Strategic advisors can play a critical role in challenges. … The host should outline the anticipated activities, requirements, and duties of a strategic advisor … The EBC Challenge convened a group of strategic advisors (the Advisory Committee) – a group of eight … For example, if strategic advisors can serve as ambassadors, then perhaps fewer formal partners will
  3. effectivehealthcare-admin.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/ebc-challenge-case-130621.pdf
    June 01, 2013 - Assemble strategic advisors. … (4) Assemble strategic advisors. Strategic advisors can play a critical role in challenges. … The host should outline the anticipated activities, requirements, and duties of a strategic advisor … The EBC Challenge convened a group of strategic advisors (the Advisory Committee) – a group of eight … For example, if strategic advisors can serve as ambassadors, then perhaps fewer formal partners will
  4. digital.ahrq.gov/ahrq-funded-projects/enabling-patient-centered-care-through-health-information-technology/annual-summary/2010
    January 01, 2010 - three-report series focused on the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Health IT Portfolio’s strategicStrategic Goal: Develop and disseminate health IT evidence and evidence-based tools to support PCC,
  5. www.cpsi.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/professionals/systems/hospital/qitoolkit/pdi/c1_pdi_prioritizationworksheet.pdf
    June 05, 2016 - Cost of Single Event Total Cost Cost To Implement Penalities and Incentives Proxies for Cost Strategic … Section 3-Purple Barrier Assessment (indicate Yes or No) Own Rate and National Comparator Rate Strategic
  6. www.healthcare411.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/professionals/systems/hospital/qitoolkit/pdi/c1_pdi_prioritizationworksheet.pdf
    June 05, 2016 - Cost of Single Event Total Cost Cost To Implement Penalities and Incentives Proxies for Cost Strategic … Section 3-Purple Barrier Assessment (indicate Yes or No) Own Rate and National Comparator Rate Strategic
  7. www.innovations.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/professionals/systems/hospital/qitoolkit/pdi/c1_pdi_prioritizationworksheet.pdf
    June 05, 2016 - Cost of Single Event Total Cost Cost To Implement Penalities and Incentives Proxies for Cost Strategic … Section 3-Purple Barrier Assessment (indicate Yes or No) Own Rate and National Comparator Rate Strategic
  8. www.monahrq.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/professionals/systems/hospital/qitoolkit/pdi/c1_pdi_prioritizationworksheet.pdf
    June 05, 2016 - Cost of Single Event Total Cost Cost To Implement Penalities and Incentives Proxies for Cost Strategic … Section 3-Purple Barrier Assessment (indicate Yes or No) Own Rate and National Comparator Rate Strategic
  9. www.qualitymeasures.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/professionals/systems/hospital/qitoolkit/pdi/c1_pdi_prioritizationworksheet.pdf
    June 05, 2016 - Cost of Single Event Total Cost Cost To Implement Penalities and Incentives Proxies for Cost Strategic … Section 3-Purple Barrier Assessment (indicate Yes or No) Own Rate and National Comparator Rate Strategic
  10. www.talkingquality.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/professionals/systems/hospital/qitoolkit/pdi/c1_pdi_prioritizationworksheet.pdf
    June 05, 2016 - Cost of Single Event Total Cost Cost To Implement Penalities and Incentives Proxies for Cost Strategic … Section 3-Purple Barrier Assessment (indicate Yes or No) Own Rate and National Comparator Rate Strategic
  11. digital.ahrq.gov/ahrq-funded-projects/symposium-patient-engagement/annual-summary/2012
    January 01, 2012 - has identified a need to study nurses’ roles and skills that foster patient engagement and create a strategic … Target Population: General Strategic Goal: Develop and disseminate health IT evidence and evidence-based
  12. cdsic.ahrq.gov/cdsic/people/innovation
    The Planning Committee is central to the operations of the Innovation Center and will provide strategic … The Planning Committee will provide input on the overall strategic direction of Core projects and to
  13. psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/insulin-pump-associated-adverse-events-qualitative-descriptive-study-clinical-consequences
    May 19, 2018 - February 14, 2024 Developing strategic recommendations for implementing smart pumps in … March 2, 2012 Strategic work-arounds to accommodate new technology: the case of smart
  14. digital.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/docs/activity/enabling_patient_centered_care_through_health_information_technology_2010_pdf__2.pdf
    January 01, 2010 - three-report series focused on the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Health IT Portfolio’s strategicStrategic Goal: Develop and disseminate health IT evidence and evidence-based tools to support PCC,
  15. www.cpsi.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/professionals/systems/hospital/qitoolkit/pdi/c2_pdi_prioritizationworksheetexample.pdf
    June 05, 2016 - Cost of Single Event Total Cost Cost To Implement Penalties and Incentives Proxies for Cost Strategic … How To Improve Hospital Quality and Safety Sentinel Event Own Rate and National Benchmark Rate Strategic
  16. www.healthcare411.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/professionals/systems/hospital/qitoolkit/pdi/c2_pdi_prioritizationworksheetexample.pdf
    June 05, 2016 - Cost of Single Event Total Cost Cost To Implement Penalties and Incentives Proxies for Cost Strategic … How To Improve Hospital Quality and Safety Sentinel Event Own Rate and National Benchmark Rate Strategic
  17. www.innovations.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/professionals/systems/hospital/qitoolkit/pdi/c2_pdi_prioritizationworksheetexample.pdf
    June 05, 2016 - Cost of Single Event Total Cost Cost To Implement Penalties and Incentives Proxies for Cost Strategic … How To Improve Hospital Quality and Safety Sentinel Event Own Rate and National Benchmark Rate Strategic
  18. www.monahrq.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/professionals/systems/hospital/qitoolkit/pdi/c2_pdi_prioritizationworksheetexample.pdf
    June 05, 2016 - Cost of Single Event Total Cost Cost To Implement Penalties and Incentives Proxies for Cost Strategic … How To Improve Hospital Quality and Safety Sentinel Event Own Rate and National Benchmark Rate Strategic
  19. www.qualitymeasures.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/professionals/systems/hospital/qitoolkit/pdi/c2_pdi_prioritizationworksheetexample.pdf
    June 05, 2016 - Cost of Single Event Total Cost Cost To Implement Penalties and Incentives Proxies for Cost Strategic … How To Improve Hospital Quality and Safety Sentinel Event Own Rate and National Benchmark Rate Strategic
  20. www.talkingquality.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/professionals/systems/hospital/qitoolkit/pdi/c2_pdi_prioritizationworksheetexample.pdf
    June 05, 2016 - Cost of Single Event Total Cost Cost To Implement Penalties and Incentives Proxies for Cost Strategic … How To Improve Hospital Quality and Safety Sentinel Event Own Rate and National Benchmark Rate Strategic