January 01, 2004 - directed at the later stages of decision, implementation, and confirmation have
been modest. … for understanding this process is the Rogerian model of diffusion of
innovations.5 He defines five stages … Rogers’ diffusion stages and tactics
Diffusion stages
tactics Awareness Persuasion … Users who reach this point will have passed through each of the diffusion
stages and experienced many … Of course, some users may leapfrog
over some stages.
January 07, 2005 - The framework presents three major stages in moving
research findings toward utilization:
• Knowledge … One should note that,
while the framework is portrayed as a series of stages, we do not believe that … Some of the new knowledge will
emerge from basic research in its early stages. … During the initial implementation stages, “reinvention”
often occurs. … Stages in the implementation of
innovative clinical programs in complex
November 01, 2010 - Systematic Review Protocol
Project Title: Screening for and Management of Chronic Kidney
Disease Stages … Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
There has been substantial debate regarding how best to define early stages … (2) Albuminuria stages should be added within each GFR stage (urinary ACR <30 mg/g,
30-299 mg/g … • Population(s):
- Adults (> 18 years) with CKD stages 1-3. … • Population(s):
- Adults (> 18 years) with CKD stages 1-3.
November 01, 2010 - Systematic Review Protocol
Project Title: Screening for and Management of Chronic Kidney
Disease Stages … Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
There has been substantial debate regarding how best to define early stages … (2) Albuminuria stages should be added within each GFR stage (urinary ACR <30 mg/g,
30-299 mg/g … • Population(s):
- Adults (> 18 years) with CKD stages 1-3. … • Population(s):
- Adults (> 18 years) with CKD stages 1-3.
October 11, 2018 - specificity scores of approximately 0.70 or above
Some tools that meet these criteria include:
Ages and Stages … DSF_measure_1_v4_Artifacts/DM2DSF_v4_HumanReadable.html#toc
"Diagnostic Study, Performed: Ages and Stages … Initial Office Visit, 0 to 17"
Intersection of:
Union of:
"Diagnostic Study, Performed: Ages and Stages … Initial Office Visit, 0 to 17"
Intersection of:
Union of:
"Diagnostic Study, Performed: Ages and Stages … Questionnaire (ASQ), 2 months - 5 years" using "Ages and
Stages Questionnaire (ASQ), 2 months - 5 years
October 11, 2018 - specificity scores of approximately 0.70 or above
Some tools that meet these criteria include:
Ages and Stages … DSF_measure_1_v4_Artifacts/DM2DSF_v4_HumanReadable.html#toc
"Diagnostic Study, Performed: Ages and Stages … Initial Office Visit, 0 to 17"
Intersection of:
Union of:
"Diagnostic Study, Performed: Ages and Stages … Initial Office Visit, 0 to 17"
Intersection of:
Union of:
"Diagnostic Study, Performed: Ages and Stages … Questionnaire (ASQ), 2 months - 5 years" using "Ages and
Stages Questionnaire (ASQ), 2 months - 5 years
October 11, 2018 - specificity scores of approximately 0.70 or above
Some tools that meet these criteria include:
Ages and Stages … DSF_measure_1_v4_Artifacts/DM2DSF_v4_HumanReadable.html#toc
"Diagnostic Study, Performed: Ages and Stages … Initial Office Visit, 0 to 17"
Intersection of:
Union of:
"Diagnostic Study, Performed: Ages and Stages … Initial Office Visit, 0 to 17"
Intersection of:
Union of:
"Diagnostic Study, Performed: Ages and Stages … Questionnaire (ASQ), 2 months - 5 years" using "Ages and
Stages Questionnaire (ASQ), 2 months - 5 years
October 11, 2018 - specificity scores of approximately 0.70 or above
Some tools that meet these criteria include:
Ages and Stages … DSF_measure_1_v4_Artifacts/DM2DSF_v4_HumanReadable.html#toc
"Diagnostic Study, Performed: Ages and Stages … Initial Office Visit, 0 to 17"
Intersection of:
Union of:
"Diagnostic Study, Performed: Ages and Stages … Initial Office Visit, 0 to 17"
Intersection of:
Union of:
"Diagnostic Study, Performed: Ages and Stages … Questionnaire (ASQ), 2 months - 5 years" using "Ages and
Stages Questionnaire (ASQ), 2 months - 5 years
October 11, 2018 - specificity scores of approximately 0.70 or above
Some tools that meet these criteria include:
Ages and Stages … DSF_measure_1_v4_Artifacts/DM2DSF_v4_HumanReadable.html#toc
"Diagnostic Study, Performed: Ages and Stages … Initial Office Visit, 0 to 17"
Intersection of:
Union of:
"Diagnostic Study, Performed: Ages and Stages … Initial Office Visit, 0 to 17"
Intersection of:
Union of:
"Diagnostic Study, Performed: Ages and Stages … Questionnaire (ASQ), 2 months - 5 years" using "Ages and
Stages Questionnaire (ASQ), 2 months - 5 years
October 11, 2018 - specificity scores of approximately 0.70 or above
Some tools that meet these criteria include:
Ages and Stages … DSF_measure_1_v4_Artifacts/DM2DSF_v4_HumanReadable.html#toc
"Diagnostic Study, Performed: Ages and Stages … Initial Office Visit, 0 to 17"
Intersection of:
Union of:
"Diagnostic Study, Performed: Ages and Stages … Initial Office Visit, 0 to 17"
Intersection of:
Union of:
"Diagnostic Study, Performed: Ages and Stages … Questionnaire (ASQ), 2 months - 5 years" using "Ages and
Stages Questionnaire (ASQ), 2 months - 5 years
October 11, 2018 - specificity scores of approximately 0.70 or above
Some tools that meet these criteria include:
Ages and Stages … DSF_measure_1_v4_Artifacts/DM2DSF_v4_HumanReadable.html#toc
"Diagnostic Study, Performed: Ages and Stages … Initial Office Visit, 0 to 17"
Intersection of:
Union of:
"Diagnostic Study, Performed: Ages and Stages … Initial Office Visit, 0 to 17"
Intersection of:
Union of:
"Diagnostic Study, Performed: Ages and Stages … Questionnaire (ASQ), 2 months - 5 years" using "Ages and
Stages Questionnaire (ASQ), 2 months - 5 years
October 01, 2014 - Some stakeholders suggested the reporting system be implemented in stages or tested in pilot programs … Some stakeholders suggested implementing the reporting system in stages or testing it in pilot programs
April 15, 2022 - At all stages of the CDS development lifecycle, there is a role for partnering with patients and caregivers … Co-production can
happen at all phases and stages, from defining and prioritizing research through dissemination
January 01, 2014 - Describe 4 stages of formative evaluation. … Slide 8
Four Stages of Formative Evaluation (FE) Developmental Implementation-Focused Progress-Focused … Slide 12
Interpretive Evaluation Uses data from other stages and data collected from stakeholders at … Mixed Methods (i.e., Quantitative + Qualitative) Slide 14
Stages of Formative Evaluation Flowchart … showing the stages: Pre-Implementation Developmental Identify determinants of current practice.
January 01, 2014 - Describe 4 stages of formative evaluation. … Slide 8
Four Stages of Formative Evaluation (FE) Developmental Implementation-Focused Progress-Focused … Slide 12
Interpretive Evaluation Uses data from other stages and data collected from stakeholders at … Mixed Methods (i.e., Quantitative + Qualitative) Slide 14
Stages of Formative Evaluation Flowchart … showing the stages: Pre-Implementation Developmental Identify determinants of current practice.
Event Description: This three-day in-person conference is intended for people in all stages
August 01, 2022 - Define the second-victim phenomenon and the stages of healing and recovery for second-victims. … Slide 8
The stages of healing after an unanticipated patient harm event are much … The Recovery Trajectory has six stages. … Stages 1 through 3 may occur individually or simultaneously. … Throughout all stages, individuals may experience physical and/or psychosocial symptoms.
March 15, 2017 - Although existing medication safety interventions have mainly targeted errors at individual stages of … errors), this study found that in many cases, errors occurred in an interdependent fashion at multiple stages
November 01, 2018 - Quality Measures for Consumers
The development of measures for home health is in the early stages
June 17, 2024 - Frameworks Workgroup, this two-page factsheet summarizes the current state of available standards for eight stages … Factsheet This factsheet offers a summary of the current standards and future opportunities for the eight stages