
Total Results: 2,183 records

Showing results for "stages".

    January 01, 2019 - Recruitment and Retention of Primary Care Practices in Quality Improvement Initiatives: A Toolkit Recruitment and Retention of Primary Care Practices in Quality Improvement Initiatives: A Toolkit Effectively engaging practices in a primary care quality improvement (QI) initiative, including both the initi…
    January 01, 2010 - A Clinical Assessment Program to Evaluate the Safety of Patient Care 57 A Clinical Assessment Program to Evaluate the Safety of Patient Care Richard J. Snow, Martin S. Levine, Dwain L. Harper, Sharon L. McGill, George Thomas, Joseph P. McNerney Abstract The American Osteopathic Association’s Clinical Asses…
    January 01, 2003 - The Use of Surgical Simulators to Reduce Errors 165 The Use of Surgical Simulators to Reduce Errors Marvin P. Fried, Richard Satava, Suzanne Weghorst, Anthony Gallagher, Clarence Sasaki, Douglas Ross, Mika Sinanan, Hernando Cuellar, Jose I. Uribe, Michael Zeltsan, Harman Arora Abstract The training of…
    April 01, 2003 - Lessons in Safety Climate and Safety Practices from a California Hospital Consortium 411 Lessons in Safety Climate and Safety Practices from a California Hospital Consortium Sara J. Singer, Kelly M. Dunham, Jennie D. Bowen, Jeffrey J. Geppert, David M. Gaba, Kathryn M. McDonald, Laurence C. Baker Abstract…
    April 08, 2004 - The University of Wisconsin-Madison Multidisciplinary Graduate Certificate in Patient Safety 269 The University of Wisconsin-Madison Multidisciplinary Graduate Certificate in Patient Safety Ben-Tzion Karsh, Pascale Carayon, Maureen Smith, Kathleen Skibinski, Bruce Thomadsen, Patricia Flatley Brennan, Mary Ell…
    February 19, 2008 - Creating Safety in the Testing Process in Primary Care Offices Creating Safety in the Testing Process in Primary Care Offices Nancy C. Elder, MD, MSPH; Timothy R. McEwen; John M. Flach, PhD; Jennie J. Gallimore, PhD Abstract Background: The testing process in primary care is complex, and it varies from o…
    July 01, 2023 - Implementing the SPPC-II Teamwork Toolkit Hospital AI Tea Lea SPPC‐ M m ds II Implementing the SPPC‐II Teamwork Toolkit Module 7 of 8 SPPC‐II Toolkit SCRIPT Welcome to Module 7 of the SPPC‐II Teamwork Toolkit. In this module, we’ll discuss tactics and planning for the SPPC‐II Teamwork Toolkit implement…
    July 01, 2023 - Implementing the SPPC‐II Teamwork Toolkit Hospital AIM Team Leads SPPC‐II Implementing the SPPC‐II Teamwork Toolkit Module 7 of 8 SPPC‐II Toolkit SCRIPT Welcome to Module 7 of the SPPC‐II Teamwork Toolkit. In this module, we’ll discuss tactics and planning for the SPPC‐II Teamwork Toolkit implementation…
    January 01, 2025 - Final Progress Report: Process Reliability and Organizational Learning in Home Health Care PROL IN HOME HEALTH CARE Title: Process Reliability and Organizational Learning in Home Health Care Principal Investigator and Team Members: Michael P. Silver, MPH Principal Investigator Cher Edmonds Study Coordinator Robert…
    June 09, 2020 - Protocol - Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Medicare Eligible Patients Evidence-based Practice Center Systematic Review Protocol Project Title: Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Medicare Eligible Patients I. Backgrou…
    August 01, 2017 - CHCANYS Participation Guide HealthyHearts NYC Primary Care Partnerships Advancing Heart Health Initiative CHCANYS Participation Guide [Insert Health Center Name] This research was supported by grant number 1R18HS023922-01 from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). The contents of this p…
    January 01, 2004 - The Impact of a Web-based Reporting System on the Collection of Medication Error Occurrence Data 195 The Impact of a Web-based Reporting System on the Collection of Medication Error Occurrence Data William J. Rudman, Jessica H. Bailey, Carol Hope, Paula Garrett, C. Andrew Brown Abstract This paper examin…
    November 29, 2004 - Identification, Classification, and Frequency of Medical Errors in Outpatient Diabetes Care 369 Identification, Classification, and Frequency of Medical Errors in Outpatient Diabetes Care Patrick J. O’Connor, JoAnn M. Sperl-Hillen, Paul E. Johnson, William A. Rush Abstract Objectives: Diabetes-related medic…
    January 01, 2003 - Usability Testing and the Relation of Clinical Information Systems to Patient Safety 365 Usability Testing and the Relation of Clinical Information Systems to Patient Safety Michelle L. Rogers, Emily Patterson, Roger Chapman, Marta Render Abstract Background: The success of clinical information systems depend…
    October 01, 2014 - Designing and Implementing Medicaid Disease and Care Management Programs Appendix: State Overviews (continued) Previous Page   Table of Contents Designing and Implementing Medicaid Disease and Care Management Programs Introduction Section 1: Planning a Care Management Program Section 2: Engagi…
    June 01, 2015 - teams function,22 and to identify and reduce medical errors.23 Critical Incident Technique has five stages
    March 01, 2017 - • The extent to which the measure is applicable to changes across developmental stages (e.g., infancy
    January 01, 2007 - This book illustrates Kotter’s Eight Stages of Change, a proposed set of steps to initiate and sustain
    June 01, 2017 - critical to address how to promote and disseminate your comparative quality report in the beginning stages
    January 01, 2024 - Progress toward achieving this goal is in the early stages.

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