January 01, 2012 - delivery system in Massachusetts, conducted a randomized
controlled study on the care of patients with Stages … clinical information systems to identify baseline predictors of appropriate
evaluation and treatment of Stages
January 01, 2011 - (Upcoming)
2011 Activities: The project intervention including the implementation of the Ages and Stages … Because developmental screening is
universal at three different stages in life, this study may be powered
January 01, 2019 - to a role network analysis, using Lucidchart® on-line diagramming software, one for
each of the six stages … 2 Residents
8 Yr. 3 Residents
2.2.4 Data Collection
This part of the study consisted of three stages … VTE prophylaxis is a process that involves many different people and roles at various stages of
the … both low- (admission and transfer) and
high-complexity (interruption, initiation and re-initiation) stages … The design of the PE Dx
involved several stages, including a heuristic usability evaluation.
January 01, 2020 - While errors may happen at all stages of the medication process, different tools have been developed … correctness within the medication process, and supporting information exchange by interlinking different stages
January 01, 2023 - technology is accepted and what means are available to influence this, and whether there are recognizable stages
January 01, 2020 - Exploratory and developmental research grants that support research in the early and conceptual stages
February 07, 2017 - presentation reports
our errors analysis in
back-end SR generated
documents at different
processing stages … University of Colorado Hospital (35 discharge summaries and 15
operative notes)
• Four processing stages … divided by the total number of errors.
Error Rates across
All Note Types and Stages … Error Rates across ..All Note Types and Stages. .
Errors by Semantic Type. … Across Note Stages.
Content Rearranging and Stylistic .Changes.
Error Examples. .
January 01, 2005 - north-west and west of Ireland identified 11 telemedicine services, most of which were in the early stages
January 01, 2018 - Exploratory and developmental research grants that support research in the early and conceptual stages
February 23, 2021 - First we are interested in understanding why your practice may be considering pursuing future stages … parent organization has chosen to do so
Other, please specify:
We are not planning to pursue future stages
May 27, 2015 - While the team roster should be completed in the early stages (Chapter 1) of this process, the implementation … carry out the tasks needed in the planning phases of implementation (Chapters 2-7), and in the later stages
December 01, 2019 - Successful implementation requires considering different factors at different
stages. … Many tools were in the early stages of deployment at the time of data collection. … of the CDS lifecycle or individual stages of the CDS lifecycle. … Overlapping CDS stages: Participants found it difficult to identify individual tasks within stages
because … the demarcations between the stages of design and development were not always clear.
January 01, 2008 - The implementation stages that were studied in this project, in
order of implementation are:
1. … were supplemented with several user-focused and change
management stages. … Figure 1illustrates how these stages fit in with the technical
implementation stages. … Develop Training
Technical Stages
Measure … Period
User-Focus & Change
Management Stages
Evaluation Stages
January 01, 2019 - Exploratory and developmental research grants that support research in the early and conceptual stages
January 01, 1999 - dispensing systems; 5) Comprehensive medication delivery system assuming changes were made at all four stages
January 01, 2019 - 24.0 (114)
35.8 (170)
40.2 (191)
21.9 (105)
38.3 (184)
39.8 (191)
Movement through Stages … messages to both assess a
family’s stage of vaccine decision-making as well as move them along the stages … SAMPLE AND ENROLLMENT
Outcome Measure:
Movement through Stages
January 01, 2002 - dispensing systems; 5) Comprehensive medication delivery system assuming changes were made at all four stages
April 30, 2024 - information technology usability issues contributing to medication errors across medication process stages … information technology usability issues contributing to medication errors across medication process stages
November 14, 2014 - By incorporating
dissemination strategies early in the planning stages of the evaluation, you
can achieve
January 01, 2013 - of the project are to:
• Quantify the unique and cumulative effects of differing: 1) EHR adoption stages … • Quantify the unique and cumulative effects of differing: 1) EHR adoption stages; 2)
organizational … • Quantify the unique and cumulative effects of differing: 1) EHR adoption stages; 2)
organizational … EHR adoption
stages 0-4 will be tested as defined by the EMR Adoption Model (EMRAM) scale. … The EMRAM stages measured in this study would
correspond to Meaningful Use Stages 1 and 2, thus there