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    August 01, 2011 - to 70%) will recur after treatment, with a 10% to 20% risk for the tumor to progress to the invasive stage … associated with early treatment, which may occur more frequently with greater detection of cases of early-stage … bladder cancer has been diagnosed, several fac- tors determine treatment, including tumor grade, cancer stage … One challenge of screen- ing for bladder cancer is accurately identifying cases of early-stage cancer … As noted, prospective cohort studies are needed to more accurately identify cases of early-stage cancer
    February 13, 2018 - In the UKCTOCS trial, a greater proportion of cases was identified at the localized stage (stage I) with … The overall differences by group and stage were also statistically significant when comparing localized … I and higher-stage ovarian cancer (ie, need for adjuvant radiation therapy); treatment outcomes in the … at diagnosis, with the most common type II cancers being particularly lethal regardless of stage, owing … may have microscopic metastases, because cancer cells can be present in ascites (stage Ic). 14 , 16
    May 01, 2018 - For the PSAPC and SCANS models, the benefit of screening arises from a shift to an earlier stage of … cancer (stage shift) due to screening. … Allowing the risk of progression to distant stage to be different produced higher distant-stage but … similar local- regional stage incidence projections. … ‘Distant stage’ is the cancer spread (asymptomatic) utility (0.67), therefore 0.92- 0.67=0.25.
    November 01, 2009 - Biennial versus annual mammography and the risk of late-stage breast cancer. … Mammography use, breast cancer stage at diagnosis, and survival among older women. … smaller than fatal diameter) Stage shift, age shift Stage shift, age shift Stage shift, size within … stage, age shift Effectiveness of treatment by stage and age shifts Factors affecting treatment benefits … clinically detected cases within early-stage disease.
    October 15, 2010 - Stage 2 tumors and higher are muscle-invasive. … proportion of patients with signs or symptoms suggesting bladder cancer, occupational exposures, the stage … only controlled cohort studies on screening suggest that screening might result in a shift to earlier stage … diagnosis: 43% (9 of 21) vs. 19% (99 of 511); RR, 2.2 (CI, 1.3-3.7) Muscle-invasive or higher-stage … screening for bladder cancer was associated with decreased risk for bladder cancer mortality or lower stage
    March 09, 2024 - His research interests include the management of the second stage of labor, the impact of guidelines
    May 01, 2004 - screening with serum CA-125 level or transvaginal ultrasound can detect ovarian cancer at an earlier stage … Furthermore, existing evidence that screening can detect early-stage ovarian cancer is insufficient to … abnormally elevated levels) reported that 50% of patients with ovarian cancer in the screened group were in Stage … using transvaginal ultrasound screening reported that 59% to 65% of ovarian cancers were diagnosed in Stage … I.11,12 However, there is no evidence that detecting earlier-stage tumors through screening leads to
    February 15, 2022 - Syphilis can attack the nervous system (neurosyphilis) and visual system (ocular syphilis) at any stage … appropriate for high-volume laboratories or areas where populations may be at higher risk for late-stage … Dosage and the length of treatment depend on the stage and symptoms of the infection. … Accuracy of Screening Tests and Risk Assessment Test accuracy can vary based on disease stage. … increased risk for syphilis infection by curing syphilis infection, preventing manifestations of late-stage
    July 01, 2004 - Late-stage syphilis includes gummatous, cardiovascular, and neurological complications that can lead … The preparation, dosage, and length of treatment depend on the stage and clinical manifestations of disease … and delivered non-infected infants.27 High VDRL titers at treatment and delivery, earlier maternal stage … A study of the treatment of individuals exposed to a sexual partner with early- stage syphilis compared … The CDC recommends using the penicillin regimen appropriate for the stage of syphilis, despite the lack
    February 01, 2016 - For advanced cancer outcomes, studies that reported the incidence of late-stage disease among screened … These include stage III and IV dis- ease (i.e., regional and metastatic, respectively), size 40 to 50 … Studies provided heterogeneous measures of breast cancer severity and generally reported early-stage … Biennial versus annual mammography and the risk of late-stage breast cancer. … as stage IIA or higher; size ≥50 mm is classified as stage IIB or higher. ‡ Represents the highest category
    August 03, 2020 - The goal of screening for lung cancer is to identify the cancer at an early stage so that it can be treated … Removal of part or all of the lung of patients with early stage
    July 01, 2017 - Stage or severity of disease: the selection of subjects for the study includes persons at a disease stage
    July 01, 2017 - Stage or severity of disease: the selection of subjects for the study includes persons at a disease stage
    April 01, 2001 - In the elderly, melanoma tends to be diagnosed at a later stage and is more likely to be lethal than … Screening consistently identifies melanomas that are, on average, thinner (i.e., at an earlier stage) … It is not known if this stage shift leads to decreased morbidity or mortality. … Periodic total-body skin examination can increase the detection of thin (earlier stage
    February 15, 2001 - In the elderly, melanoma tends to be diagnosed at a later stage and is more likely to be lethal than … Screening consistently identifies melanomas that are, on average, thinner (i.e., at an earlier stage) … It is not known if this stage shift leads to decreased morbidity or mortality. … Discussion Periodic total-body skin examination can increase the detection of thin (earlier stage) melanoma
    October 18, 2013 - Treatment Stage 1 hypertension in children is treated with lifestyle and pharmacological interventions
    October 01, 2010 - Stage 2 tumors and higher are muscle- invasive. … proportion of patients with signs or symptoms suggest- ing bladder cancer, occupational exposures, the stage … tar–pitch chemicals, there were nonstatistically significant trends toward a higher proportion of early-stage … screening for bladder cancer was associated with decreased risk for bladder cancer mortality or lower stage … only controlled cohort studies on screening suggest that screening might result in a shift to earlier stage
    May 31, 2016 - Dosage and route may vary depending on the stage of disease and patient characteristics.
    February 01, 2009 - Melanomas detected at a late stage have a poor prognosis.
    June 07, 2018 - Analytic Framework Abbreviations : BP = blood pressure; CVD = cardiovascular disease; ESRD = end-stage … , sudden cardiac death, stroke, heart failure, and hospitalization for coronary heart disease End-stage

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